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Question about fighting speeding ticket

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I got a speeding ticket in Perry township a few days ago. I got clocked at 52mph in a 35mph zone and I asked to see proof that he clocked me and he said he legally does not have to show me. Is that true or can I fight this? Also he gave me a tint ticket for 21% tint, I already received a tint ticket from Worthington about 2 weeks ago, and I told the officer I was getting the tint replaced. He still gave me a ticket for it. I thought there was a 30 day period to allow me to get my tint fixed.
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Tint tickets suck, Worthington pulled over my monte, The fucked up part is the monte is in a cops name with a cops FOP tag on it. The only reason he pulled me "My wife was driving I was riding" was window tint.


This older guy white he needs to fucking retire. Worthing is about to become the new valleyview.

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they arent legally obligated to show you shit.


you think he wants the liability of you getting creamed by a car as you guys walk back to his car to see the radar? ":rolleyes: get real.


besides that, you think he cant just lock in some speed from another car and then just say it was you? whats to prevent him from doing that? nothing.


if you want to fight it, go ahead... if you were on the freeway, and get popped, thats one thing, but why are you going 52 in a 35?

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I can afford to pay the ticket, I really just don't want to pay for a second tint ticket. As for why I was speeding... I thought it was a 45mph zone but I turned out to be wrong.


Hey guess what, going 52 in a 45 is still speeding. Pay the ticket, you earned it.

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I faught th the law with a much better case than you, there's no way you'll get anything but a bigger fine. I got a severly reduced fine when I faught, but I had a genuine case; I wasn't speeding.


Pay, and remove your window tint. ;)


they arent legally obligated to show you shit.

Actually, per the constitution and a few other Ohio laws, they kinda are. You have a righgt to view all evidence that your accusors are trying to use against you.

That said, you won't get out of squat if he zero'd the gun and can't show you. It will be word vs word, and the Judge will always side with the cop unless it's obvious that he's a tool. Mine lied repeatedly during the trial, but I had noting to disprove it but my word.

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Sounds like Billingsely road? Ya gotta know where they wait there as there are several common places. 52 on Billingsley is a bit fast for that area though. 52 on Federated is slow ;) Just watch the Circuit City lot as they wait there too.


I got a speeding ticket in Perry township a few days ago. I got clocked at 52mph in a 35mph zone and I asked to see proof that he clocked me and he said he legally does not have to show me. Is that true or can I fight this? Also he gave me a tint ticket for 21% tint, I already received a tint ticket from Worthington about 2 weeks ago, and I told the officer I was getting the tint replaced. He still gave me a ticket for it. I thought there was a 30 day period to allow me to get my tint fixed.
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according to my friend, a deputy, they are legally obligated to show you the speed on the gun......but hes a deputy......

they arent legally obligated to show you shit.


you think he wants the liability of you getting creamed by a car as you guys walk back to his car to see the radar? ":rolleyes: get real.


besides that, you think he cant just lock in some speed from another car and then just say it was you? whats to prevent him from doing that? nothing.


if you want to fight it, go ahead... if you were on the freeway, and get popped, thats one thing, but why are you going 52 in a 35?

+1, the ticket is an accusatory statement. The judge decides who's story is more believeable. Pay the ticket.

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You could try and fight it and they might throw out the tint ticket however that is a non-moving violation. You would probably get max fine on the speeding ticket but might get lucky and have the tint ticket thrown out.


Good luck and slow down it'll save ya some $

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out of my experience i suggest go to the police office and ask for an exstractment(W.E. its called/police report). this will tell you everything the cops know. my luck was i got pulled over by a patty wagon. i fought it because i found out the cop clocked me using his speedometer. he said i was going 80 something but realy the cop could of speed up to me to get the speed he got. i settled the case for a no points violation and took a shitty class.


also my roommate got clocked for going 73 in a 55 when she was going 60ish and the guy beside her flew by her going around 70ish she said so yes it is capable the cop clocked the wrong person. theres always chances to fight these things. another way to get off the hook is to have the cop not show up.


the tint i believe is for one county 30days. you move to a new county and start driving then its a diff story(not completly sure on this one)

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Go to your court date and just try and plea with the judge on the points. Maybe you can get them taken off, but still pay. Thats 4 points for your ticket



no the speeding ticket is a 2points violation and the tint is a equipent violation (no points).

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