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Crazy vid - even crazier posts in the thread.


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In that video she was stupid for even getting that close to him, but didnt do anything bad enough to deserve getting hit. I also want to add that the guy you are arguing with is stupid. He actually thinks its ok to hit a girl if she pushes you. I bet his sister used to beat him up when he was younger.


If he would have explained it this way I would have understood:

Reasons I have seen and heard of girls getting hit by guys...


1. Girl bites down on a guy and refuses to let go. In the end he was missing a chunk of skin.


2. pulled a knife on a guy and got punched in the face after stabbing him


3. Girlfriend grabs the steering wheel and tries to yank the car into oncoming traffic. The guy yanks the car back and barely escapes a head on crash..... This is all done with the guys 7 month old daughter in the back seat!!!!!


4. 5 girls attack 1 guy in highschool hallway.


Note: pushing is not on the list :p

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I think I'll leave it be and wait till the morning crew comes in a gives him a nice dose of reality as well.


Yeah, he really thinks its ok to hit women and keeps posting about it. This guy is ignorant as hell.


you dont understand what i said. what i was saying is if she hits you first then by all means push her. and when they try to get into fights you are in and go after you, then you defend yourself against them.


the concieted girls get verbal harm. just call them ugly or something low and break their high and mightyness.


That last sentence shows just how stupid he really is.

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