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norovirus, who's had it?


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you talking about the norwalk virus from last year? if so i had that last year, it is really really bad. You are usually producing fluid out of both ends of your body. and it lasts a few days. unfortunately i did not get any pain medicine or anything.


Yes. Phenergan is not a pain med, it's an anti-neausia medication that makes you sleep. And I feel for you not having it.

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I had something yesterday, I seriously thought I was going to die. It started Saturday night and lasted until this morning, well my head still hurts a little but I'm MUCH better. I was throwing up every five minutes, I couldn't even keep WATER down, let alone a bite of toast or anything, seriously, I'd be puking, try to wash my mouth out with water and 3 seconds later puke that up, it was BAD. I was nauseous and everything all day, I hate feeling like that. I slept more yesterday than I think I have in the past week.
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