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Health Question

El Karacho1647545492

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I'm usually not in the habit of sharing my medical concerns with others, but there's something I've been worried about and instead of going to the doctor's office, which I despise, I figured I'd bring the basics here because I know there's a few doctors.


The problem: Way too much protein in my piss. Like triple the normal amt. I'm not diabetic, but I'm definitely overweight.


The solution: I'm going to try and get on a more healthy exercise regimen, do some basic weight loss stuff. Is there anything other than eating right and exercising I can do to help solve this? My family has a history of diabetes and heart conditions so I'm trying to bite this in the ass quickly and permanently before I face some serious health risks.



Note: Keep the fatty-fatty-boombalatty comments to a minimum, I get it enough from my dad.

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You should go to the doctor.


how do you know you have protein in your piss? lots of froth when you pee?


My dad had the same symptoms and he has lupus. Bad enough they told him he had 2 yrs to live. He is in full remission 2.5 yrs later but after chemotherapy and many medications and a complete change of lifestyle.



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You check your piss for protein?

Or is it just really yellow and your thinking that is protein?


The yellow/orange/smell can be so many different things. Vitamins, not enough water, the food your eating, too much beer.


Really though if your over weight, have a history in your family and you think there is a problem GO TO THE DOCTOR. If your still scared of the doctor, start walking everyday, eat better, drink 1 gallon of water per day, and hit up the GNC for some liquid vitamins. The liquid vitamins are expensive but the best, pro athletes use them

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I don't test my piss regularly, without getting into too much detail my health insurance is giving me a hard time cuz of a test at the doctor from 2 years ago. The problem is I'm in Boston as of tomorrow and student health services is fucking miserable and horribly run, and right now there's an outbreak of the norovirus in Boston and has hit area hospitals and infected lots of physicians. For those of you who don't know what the norovirus is, just imagine the horrible symptoms of food poisoning nonstop for 2-3 straight days. No sleep, just vomiting and diarrhea and no ability to tell which end the next round will come out of. So forgive me if I'm a little slow to head to the doctor.
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It could be benign or it could be serious. You need to see an M.D. to have that checked. There are a couple of dozen things it could be, no way to tell unless you go.


Dont worry about that virus, it will help you lose weight quicker ;)

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