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It's snowing!!!

Chad is Dead

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These are a good bit more expensive than sand, but mighty handy:



I almost bought a 2WD truck recently and one of those was definately on the list. In the end, I couldn't part with the Cherokee Type R B-Spec :)

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45 minutes one way from Sawmill, Just south of 270 to Powell Road where my kids are in school. Damn light at Sawmill and 270 is timed to only let 4 cars go through, so then 2-3 cars run the red light and get stuck in the intersection and fuck it up for everyone :finger: :doh:


Took Summitview over to Smokey Row on the way back.....clear sailing. Everyone is on Sawmill. 1/2 the time, 20 minutes to get back home.


IMO Columbus road crews suck or are under staffed. Powell, Liberty Township, etc...have their roads down to bare road. Makes the extra taxes worth it on days like today.

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Cincinnati has a few more hills than up here. I do agree that area sucks. My family is from just across the river in Bellview and Dayton.

Granted, but these accidents weren't on hills, or neccesarily from not knowing the "snow dynamic". It was people pulling stupid shit that would be stupid in the dry. :)

Not counting today, I saw more commute-accidents in my 6 months down here than i did in my 10 years on Columbus, and my trip isn't any longer. I'd rather try to fly through the Oort cloud.

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Christian's tried and tested 10-step process for a snow day.


1. Go open garage door.


2. Stand out in driveway and blankly look around for 5 minutes.


3. Place bet with neighbor on how far I'll get.


4. Shake head and head back in to start car.


5. Get in car, start laughing.


6. Back car out halfway down driveway. Get stuck. (Note that I'm actually stuck going downhill.)


7. Nail the distance! I win bet.


8. Get out of car, dig snow out from tires.


9. Pull car back into garage.


10. Borrow neighbor's truck.

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I just had my Ram out for the first time since I've been home yesterday. I come out of Nyohs last night at 2:30am and there is 2 inches and falling hard. I have never had my truck in the snow since I have a winter beater and I forgot for a minute that I even had 4 wheel drive. My nittos dont do well in the snow being that they are so wide and their givin tread design. It took me well over an hour to get home. Im mostly just pissed I got salt on my truck and on my rims.
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