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Fucking women, do they every quit?


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dude, if Adultry isn't a concern of yours then honestly, why are you with her? how could you marry someone that shares a bed with another man? this I will never understand.


Leave her, honestly, neither one of you are ready for a committed relationship.

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Damn... Not really what i wanted to hear, but probably what i need to hear. Obviously, i do want to find a way to get past it, that is showing through in my posts, so ill just say it. I will also add that the fact that she fucked around isn't what has me ready to leave, i'm a realist when it comes to that shit, and the rule has always been come home and be honest. Ive fucked other girls, she has to, and a few guys, and its always been cool. we have always had a somewhat open relationship. so i guess keep that in mind. I'll add this in, i was gone for a year while alot of this happened, not all or it, but 75% happened while i was gone.


Bottom line, The sex isnt whats got me pissed, the lying and the deception are.


Im WAY confused. Sex is usually the breaking point for most but if you have an understanding and an open relationship then what could be so bad, what could've went so wrong? I dont know. Im an optimist and even I will admit its going to be hard to find another woman that would be interested in a similar situation as you have now. Then again, in situations like this you cant think like that. You cant say 'well who else could be as good or better than she is'. I still say leave her but im single so dont listen to me :)

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Ill say sorry now, i'm drunkl and hve been most of the day, and i re read this and it jumps back and foruth i dont make much sense to myself lol. yes, semi op[en relationship, but we always had to be completely honest and open with each other, no forming outside relationships blah blah blah. i guess relly this is what i get for thinking it could work like thagt, but it went to shit. i suck at relationships lol, i dunno what ill do. But can someone plese delete this, i dont know whay i posted this shit up to begin wioth...


Thanks for the advice guys, i'm more then likely going to try and find a way to turn this into a normal rlationship as thats the only thing left to try to save this shit. i talked to that thearpist and she was amazed it lasted this long before it went to shit. ill give it a month or 2 and if we cant salvage it, i'm out...

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There is someone for everyone.



If this situation/girl are not up to your standards then flip and dip. If you aren't holding aspects in your life to a certain standard you are wasting your fucking time. This is one of those things.

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Well that's character, and well character in people doesn't change much. It's who they are. If you stay you will deal with this again.


QFT. She will do this again. If is she is caught again, who knows. But, she will do this again. There will be a wall if you do get back together and that will eventually tear the relationship down. Cut free now.

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Guest RoundIIRacing
Ill say sorry now, i'm drunkl and hve been most of the day, and i re read this and it jumps back and foruth i dont make much sense to myself lol. yes, semi op[en relationship, but we always had to be completely honest and open with each other, no forming outside relationships blah blah blah. i guess relly this is what i get for thinking it could work like thagt, but it went to shit. i suck at relationships lol, i dunno what ill do. But can someone plese delete this, i dont know whay i posted this shit up to begin wioth...


Thanks for the advice guys, i'm more then likely going to try and find a way to turn this into a normal rlationship as thats the only thing left to try to save this shit. i talked to that thearpist and she was amazed it lasted this long before it went to shit. ill give it a month or 2 and if we cant salvage it, i'm out...

Matt,she done turned you into an alcaholic,get the hell out of the house,come on down to the shop,and work on that damn mustang project of yours!

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Matt,she done turned you into an alcaholic,get the hell out of the house,come on down to the shop,and work on that damn mustang project of yours!


Thagnks, i may do that. Oh yea time line on that car extenrded till aprail or may. Illl see what i got going on, on top of this i'm still trying to get shits ready to move on friday. But dam itz slightely fun being an alky, migt try it more ofton.

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Thagnks, i may do that. Oh yea time line on that car extenrded till aprail or may. Illl see what i got going on, on top of this i'm still trying to get shits ready to move on friday. But dam itz slightely fun being an alky, migt try it more ofton.

No it's fun to be a DRUNK. Alcoholics go to meetings and tell people their feelings. Drunks have fun and lots of it.

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Final thing to add, this girl saved my ass from getting locked up over some dumb shit back in the day, before i even new her really, and she has always had my back no matter how fucked up things have been between us, and thats hard as hell to find, and a major reason why i dont want to leave yet...


Don't make excuses for her and guess what...she'll do it again. If you stay with her, you'll never get over it but you can get over her.


If there are kid's involved it's a different story. One of my Grandpa's last words was he never really loved my Grandma as a Wife because she had cheated on him years ago and stayed with her for the kids. Hell of a man if you ask me.

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Guest hotrodmama024
A women isnt worth having an alcohol problem over. You deserve and can get better then that. You boys and the women you pick today. Have you guys noticed the hotter they are they more pysho?
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A women isnt worth having an alcohol problem over. You deserve and can get better then that. You boys and the women you pick today. Have you guys noticed the hotter they are they more pysho?


i agree.. you guys dont know a good woman when you see one. it amazes me people will deal with such bullshit for a hot peace of ass...

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No but there is a big space between ugly and smokin... dont you think?



I agree to a point, but even when some men to find women attractive( even though they may not be smoking by todays standards) they want nothing to do with that guy or guys in general



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