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nice areas of columbus?


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i go to school over in wooster, and my parents are coming up from philly next weekend. i want to take them somewhere nice, and from what ive heard, columbus is the best bet. what are the best areas to go if we just want to hang out for the day and then go get a nice dinner?
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Easton...kids 16 and under aren't permitted without parents now. FTW!


Isn't that just after a certain time at night? I thought that's what I read somewhere but I don't remember.


Either way it's probably for the best, most 16 year olds can't afford to buy anything there anyways :)

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I say check out Martini if your in polaris area for good itailian food. if you want orgasmic lasigiana i would go to G Micheal's towards downtown. M's also another good restaurant downtown. those are more up scale restaurant but not to pricey and amazing food. let me know if you want more places to eat
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wow. lots of replies, thanks guys! definitely sounds like the consensus is Easton.

any good restaurants you would recommend? preferably not italian... we just moved back from italy 3 years ago, so a) ive had more than enough italian food in my life, and b) its just not the same here! maybe a good steakhouse or something?


and shopping is definitely in the plans. im planning on having the parents get me winter clothes, winters here are brutal!

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Noez! You have to tolerate someone else in a public place? Horrible, ban it.


I have no issue with people in a public place, but if you've ever been to Easton at night when the droves of adolescent kids are all over the place, blocking entrances to everything, that becomes an issue. Let's be realistic.


wow. lots of replies, thanks guys! definitely sounds like the consensus is Easton.

any good restaurants you would recommend? preferably not italian... we just moved back from italy 3 years ago, so a) ive had more than enough italian food in my life, and b) its just not the same here! maybe a good steakhouse or something?


I'm a big fan of Abuelo's at Easton. Have probably eaten there literally 50 times.




My favorite meal on their menu.



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Guest alpin3star5
cheesecake factory FTW!!! if ur not looking for italian food thats the best bet. i dont really know if there are any steakhouses up that way...but hmm a steak does sound good right now
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