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Cops called for Answering my Door !


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Never pull a gun unless you intend to use it. Using it for intimidation is a terrible idea, thats what dogs are for.



There is nothing wrong with answering your door holding a shotgun. Many people still do it around here.

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I am by no means saying you did a wrong thing b/c something like this has happen to my dad, kinda. The people could have pressed brandishing <--sp a deadly weapon charges on you and it would have been there word against yours even though they wher eon your property. you wife would have not counted as a witness as she would normally be on your side.


My dad and i was on his pourch working on it 2 summers ago. neighbor has a jackass that come into his field. we then lump in his old farm truck, case it back down my dads drive way, never hurting the animal, or touching it, back to its home. turn around come home. go back to working on the deck. about 2 mins go by and he sees his neighbor walkin up his driveway, trespassing, so my dad goes inside and gets his gun. (the guy was an ex-I know every cop and ALWAYS has a gun as noone around him likes him) the guy and his wife come up to the deck, gun SITING ON the deck, in a case, and start biutchin at my dad. we ask them repeatedly to leave, they dont. my dad gets on the phone, calls the cops. she then slaps my dad and they run on home. cops show up and my dad pressed treaspassing and assulte on his wife and trespassing on the husband.


Turns out, bein the gun was outside and they seen it they called the cops when they got home and pressed charges on him. in court they both agreed to drop charges b/c my dads lawyer said its a50-50 chance at is he would win b/c me, my wife and my mom couldn't really be used as we are family and like i said befor, naturally would have been on his side.


sorry to clutter up wyour thread just hought u might wana know.


Ok im really not trying to threadjack especially not about grammar but damn dude. You need to proof read your post's before hitting the submit button. Misspelled words is one thing but I couldnt really follow your story.



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I would have done the same.


To Yellowsnake, not knocking your lawyer. But a witness is a witness. I was a witness for my brother in a case and he won. If I hadnt have been there he would have lost. It didnt matter brother or not.




How can you be charged with brandishing a gun? That one confuses me. If Im walking through the house and some one sees me with anyone of my guns that doesnt mean I was brandishing a weapon.

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Never pull a gun unless you intend to use it. Using it for intimidation is a terrible idea, thats what dogs are for.


I agree with this 100%. Answering your door holding your dog by the collar is a way to intimidate people without it seeming intentional.

"sorry about the dog, he's acting a little crazy today"...

If the guys decide to retaliate they know where you live and know that you are armed.

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Damn, stories like this make we want to get a gun license.



+1 this story bothers me.


to the original poster, i think you did the correct thing. what the fuck are people doing out selling shit at that time on a sunday night. by 9 pm, i'm totally settling down, and will go nuts if i get random phone calls at that time--i can't even imagine some assholes banging on my door and not leaving. these guys were probably up to no good, i'd watch my back if i were you, and tell the neighbors to keep a close eye on things like you've done.

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that's it, i'm getting a gun. sounds like a shotgun is a fairly reliable home defense gun--easy to use, don't have to have perfect aim, etc. what's a good model, and a good place to buy one??? not to threadjack.

Remington 870 12ga. with a short barrel and a pistol grip. I buy my guns at Fin Fur Feather north of Mansfield. You may want to just check Walmart, you can get fine deal there too.

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I pretty much always do look around. It's been bread in me over the years. I grew up in a good neighborhood in Cleveland but attended a catholic school in a rough neighborhood and having studied martial arts for a long time, starting before high school, I've seen my share of crap over the years.


Sales for many years and traveling all over preps you too. I've been mugged twice in my life, came real close a third time and thankfully never had any incidents of major danger.


They do know I'm armed and have two pretty stout pups and an alarm system too. I don't know what they were doing, but gut tells me casing various houses. I have the house lit up on the front and back and motions on the sides and rear way up top too. You can come into the yard at night without some big lights shining down on you.


We've had two home break in's in our area in the past 11 years. Most recently during the day where the elderly couple was on vacation. The profile was the same. Door knocking to see if anyone was home, then come back and hit the place. They likely study patterns both day and night.


In the end, I'll be alert for the next few weeks, but never let my guard down. The gun in the family room is within my grasp and is there primarily because of home invasions and my slight paranoia :) I figure the doors can take 102 really good hits but by then, I'll be ready with a full clip waiting.


So far as pulling a gun.....I'm absolutely prepared to pull the trigger. Scared to....sure that too, but I'd do it. I had my scare several weeks back with a false alarm and the glass globe in my kitchen...for those that remember, that's the closest I came to pulling the trigger of a shotgun in my life. 4am and loud glass breaking tends to put you in that mode :eek:


Yeah, it's a scary thing, but with family to protect, I'm willing. lawsuites, jail, etc...that's scary too....but I'd go to jail protecting my family before I'd let harm come upon them.


i'd watch my back if i were you, and tell the neighbors to keep a close eye on things like you've done.
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I would of done the same thing. Im only 20 but i own my own home. have pistols and several shotguns/rifles. I use to have a very protective dog, but not anymore. so if it were my in the situation (especially after my girl was born) i wouldnt of even thought twice of pulling the trigger!


And that god for concel and carry laws.

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Having a gun in hand is the best course of action if 3 guys some to your door in the late evening. Dogs ain't shit against a person (especially a crazy one) and I'll go head to head with anyones dog who thinks otherwise. I''d definitely be leaving though if you had a gun in your hand. Besides they are on your property and you told them to leave.


On the other hand the fact that you don't know what they were doing at your door means you didn't ask or can't remember. Maybe you could have asked? I mean if all they really were doing was selling they are dipshits so taking precaution was the right thing to do 100%. The cops obviously didn't see a real problem with you having a gun with you and didn't blame you or they would have done something to you.



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Having a gun in hand is the best course of action if 3 guys some to your door in the late evening. Dogs ain't shit against a person (especially a crazy one) and I'll go head to head with anyones dog who thinks otherwise. I''d definitely be leaving though if you had a gun in your hand. Besides they are on your property and you told them to leave.


On the other hand the fact that you don't know what they were doing at your door means you didn't ask or can't remember. Maybe you could have asked? I mean if all they really were doing was selling they are dipshits so taking precaution was the right thing to do 100%. The cops obviously didn't see a real problem with you having a gun with you and didn't blame you or they would have done something to you.




By the time you get done fighting off a dog (that will have way more stamina and a bigger pain threshhold than you) you will be able to rob a grown man? Or better yet when you get distracted by a dog attacking you, how are you going to stop the dog owner??? If they have a weapon (weapons) I would rather find out by them pointing it at my dog first rather than me.



I am passionate about not showing a gun unless you plan on using it because I knew a cousin of a friend that had a gun pointed at him. He got drunk one night, and decided it would be a good idea to go over to the guys house and pay him back by shooting him. If these guys are real criminals their ego's and ignorant friends (filling their heads up with bs) can make them very dangerous. Please be careful, ther are way too many idiots in the world today.

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Yeah, but who knows if they were just waiting for him to open the door so they could force their way into his house. We've all heard it plenty of times on the news.


I would have done the same thing. 2 door bell rings late at night and then to bang on my door. I don't think so. There was nothing positive that could have come of that. Their car wasn't broke down, afterall if someone tells you to get lost, do you really think they have any interest in letting you make a phone call? No, you'll find someone else. If he had no idea who they were, then they only had bad intentions, especially if they didn't immediately tell him why they were there when they saw the gun. "Dude, we're sorry, we were looking for XXX, didn't mean to bother you".


Good move

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Having a gun in hand is the best course of action if 3 guys some to your door in the late evening. Dogs ain't shit against a person (especially a crazy one) and I'll go head to head with anyones dog who thinks otherwise. I''d definitely be leaving though if you had a gun in your hand. Besides they are on your property and you told them to leave.


On the other hand the fact that you don't know what they were doing at your door means you didn't ask or can't remember. Maybe you could have asked? I mean if all they really were doing was selling they are dipshits so taking precaution was the right thing to do 100%. The cops obviously didn't see a real problem with you having a gun with you and didn't blame you or they would have done something to you.




If you honestly want to try it, I can set it up. Dog will be a Fila/ Rott mix. Research the Fila Brasileiro before you agree.

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Yeah, but who knows if they were just waiting for him to open the door so they could force their way into his house. We've all heard it plenty of times on the news.


I would have done the same thing. 2 door bell rings late at night and then to bang on my door. I don't think so. There was nothing positive that could have come of that. Their car wasn't broke down, afterall if someone tells you to get lost, do you really think they have any interest in letting you make a phone call? No, you'll find someone else. If he had no idea who they were, then they only had bad intentions, especially if they didn't immediately tell him why they were there when they saw the gun. "Dude, we're sorry, we were looking for XXX, didn't mean to bother you".


Good move


You are all missing the point. Showing a gun is a threatening move. If these guys did not have bad intentions, seeing a gun can change that. If they did have bad intentions, the crazy ones would make you the target. Dont make yourself a target. How many drive-by's do you think are a result of some kids getting revenge for being "punked" by someone flashing their gun? If you knew some of the people I encountered growing up you wouldnt think this way. If they saw the gun it wouldnt be "sorry to bother you"... It would be "what the hell do you think you are going to do with that... blah blah blah.... you better watch your back!" Then you get to spend weeks looking over your shoulder, triple checking the locks, and sleeping with a loaded gun in your lap.




Edit: I was just thinking, if they called the cops on you Tim there is a very good chance they were not criminals. Calling the cops was probably their way of getting back at you.

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I'm just a believer in responding to a threat with like force. MANY people on here can recall one winter we were all enjoying a snow pile in the Kroger parking lot. Mind you, this was several years ago when we were still allowed there. Some Mexican kid hopped out of a Honda, thinking someone in our group looked at them wrong, and started flashing a gun at us. By us, I mean probably 40 people standing around. Scott calmly went to the trunk of his car, pulled out his SKS and said something to the effect of "mine's bigger." Needless to say, the kid ran off.


In the situation brought up by Tim, he didn't know 100% that these kids were a threat. He also didn't know what they were in possession of. After seeing his weapon, what if all three guys pulled out handguns? A pump action shotgun might be able to take down one of them before the other two could fill him with holes. Now, was it really worth it to flash it around trying to scare people?


Keep in mind, I am a gun owner, and advocate of second amendment rights. I keep loaded guns stashed around the house, and I have NEVER pulled one on anybody. However, I did have a door to door salesmen make a very quick exit after my dog accidentally got out the front door ;)

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I hear what you're saying, but if they didn't have bad intentions but had one ounce of intelligence, they probably could figure out why the gun was in view. Three guys, late at night, two door bell rings, waving off with no interest and then finally a pounding on the door......ding, ding, they knew why there was a home owner inside that wasn't comfortable and simply protecting his house from a group of three obviously non-neighborhood guys at his door.


If they did have bad intentions then not showing a gun surely wasn't going to help the matter. The dogs are cool and all and they certainly weren't happy, but then, perhaps they/he wasn't worried about dogs.


I don't know what to think other than the one guy was likely pissed because I wouldn't listen to what he was pitching or saying. I had no interest and given the situation, I think the other two understood, but he wanted to prove a point. Perhaps they had near zero luck that night. That's my guess.


Them calling the cops....not a big deal really. If it makes them feel as if they were getting back at me, that's fine. Either way, there's a cell number logged into the police from their call. Cops didn't think it was any big deal on either side. Protection wise, outside carry a gun 24/7, we're good.


You are all missing the point. Showing a gun is a threatening move. If these guys did not have bad intentions, seeing a gun can change that.


If they did have bad intentions, the crazy ones would make you the target. Dont make yourself a target. How many drive-by's do you think are a result of some kids getting revenge for being "punked" by someone flashing their gun? If you knew some of the people I encountered growing up you wouldnt think this way. If they saw the gun it wouldnt be "sorry to bother you"... It would be "what the hell do you think you are going to do with that... blah blah blah.... you better watch your back!" Then you get to spend weeks looking over your shoulder, triple checking the locks, and sleeping with a loaded gun in your lap.


Edit: I was just thinking, if they called the cops on you Tim there is a very good chance they were not criminals. Calling the cops was probably their way of getting back at you.

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keep in mind, the gun wasn't shown to intimidate anyone. it was loaded and in hand as there was a very strong sense of something not being right. I truly didn't know if someone was going to kick in my door or burst it open once I unlocked it. the storm door was locked and shut, thus I knew they'd have to break glass once I opened the main door thus I didn't expect to have the main door fly back at me. all in all though, their was no intimidation factor involved. it was out of fear....and fear of having to use it.


In the situation brought up by Tim, he didn't know 100% that these kids were a threat. He also didn't know what they were in possession of. After seeing his weapon, what if all three guys pulled out handguns? A pump action shotgun might be able to take down one of them before the other two could fill him with holes. Now, was it really worth it to flash it around trying to scare people?


Keep in mind, I am a gun owner, and advocate of second amendment rights. I keep loaded guns stashed around the house, and I have NEVER pulled one on anybody. However, I did have a door to door salesmen make a very quick exit after my dog accidentally got out the front door ;)

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