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Who's working?


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Im pretty sure I made a thread like this the day before thanksgiving too.


Who's stuck at work today?


My job is pretty dependant on customer interaction. Most of my customer's are mid-size companies that often take days like this off, therefore.... Im stuck at work playing tower defense all day. Sweet.

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my wife had to work today and she's pissed (Chase Mortgage dept.)

happy that she got back on with Columbia Gas after the new year though!


Yeah I work at McCoy, my mom use to work in the same general area as your wife. Sucks we have to be here but our management is really cool about it. Some of the department is allowed to leave at 3 as long as all their work is done. My immediate supervisor is cool and most likely will let me get out of here earlier than usual. Just goes to show the management above you can make all the difference in a job.

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Working from home; probably until 4-ish.


By working at home, I've also wrapped presents, watched a movie, surfed the net, burned DVD's, took a shower, had lunch, and am about to pack up the Avalanche for the trip to Grandma's after I'm done working.


Hard work, I know. Ehh, I have to field a short phone call/text message from some techs in the field, and assign some work out, but that's not a big deal.

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I am happily stuck at work. Double time and half for me being here, the other bonus is not having to be around family members I dont care to see.


Thankfully Im not in that position. I love spending time with my family but we're all pretty close. Then again if Im going to be stuck at work I'd much rather be making double time and a half then my regular 40hours. oh well.

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Working from home; probably until 4-ish.


By working at home, I've also wrapped presents, watched a movie, surfed the net, burned DVD's, took a shower, had lunch, and am about to pack up the Avalanche for the trip to Grandma's after I'm done working.


Hard work, I know. Ehh, I have to field a short phone call/text message from some techs in the field, and assign some work out, but that's not a big deal.


Brag much? Asshole! ;-)

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I "worked" from 5:30AM to 12:00PM today and did pretty much NOTHING!


I should have not went in at all but I want next week off so I went in so I didn't get nabbed with the well you had off last week.


By "worked" I mean we watched movies browsed the web talked to people etc....

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