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Shit thread

El Karacho1647545492

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But I do think some men have more class then that.


Completely, 100% wrong. There is nothing guys don't talk about when there's no girls around, and the internet is the place where no one ever needs to be bashful or restrain themselves, so all is fair game.

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Going on 2 years. Its in the process of the motor being rebuilt. If porsche ever gets me the parts I need so I can finish the job.


hint: porsche will never get you the parts you need, haha.


good luck finishing it, driving those things is incredibly fun

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It kind of depends on the food I eat. My gall bladder is about to go out on me. When I eat anything that is fried in grease it seems to "run" through me. If that is the case I may be on the toilet for a wile. Eating stuff with lard in it does this too.


Otherwise I am in there for 5-10 minutes. I usually read Game Informer while shitting.

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Nothing like talking shit in the kitchen..


I'm definitely a turbo shitter. A lot of the time, I have what I like to call a "flawless victory" (aka "the clean execution") or damn near it so everything normally only takes 2-3 minutes. My digestive system is kind to me no matter what I eat.


My girlfriend probably talks about shitting more than I do too. Classy, I know.

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Ok... here is a funny story


I went to buy my 85 Elcamino SS from a guy in Illinois back in 97'. We go to the guys house and buy the car. The person that was with me has to take dump, so they ask the to use the restroom. I guess the guy with me had some major problems because the toilets get clogged bad, and stinks like a something died. Of course there is no plunger in the bathroom. So my friend ask the guy if he has a plunger.... no luck, the guy does not even own one.


So we leave the guy with a major clog in his toilet and no way to get it unclogged. On top of that is was at least 20 miles to the nearest store, he lived in the middle of nowhere.


I could tell they guy was a little hacked off about the situation.

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i got one better than that,

i used to work at best buy in the audio dep. this lady comes in (who looks like she lived in a trailor park and smelled like shit) and says that she was at wal mart and her 5 year old son took a shit all over the cd player in their car. and i said youve got to be shitting me, she replied no her son pulled down his pants and proceeded to shit all through the car and that she needed a new cd deck. i went outside to see if she wa serious and i kid you not that kid had took a dump in the car. i refused to work on it and shut the garage door to the bay

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hahahaha. well i dont know if i have one better then that but i was working vallet down at G Micheals off 3rd street and it was a monday night farely dead and around 7pm a guy rolls up in his saturn sc2. i was like sweet, i get to roll in some style. i talk to the guy and definently notice some gayness so im like great i get to sit in the car and it probably smells like strawberrys or some shit (most gay peoples car normally have smelly shit from experience vallet). I get in and emidiatly i notice a strong odor of dog shit. i start to drive and i am gaging from the smell. i look around cause the heater is on full blast at my face spraying the foul smell into my nostrils. I look at the heater and there is little shitlets all over the place. there was shit on the vents, floor, seat, radio, heater dials, the dash, the side panel. there was literally shit every where. luckly when he came back for the car, he wanted to walk with his date. i got a buck tip too, to ride in the shit mobile
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Let's see, at Panera I had one nice experience. It was close to closing time and a customer came and complained about a bad smell in the women's restroom. I went to investigate and what did I find? A woman apparently couldn't do "the move" correctly and missed. It looked like her ass exploded all over the wall, floor, toilet, everything. So like the good boss I was, I made one of my employees do the dirty work.


When my girl worked at MCL she had one weird experience that stands out. A customer got a to go container, took a shit in it, then left it on the table. I guess it was overflowing with shit and it damn near cleared the place of customers that day.

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you crack me up.....I definitely needed the laugh tonight too. :D


Like three years ago, I was on a first date and definately had to drop a fat shit. I was touching her when my stomach felt like a dryer.. set on extra dry.


Anyway, I run to the bathroom holding my butt when I finally reach what i call ground zero. Explosions, blood and joy happened on that toilet, all in a span of 15 seconds.


Then it woudln't flush. I even tried scooping some out. She came a knockin on the door and I knew I was fucked. So I jerked off to her knocking on the door and bailed out of the bathroom window.


Never saw the bitch again.

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i rember my freshman year of playing football one of the guys on line had to shit and it was in the middle of the 1st quarter and we were in white uniformes and before half he could'nt hold it any longer. he did'nt start for the next 3 games
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