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What the heck happen to Oregon?


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So someone run down where we stand in the national championship hopes I think I lost track. We should be two or three correct?


When the BCS rankings are released, OSU should be #3, behind Missouri at #1 and West Virginia at #2. As noted already in this thread, OSU will need Missouri to get beat by Oklahoma OR West Virginia to get beat by Pitt in order to slide into the championship game. IMO, it's unlikely that WVU will get beat by Pitt, though OU has a very legitimate shot of beating Missouri (again).


If Missouri beats Oklahoma and WVU beats Pitt, then OSU will play in the Rose Bowl - against (probably) USC.

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which would be rather intresting but i think mizzo will loose to oklahoma , but what happens if both wvu and mizzo losses? georgia cant be in the natl champ. hey arent even playing for the sec title. input?


LOL, I know, it's ridiculous to think that Georgia could play in the national championship game without even playing in the SEC championship game, but, under the "doomsday scenario" - in which both Missouri AND WVU lose, I believe it would be OSU and Georgia in the national title game. Again, I think it's ridiculous, but feasible.

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All those SEC fans had a shit fit when there was a chance michigan would go to the NC game last year. You can't go to the NC game unless you win your conference, that was pretty much what everyone laid down last year. So, doomsday scenario, we play Hawaii haha
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