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Cops called for Answering my Door !


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Not sure about all of you, but Sunday nights in my house at 9:20pm aren't exactly times when I just openly answer the door when the bell rings. Especially if there's no one expected. Even my neighborhood friends will call first before just popping over.


So last night, my son is playing on the computer, wife and daughter are in the bath and I'm on the couch, the bell rings. Dogs go nuts and not like it's just the pizza guy kind of bark. Even our female boxer, Jasmine, who just had surgery Friday was going nuts.


Our door has a small window and I see three males and a couple various types of OSU Jackets. Let's just say, they didn't fit my area nor did they look familiar. :nono:


Next I told my son to go upstairs with mommy in a stern voice and he did so rather promptly. Let's just say I keep a nice firearm loaded and within my reach in a secret place (locked of course but easily unlocked) and not being to seem paranoid, I took it in hand pointed downward. :o


I waved them on as if I wasn't interested, etc...but they continued to ring my bell. I then yelled "no thank you" and waved them off again. Mind you, I don't mean to seem rude, but then they proceeded to knock loud, which pissed me off. :mad:


My wife yells down what's going on and I say there are some guys at the door and to sit tight and to keep the kids in the bathroom. That didn't sit well with her and actually, not me either.


I then proceed to open the door and made damn sure they saw the gun in my hand gripped firmly but down at my side in a non-threatening manner. I didn't open the storm door which was locked and never during the incident did the gun point anywhere but downward. The dogs were pretty attentive and letting them know they weren't wanted at the door either.


I proceeded to firmly state that I'm not interested in whatever they have and that they should not be going door to door late in the evening. Two of the guys stepped right off the porch and started walking away. One of them proceeded to asked why I was blowing them off and started ranting a bit about what my problem is.


At that point, my wife is in the upstairs looking over the balcony seeing what's going on and getting nervous with the situation. I wasn't too concerned, but told him that if he doesn't leave, I will call the cops.


He finally steps off while continuing to bitch. My wife who has since come downstairs hands me the phone from off to the side as not to be seen in her robe.


She insisted that she call the cops and have these suspicious guys checked out. I agreed that if she wanted to do that then go ahead. I'm more inclined to watch them and leave it go, but she's a strong willed person and did so. :rolleyes: That's fine. I wasn't against it.


About 10 minutes go by and after things settle a bit, the cops come to my door and a long story trying to be made short, tell me the guys called the cops on me for answering my door with a gun. :wtf:


In the end, the cops dismissed it, check out my gun and gave me a 2 minute infomercial on gun safety, home protection, etc...cool...just doing their job I suppose. They said the guys didn't want to come make a scene but rather called it in from a cell phone and hung up providing no additional information. They in did hear of my wifes call to them as well and figured they better check it out. Especially since there was a firearm involved.


The whole situation is a bit unsettling, but in worked out I suppose. We are in a pretty good area of town but one can never be too careful IMO. I'll be on edge for a while though.


Sorry to go on a rant, but I'm curious as to what you would have done?

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I have no clue. They sure where selling any candy or anything as I did scan them to see if they were carrying anything. Nada...zip, not even a clipboard in sight. 99% of the time, I know the kids coming to my door and even when the occasional dark night is upon us, it's early say 5-7pm and the dad or parent is with them.


Given the way the scene unfolded, I wasn't about to ask. Perhaps I was a bit blunt, but to ring my bell twice and then pound....that's beyond acceptable. :mad:


Even when it's someone I don't recognize they aren't usually 3 guys deep and so late at night on a Sunday.


These guys were collage age, not kids or even teens. We are pretty far down the street off the main road too, so it's not like they could be broken down and asking for help.


So why did the guys come to your door to begin with? Unknown?
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I see. I wouldn't of opened my door if it was me. I had a wireless night camera setup in my last house. So I knew what anyone was doing at my door even at night.


I have no clue. They sure where selling any candy or anything as I did scan them to see if they were carrying anything. Nada...zip, not even a clipboard in sight. 99% of the time, I know the kids coming to my door and even when the occasional dark night is upon us, it's early say 5-7pm and the dad or parent is with them.


Given the way the scene unfolded, I wasn't about to ask. Perhaps I was a bit blunt, but to ring my bell twice and then pound....that's beyond acceptable. :mad:


Even when it's someone I don't recognize they aren't usually 3 guys deep and so late at night on a Sunday.


These guys were collage age, not kids or even teens. We are pretty far down the street off the main road too, so it's not like they could be broken down and asking for help.

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I'd say you did the right thing, however that would urk me to no end . . . I suppose since I'm not a family man I would have made it a primary point to find out exactly what they were doing at my door pounding on it.


But I'm glad you and your family are safe :) Oh, and Happy New Years

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I definitely would not have opened the door. I usually look out the peep hole, and if I dont recognize you I walk away.


There was one time when a few guys kept walking back and forth down the street and actually ended up taking a seat next to the my car in the drive way at 4am. I pulled out the long leash and opened the door for my dog (the 100lbs bulldog mix)... He's very very protective so when he saw them on our property he went nuts (especially after seeing how worried my wife was) They thought he was loose and took the hell off. I then called the cops and they picked them up down the street. They were taken into custody until their parents picked them up.

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Damn, stories like this make we want to get a gun license.





i can't believe they called the cops because you answered the door with a gun. i would have done the same thing, only with my AR-15 slung across my chest to let them know they weren't welcome.

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I probably wouldn't have answered it when they initially showed up. I think my dog's intimidating growl would have scared them, though. Nevertheless, if they continued to pester me it would have pissed me off enough to confront them about their reasonings and then threaten them with police/weapon. I think you handled it well.
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I am by no means saying you did a wrong thing b/c something like this has happen to my dad, kinda. The people could have pressed brandishing <--sp a deadly weapon charges on you and it would have been there word against yours even though they wher eon your property. you wife would have not counted as a witness as she would normally be on your side.


My dad and i was on his pourch working on it 2 summers ago. neighbor has a jackass that come into his field. we then lump in his old farm truck, case it back down my dads drive way, never hurting the animal, or touching it, back to its home. turn around come home. go back to working on the deck. about 2 mins go by and he sees his neighbor walkin up his driveway, trespassing, so my dad goes inside and gets his gun. (the guy was an ex-I know every cop and ALWAYS has a gun as noone around him likes him) the guy and his wife come up to the deck, gun SITING ON the deck, in a case, and start biutchin at my dad. we ask them repeatedly to leave, they dont. my dad gets on the phone, calls the cops. she then slaps my dad and they run on home. cops show up and my dad pressed treaspassing and assulte on his wife and trespassing on the husband.


Turns out, bein the gun was outside and they seen it they called the cops when they got home and pressed charges on him. in court they both agreed to drop charges b/c my dads lawyer said its a50-50 chance at is he would win b/c me, my wife and my mom couldn't really be used as we are family and like i said befor, naturally would have been on his side.



sorry to clutter up wyour thread just hought u might wana know.

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Don't know. They walked down the street and around the corner into the darkness. We have a block watch group and after the cops left, my wife called the other area / quadrant leaders. I just finished passing out flyers to the other 90 or so residents in the area too.


I'm very seriously considering a security camera on the front of the house somewhere.


Having worked for Panny, I know they make some excellent high res color ones with night vision. Nice wide angle with a good HD Recorder.


Right move, did they go to someone else's house afterwards?
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I am by no means saying you did a wrong thing b/c something like this has happen to my dad, kinda. The people could have pressed brandishing <--sp a deadly weapon charges on you and it would have been there word against yours even though they wher eon your property. you wife would have not counted as a witness as she would normally be on your side.


My dad and i was on his pourch working on it 2 summers ago. neighbor has a jackass that come into his field. we then lump in his old farm truck, case it back down my dads drive way, never hurting the animal, or touching it, back to its home. turn around come home. go back to working on the deck. about 2 mins go by and he sees his neighbor walkin up his driveway, trespassing, so my dad goes inside and gets his gun. (the guy was an ex-I know every cop and ALWAYS has a gun as noone around him likes him) the guy and his wife come up to the deck, gun SITING ON the deck, in a case, and start biutchin at my dad. we ask them repeatedly to leave, they dont. my dad gets on the phone, calls the cops. she then slaps my dad and they run on home. cops show up and my dad pressed treaspassing and assulte on his wife and trespassing on the husband.


Turns out, bein the gun was outside and they seen it they called the cops when they got home and pressed charges on him. in court they both agreed to drop charges b/c my dads lawyer said its a50-50 chance at is he would win b/c me, my wife and my mom couldn't really be used as we are family and like i said befor, naturally would have been on his side.



sorry to clutter up wyour thread just hought u might wana know.


all he had to do was articulate why he brandished his firearm. IE: dogs went nuts, the men didn't fit in their neighborhood, the 3 men blatantly disregarded him when he motioned for them to leave his property. his wife was in the bathroom upstairs, so she most likely wouldn't hear a struggle if the 3 men jumped him. it was a odd time for someone to stop by. what more do you want?


any cop with an iq north of 50 would bite on his story.


even the most liberal jury would buy this story if you had a decent lawyer, at any rate, i'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. there's nothing more important than the safety and security of your family.

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I live right down the road form you Tim and this kind of stuff freaks me out. Most of the time its just myself or moms home. But every few weeks the kids and my sister come into town and I cant imagine if anything were to happen to them. Had I had a gun I would've done the same as you. The only positive is that we're directly off of a major road and for someone to commit a home invasion would probably pick an easier target that isnt as exposed to traffic as our house is.
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