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Hillary Clinton CANNOT be Secretary of State!!!


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Ask the 95%+ of American blacks that voted for Obama

what about the 88% majority that voted for kerry in 2004? or 90% for gore in 2000? or around 85% for clinton both times? or 86% for dukakis or 90% for mondale?

hey wait, im starting to see a trend here :rolleyes:

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what about the 88% majority that voted for kerry in 2004? or 90% for gore in 2000? or around 85% for clinton both times? or 86% for dukakis or 90% for mondale?

hey wait, im starting to see a trend here :rolleyes:

I'm going to assume that's "different" to him.

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what about the 88% majority that voted for kerry in 2004? or 90% for gore in 2000? or around 85% for clinton both times? or 86% for dukakis or 90% for mondale?

hey wait, im starting to see a trend here :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'm seeing a trend here too.

You're numbers are fucked. If you really believe those numbers, I suggest you run....quickly to Canada.

We dont want you and your tinfoil hat here.

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why are they fucked?


Jesus fucking christ.

Lets start with your numbers for Kerry. You said "the 88% majority that voted for John Kerry" what are you referring to? The percentage of the popular vote that he received?

Explain that one first, then we'll move on to the others.

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those numbers are for black voters. i guess i should have clarified and said "the 88% majority of black voters"

88% of black voters in 2004 (which comprise 13% of the electorate) voted for john kerry.

Edited by John
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those numbers are for black voters. i guess i should have clarified and said "the 88% majority of black voters"

88% of black voters in 2004 (which comprise 13% of the electorate) voted for john kerry.

Ok, so 88% of black voters voted democrat in the 2004 election. I'm going to assume that the rest of your numbers refer to the percentage of blacks that voted for the other candidates.

I'm guessing that it was higher than that for OBama, only because he's half black.

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yes, all of those numbers refer specifically to black voters.

the post i quoted said 95% of blacks voted for obama... and per the post that it quoted, seemed to imply that they were voting for obama because he was black. i was pointing out that blacks always overwhelmingly vote democratic. the highest percent of the black vote any republican has ever gotten is 18% for mcgovern in 72. its possible that it was higher in a previous year, but they didnt start keeping track of this stuff until the late 1960s.

95% is the highest its ever been. twice it was at 90% democratic. 2000 and 1984.

now i guess you could contend that the extra 5% of blacks voted for obama because of his race, but i dont know if i buy it...

in 2000 bush got 8% of the black vote. mccain got 4% this year... maybe half of the black republicans didnt like mccain, or were unhappy with the current state of their party? 9% of republicans (of any race) voted for obama this year, compared with 6% the year before.

also when you consider that 17% of people who voted republican in 2004 (of any race) voted democrat this year, it seems more likely that the 5% bump in blacks who voted for obama was due to disillusionment with the republican party.

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I think Todd lost all his legitimacy with the "Sarah Palin is qualified" crack. I'm w/ Putty.

I disagree.

She has served as the governor of a state, the mayor of a city, and held several other positions within the state government.

I think that qualifies her to be the Vice President.

You lost all your credibility when you tried to tell everyone how much money was too much.

Really dude, if all you can do is sling a personal attack as opposed to adding something to the discussion, fuck off

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Speaking of personal attacks:

If you'd read my earlier thread, you'd know I'm not having much success viewing streaming video on my current computer. I don't really think I missed much because once Carlin got past the 7 words you can't say on television, I didn't really find his hippy culture comedy all that funny.

Anyway, you obviously think she wasn't qualified. Care to share how you formed that opinion?

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Anyway, you obviously think she wasn't qualified. Care to share how you formed that opinion?

Damn, cause that video is really good... and it was funny for the first 3 times I heard it before WMMS started playing the crap out if it.

Anyway, I don't think I'm the only one with that opinion. The GOP themselves came out about what a dumbass she was as soon as the election was lost. It's a shame you can't see videos. Hell, you know it's bad when Faux news reports on it.


Bridge to nowhere inside her head... and how about the last news conference with the Turkey slaughter in the background? Hilarious, especially since she had just given the 'Alaskan pardon' to one of the Toms. That's just how clueless she is. Did you see ANY of her interviews with Katie Couric and the "gotcha media"? :rolleyes: This is the same lady that believes dinosaurs and man existed at the same time.


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I'm Hillary the ain't I am, Hillary the ain't I am I am

I got shaft'd by Billary before

he's shafted many times before

and every one was a misery

I willn't have a SecState of the land

I'm Hillary the ain't, I'm Hillary

Hillary the ain't I am...

(second verse same as the first a little bit louder and a little bit worst)

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Bridge to nowhere inside her head... and how about the last news conference with the Turkey slaughter in the background? Hilarious, especially since she had just given the 'Alaskan pardon' to one of the Toms. That's just how clueless she is. Did you see ANY of her interviews with Katie Couric and the "gotcha media"? :rolleyes: This is the same lady that believes dinosaurs and man existed at the same time.

And we all know Obama didn't show his ass on the campaign trail :rolleyes:

How about these:

“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 States "


In front of a roaring Sioux Falls, South Dakota audience, Obama exulted: “Thank you Sioux City…I said it wrong. I’ve been in Iowa for too long. I’m sorry.”

yeah...he's a genius all right.

Don't even get me started on Biden.

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Wait, so you're comparing TWO gaffes from Obama (which were corrected and explained by Obama) to a campaign full of idiocy and ignorance from Palin?

Yea, totally the same thing.

So, because he "corrected" himself after saying them cancels them out?

I only listed two, but there are PLENTY more. Search for them yourself.

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