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Anyone else love HD quality


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yes, the video quality is identical


As in HD-DVD? I would assume, I only have a blu ray player, thought about getting the HD player add-on for the 360 but will wait to see which format will be the one that continues.


and you are going to be waiting for a while on that

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No shit, I wish that could be decided. It's crazy that only Toshiba makes the HD-DVD players. I want a Toshiba HD-A30 but it is a bit high right now. I am hoping after Xmas it drops in price.


I don't think Sony can win this battle either. With Kmart and Wal-Mart opting for not selling blue-Ray palyers or movies anymore and given Sony's track record with failed technologies (laser Disk, Mini disk, ect..) Sony will lose. Not to mention the porn industry adopting HD-DVD. There may be too much detail in HD porn......

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My home theater is one thing I'm a little obsesed with. I've had HD service since WOW first offered it. First a Panasonic 48" LCD, to a 50" Samsung Plasma and now a Mitsu 57" DLP 1080p I purchased about a year ago.


It's not just the picture that is amazing with HD, it's the sound as well. I have a Onkyo based system with Bose Surround and a Velodyne 12" Sub. There are so many frequencies you can't hear but feel. It's cool.

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The HD stuff is amazing, now that BSG is coming to HD-DVD I will be purchasing a 360 and hd tv very soon.


I wouldn't worry too much about the format war, by the time it's decided everything will be headed to digital media, aside from downloading people will probably be renting usb drives with movies on them or something of the like. Until then I think HD-DVD will likely win out just like the old VHS vs. BETA wars.

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I think Blue Ray will win, but I won't buy either format until the burners and media become cheap.


I see more available Blue Ray discs, and retailers like Best Buy seem to carry a lot more Blue Ray, and Blockbuster seems to carry a lot more as well. As far a technology goes, Blue Ray is more advanced and holds more data.

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I think Blue Ray will win, but I won't buy either format until the burners and media become cheap.


I see more available Blue Ray discs, and retailers like Best Buy seem to carry a lot more Blue Ray, and Blockbuster seems to carry a lot more as well. As far a technology goes, Blue Ray is more advanced and holds more data.



I agree.. Plus I do believe the last stat that came out for the holiday shopping season, 3 out of 4 purchased in HD format are Blu Ray.

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I love it too, but; I wish broadcasters would catch up with the demand. Only 10 or so channels on cable is frustrating, especially when they show things I couldn't care less to see in HD. American Chopper and Wedding Make over shows on Discovery HD, while they show Planet Earth on the standard Discovery channel is pissing me off.


Living in a condo means no dish for me (continuity rules). I might just gamble and choose a format.




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I don't bother with cable HD for the reason's Pikey listed, I can't justify spending the extra money when I'll never watch the channels offered. However, I just discovered HD movie rentals through XBOX live. I watched Transformers in HD two nights ago, WOW it looked good.
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I do too. I just picked up a second player today. I have a nice Panasonic....go figure...in my family room with the 50" and then today added a great little Samsung Blueray player from CC for only $299. It will be used in the bedroom on the 42". Prices are really coming down.


CC was good to me today....also picked up an open box 7.1 Surround Sound Onkyo today too. Even got it all hooked up before the wife comes home and notices :D


I think Blue Ray will win, but I won't buy either format until the burners and media become cheap.


I see more available Blue Ray discs, and retailers like Best Buy seem to carry a lot more Blue Ray, and Blockbuster seems to carry a lot more as well. As far a technology goes, Blue Ray is more advanced and holds more data.

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