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Wii owners opinions needed


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My wife thinks that she wants a Wii for Christmas. I would like some opinions before making the plunge.


I've played one BRIEFLY, and it was pretty fun even though you eventually realize that you only need to make small wrist movements and not the full arm swinging motions they would have you believe on the commercials.


My main question is....are you still happy with it? How long have you had it, and did some of the fun factor wear off? One of my main concerns is whether or not i'll remain interested in it long term since all of the games seem a bit "kiddie" oriented.


I've never been a big first person shooter gamer (well...not since GoldenEye anyway), but I have always liked mature oriented games.


2nd part of the question is that if I do decide to take the plunge, what else do I need to get with the system? I realize that everybody offers "bundles" but they seem to offer a bunch of crap I wouldn't use. I would assume that I'd want 4 remotes, but how many nunchucks would I want? Other than stuff like DDR would I need specific controllers for specific games? There's so much crap out there that it makes your head spin.



I also realize that there are some challenges buying just the system but I seem to have a line on an availability to get what i want.

mods, if this in the wrong section please feel free to move.

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I have one. It is the only gaming system that is fun for 5 year olds and 70 year olds. My Parents even played it!!!! And actgualy had fun doing it!!!


Game-wise, we have Wii Sports and Wii Play. Both good games for all ages. Another fun mindless game is WarioWare: Smooth Moves.


Like anything, the shooting games just take getting used to the controls.


If I had to buy mine again, I would.





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thanks for the quick response.


Are wii play and sports that different? They kinda sounded like the same thing to me?


I do agree that the appeal seems to be that almost anyone can jump in a play without being intimidated, so it'd be really fun to have when family/friends come over.


I guess I was thinking of playing MarioParty when I was thinking of 4 controllers since I think everybody would need one for the mini games.


Do you have a nunchuck? Do you need it specifically to play some games, or does it just help?


also, does the wiimote already have 2 parts to play games like boxing? or is that another bought attachment?

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thanks for the quick response.


Are wii play and sports that different? They kinda sounded like the same thing to me? Kinda the same, but different. Just get them both :D


I do agree that the appeal seems to be that almost anyone can jump in a play without being intimidated, so it'd be really fun to have when family/friends come over.


I guess I was thinking of playing MarioParty when I was thinking of 4 controllers since I think everybody would need one for the mini games.


Do you have a nunchuck? Do you need it specifically to play some games, or does it just help? Yup, I have 2 Wiimotes, and 2 Nunchucks. They are required from some games (Boxing), but unused on others (Bolwing).


also, does the wiimote already have 2 parts to play games like boxing? or is that another bought attachment? Wiimote in 1 hand, nunchuck in the other





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also, I guess I should ask which games to get if I do buy one?


I'd consider marioparty, sports, and raymonds raving rabits since they look like fun multiplayer games.


That is all up to you. :D


I like the family / friend games. I use the Wii for guest entertainment, and leave the video games for the other consoles.


If you get one, rent a few titles BEFORE you buy them. I learned that loooooooong ago, and it is even more true w/ the Wii.



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I got mine in February, played it everyday until April then haven't used it until yesterday. I let my nephew borrow from July up til yesterday.


The main reason I lost interest was the lack of decent games. They all seem to be oriented to children. I'm honestly thinking of selling mine.


Wii sports is fun, Wii play is worth buying only for the wiimote.


Unless you will always be playing it with 4 people, I would get a total of 2 wiimotes, and 2 nunchucks.


I'll tell you, its really fun in a family party type setting, easy for anyone to play, but it gets boring when playing solo.

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thanks for the replies. I've been worried about if I'd play it or not on my own. I know it'll be kickass in a party setting.


I guess one of the things that I liked about it was the ability to play some games that actually aren't that deep an involving. I don't really have 3 hours to sit down and play games every day like I used to. But on that same edge, I also wonder if that'll eventually lose my attention. I guess if I don't like it, there's enough of a demand that I can sell it for pretty close to what I bought it for.

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I got mine this past summer. I am not a big gamer, so it works out great for me since I can pick it up, play for a while and can sit it down with no problems. It is true the games are not that involved, but that makes it great when you only have a little to play.


Of course Wii Sports comes free with the system and is a great fun game to get use to the system. Wii Play is like a continuation of Wii Sports and comes with a free remote controller. It has many more mini games and they are not as sport orientated.


I have for mine, MarioParty 8, Excite Truck, Sonic, and Guitar Hero 3. Mario Party is really only fun when you have all 4 players. Luckly our friends that we hang out a lot with also have a Wii so they just bring over there remotes and we are golden. I am off course a big Guitar Hero fan so I like it as well.

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Wii sports is kinda simple, but still fun. Bowling and golf are my favorite. Wii play is kinda dumb, but since it is only an extra $10 more than a second controller (it comes packaged with one), it is worth it.


The only other game I have is Metroid Prime 3. I don't play video games a lot, but the "novelty" of the Wii certainly hasn't worn off. There aren't a lot of great games for "hardcore" gamers out there now, but there will be as programmers learn what they can and can't do with the controllers.


Where Wii really excels is playing with other people, either with families or at parties. Games like Mario Party and Wii sports are simple and fun enough for everybody to enjoy. Even my gf's parents thought Wii bowling was fun.


And the best part that hasn't been mentioned yet is that you can download a bunch of the old Nintendo games for like $5/each:



As for accessories, I would definitely recommend some rechargeable batteries. The controllers take 2 AAs each, and the will suck through regular alkalines like there is no tomorrow.

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It's fun if you're a brainless stoner who has just enough mental capacity to hit two buttons. I played mario party and got bored after 10 minutes, it's just such a kid's system. Also the controllers suck unless you have a huge tv otherwise it's sometimes hard to tell what you're doing.



Yes my mother and father are such stoners. ..... Its a fun system have a drink sit back with a group of friends and have fun. Go back to banging your stripper girlfriend.



Mario party is for just that a PARTY meaning 3-4 people at the least.

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i havent played mine very much, but its because ive been really busy with school and stuff and just dont get much time to play that or the 360. when i do get time to play i enjoy it though.


id get the wii play game simply for the fact that you get an extra wiimote with it. another wiimote is like 40 bucks i think. the game is 50, so look at it as getting a game for 10 bucks :)


i dont think there are as many high profile games for the wii, but ive liked every game ive played on it so far.


the wii is for people of all ages too.


PLUS you can download and play NES, SNES, N64, genesis, neo geo and tg16 games on it too.


i got a 360, because there are way more sweet games for the 360, but i dont think ive played a bad wii game yet.


PS: if you get bored with mario party, then you're doing it wrong. add alcohol. it makes a GREAT drinking game.

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