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Fucking BITCHES!


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First mistake is trying to be the nice guy, as soon as you try to be the nice guy you are 100% locked into the friend zone. Gotta be that guy that she wants. I personally would of told her that she deserves to be fired and she sucked at her job. Then I would take my next paycheck after she got fired, jerk off all over it and then take a pic and send it to her with a card saying

"Haha, I still have my job and I can jerk off on to my paycheck cause I'M RICH BITCH.."



Guaranteed she would be melted butter in your hands the next weekend..


What's your fetish w/ roping on papers and taking pictures of it?


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First mistake is trying to be the nice guy, as soon as you try to be the nice guy you are 100% locked into the friend zone. Gotta be that guy that she wants. I personally would of told her that she deserves to be fired and she sucked at her job. Then I would take my next paycheck after she got fired, jerk off all over it and then take a pic and send it to her with a card saying

"Haha, I still have my job and I can jerk off on to my paycheck cause I'M RICH BITCH.."



Guaranteed she would be melted butter in your hands the next weekend..



then she will really think your a fucking weird ass but try it and see what happens

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I learned many many times that... nice guys finish LAST yes.

You seriously have to be a dick head to get a girls attention.. then when shes hooked you can be your natural self.


But I find this only works with chicks under 30 ;) After that age they tend to not want that cocky, prick asshole type.. they actually do want a nice guy because they were treated like dirty ho's their whole life! :D


Sam said it rite, should have made fun of her, would have gotten you farther.

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But I find this only works with chicks under 30 ;) After that age they tend to not want that cocky, prick asshole type.. they actually do want a nice guy because they were treated like dirty ho's their whole life! :D


Yeah, but then once the nice guy comes along, they put up a "wall". They feel that you are too nice and something very bad is going to happen. Everything bad that has happened to them in their past, is held against you, even though you have never treated them bad in any way. Damn, I hate that fucking wall!!

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Guest hotrodmama024
I guess you guys are looking for the wrong women then. I like a bad ass, but not one at home or treats you like shit. A good back bone is always a plus... but we all want the sweet thoughtful man too!
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She called. I am definitely stuck in the friend zone. Which is cool. I only wanted a phone call. I got what I wanted.





If all you wanted to be in is in the friend zone you would not of had done the things you did. Sadly we now live in a age where the dicks, assholes or the idiots that have no job seem to get all the hot girls or at least that is what I am runnin into right now. Girls dont want a goodie type guy until they get older so just remember, the more you act like she doesnt matter the more she will be attached.

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"The Friend Zone". Chapter 5: Section 3:


Ask her what day she is free next week. Pick her up from her house and do something she wants to do. Turn on the wit and charm and make her forget that she was fired. Repeat this step 3 times. On the fourth time (which should be in January) invite her over to watch a dvd. By this point in time she should trust you. While she is over be a complete and total gentleman (unless she shows up all made up in a skanky outfit. If she took the time to do that she probably put on matching underwear too... if you get my drift). After this wait 2 weeks then see if you can get her to cook you dinner. This will put her in a comfort zone because she is in her own place. From there eat dinner and drink a little wine. When she goes to rinse the plates off in the sink walk up behind her, place your hands on her hips, and whisper "thank you for dinner" in her ear. If she likes you (or is horny) she will lean her head in the opposite direction giving you free reign to her neck. Or she might say you're welcome in a sexy voice, or turn around to make eye contact with you....

If she doesnt you are a stuck in the friend zone forever, and you just wasted 2 months of your life!

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"The Friend Zone". Chapter 5: Section 3:


Ask her what day she is free next week. Pick her up from her house and do something she wants to do. Turn on the wit and charm and make her forget that she was fired. Repeat this step 3 times. On the fourth time (which should be in January) invite her over to watch a dvd. By this point in time she should trust you. While she is over be a complete and total gentleman (unless she shows up all made up in a skanky outfit. If she took the time to do that she probably put on matching underwear too... if you get my drift). After this wait 2 weeks then see if you can get her to cook you dinner. This will put her in a comfort zone because she is in her own place. From there eat dinner and drink a little wine. When she goes to rinse the plates off in the sink walk up behind her, place your hands on her hips, and whisper "thank you for dinner" in her ear. If she likes you (or is horny) she will lean her head in the opposite direction giving you free reign to her neck. Or she might say you're welcome in a sexy voice, or turn around to make eye contact with you....

If she doesnt you are a stuck in the friend zone forever, and you just wasted 2 months of your life!


OR.... you can pull our your junk, put it in her palm and say,"so what do you think about that?"


If she screams... time to move on. If she grinns, moans and decides to have a meat-stick sandwich... SHES A KEEPER!

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I get an address on her, Jackson


How did you get the address??? ROFL




Here's what you should do. Now that you have her address go to her house tonight. Sit in her driveway for about 10 mins leaving your car running. Then start honking you horn, get out of the car and punch you hood a couple times. Wait for about 5 more mins, get back out and yell "NOW I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE". Then take off spinning the tires.


That will give her something to think about.

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