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drug addiction help.


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I have this friend who comes from a very good family, lives in your average middle class american family, but is addicted to herion, finally he has decided that he has hit rock bottom, losing his job, some friends, family life sucks ect, and that he wants to now kick his habbit. He has been using for about 2 years and quitting cold turkey is just not going to cut it, I have been doing alot of reasearch online ,and came across a med called suboxone, which is used for the aid of withdraw and seems to have a very high susucess rate on willing quitters, either way here is were the issues come in, getting help with suboxone from a doctor cost alot, ranging from 250-300 a visit without insurance. Im willing to help pay for his help along with his parents, but does anyone know any other route we can take? Maybe someone has gone through this with someone before, or is in the medical field that can give some advice, thanks for the space.


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Methadone treatment is a great way to fight heroin addiction. It seems like it is a little cheaper than the drug you were talking about. The only place i can think of off the top of my head is http://www.maryhaven.com. If he is really wanting to stop it is not going to be cheap anyway you go, at least $10,000. I hope he can kick it though.
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I know that Artie Langue is using Subutex to help kick the habbit and it seems to be helping him.


you want a cheap way to help him? lock him in a room... don't let him out.... or send him to Maryhaven or something.... there has to be clinics out there that are non-profit or something since most drug addicts don't have jobs.

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my mom has a heroin uses for 16 years failed every rehab with 1000 miles, finally it took jail time and then when she got out, we gave her a tv, bed a bathroom, bottled water and locked her in a room and tied her to her bed at night to beat it.
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my mom has a heroin uses for 16 years failed every rehab with 1000 miles, finally it took jail time and then when she got out, we gave her a tv, bed a bathroom, bottled water and locked her in a room and tied her to her bed at night to beat it.



hmmmm he is willing to quit, if not he is going to lose his kid, so he knows what he has to do, he just needs a little medical help in doing so. either way is your mother still clean? if so how long has she been clean?

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it won't work. it never does--expect multiple relapses, etc. etc. try mt. carmel, we have a drug program for our uninsured people---234-life.


whatever you do, don't be disappointed when it doesn't work. not to have a negative attitude, but there are people who are genetically susceptible to addiction, and no matter what you do, they will relapse--its worse than cancer, it NEVER goes away


good luck, maybe he's one of 1000 that will be successful

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my mom has a heroin uses for 16 years failed every rehab with 1000 miles, finally it took jail time and then when she got out, we gave her a tv, bed a bathroom, bottled water and locked her in a room and tied her to her bed at night to beat it.


I would normally suggest something like this but when someone is chemically and mentally addicted to something as strong as heroin withdraw can be fatal. Im glad your mom made it out, but he could try this route and just have a nurse on hand in case things take a turn for the worse? At the very least she'll be able to let you know when you need to take him to the ER if it gets that bad. Try calling around to several clinics (like Maryhaven) and seeing if they will at least give you some advice for quitting cold turkey like that? They are there to help, so its worth a try. Goodluck.

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I have this friend who comes from a very good family, lives in your average middle class american family, but is addicted to herion, finally he has decided that he has hit rock bottom, losing his job, some friends, family life sucks ect, and that he wants to now kick his habbit. He has been using for about 2 years and quitting cold turkey is just not going to cut it, I have been doing alot of reasearch online ,and came across a med called suboxone, which is used for the aid of withdraw and seems to have a very high susucess rate on willing quitters, either way here is were the issues come in, getting help with suboxone from a doctor cost alot, ranging from 250-300 a visit without insurance. Im willing to help pay for his help along with his parents, but does anyone know any other route we can take? Maybe someone has gone through this with someone before, or is in the medical field that can give some advice, thanks for the space.




Try Netcare ( http://www.netcareaccess.org/ ). Hope that helps , and good luck.

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I have this friend who comes from a very good family, lives in your average middle class american family, but is addicted to herion, finally he has decided that he has hit rock bottom, losing his job, some friends, family life sucks ect, and that he wants to now kick his habbit. He has been using for about 2 years and quitting cold turkey is just not going to cut it, I have been doing alot of reasearch online ,and came across a med called suboxone, which is used for the aid of withdraw and seems to have a very high susucess rate on willing quitters, either way here is were the issues come in, getting help with suboxone from a doctor cost alot, ranging from 250-300 a visit without insurance. Im willing to help pay for his help along with his parents, but does anyone know any other route we can take? Maybe someone has gone through this with someone before, or is in the medical field that can give some advice, thanks for the space.


call your church an ask your pastor to lead you to some one that can help good luck.they some time no were to go were it is free.

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There is no need to search for a non-profit service. Alot of them are but just because they are non-profit doesn't mean they are free. They might be cheaper but not a lot. And do not listen to anyone that tells you he can do it without meds. He will die, or relapse very quickly. Hope he gets help.
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take him to a cabin in the woods and dont let him leave for a month.


Great idea if you want to kill him.:rolleyes:




To the original poster, I wish I could tell you some place to take him and make the addiction go away, but like several people have said it is a long painful process that not everybody gets through and becomes a functional memeber of society. One of my close relatives has bounced between jail and various treatment facilities for years now, and I know how hard it is to watch someone who seems hell bent on destroying their existence without being able to flick that switch and make them stop what they are doing.


The fact that your friend actually has a job, a family who gives a damn and has the means to pay for treatment and friends who haven't written him off is the best thing he has going for him. "Rock Bottom" is often a hell of a lot lower than that. It is likely that there will be setbacks/relapses no matter where he goes so all I can tell you is don't expect a quick fix, magic pill kind of situation where you send a guy somewhere for a month and he comes back perfectly normal.


Your friendship will most likely be tested to it's limits if you intend to stick by this person.

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