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Mid-Ohio Rental Anyone?


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Just got done reading the street racing thread and got to thinking. Has anyone ever contacted Mid-Ohio to see how much it would be for a single day track rental? I think I'm more into the road course than drag these days. If it looks like there would be enough interest i could get pricing and such.
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It's several thousand $$. Nelson Ledges can be had for far cheaper though it's 3 times the drive.


I've been contemplating a CR track day like this or even a CR autox event. The local SCCA region can basically be rented for a fee and they provide everything we need though this would have to go into the works soon as getting a site to do this can be difficult at times but shouldn't be too hard if it's on a weekday.

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I doubt you'll be able to make Mid Ohio happen, if you do it will be VERY expensive. I attended a private rental at Mid Ohio a couple years ago and while I don't know the total cost involved I know it was $400 or $450 for the single day....well worth it in my book, but very hard for most to justify. Also for some reason Mid Ohio is being very picky with their dates...Porsche Club and BMW club have bids in for events and have yet to get a solid dates back from Mid Ohio.


Nelson is doable. Last year's rate was $5400 for a private Rental (mon-thurs) for the day which includes everything from corner workers, track staff, insurance etc....BUT you'd need 50+ cars to really make it worth doing seeing as how the planned Fundays are only $120 and there's rarely 50 cars at a funday.


Speaking of Fundays @ Nelson...April is approaching fast...can't wait to get back on track.



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I'm looking to do my first track day this year, I was invited to Porsche's track day last year, but didn't feel very comfortable using my daily driver. Now that I've done some more work on it i feel a little better running. Count me in on a CR track day though assuming it fits in my schedule.
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I know when the Ohio Cobra Club has their big show in June they rent Mid- Ohio for 2 days and the cost is around $250-$300 per car. You get a skid pad, autox , some classroom and on day 2 you finally get to take it out on the big track!

Last year they had around 50-60 Cobras. However they did combine with some other group to get to a 100 cars. Maybe that is how come it was so cheap.

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If anything a Nelson Ledges funday would be our best bet as it's only $120 per car or get in on like the Porsche club renting M/O out. The nice thing about M/O is its proximity, Nelson is a solid 3hr drive up north and Putnam a touch further into Indiana(though it's a beautiful track). Either way I will be at all 3 tracks this season with NASA for their HPDE.


Anyone here a member of a club that already has plans to rent a track maybe?? I'm sure they'd be open to discuss sharing as it brings the cost down.

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Last year at one of the Fundays there was a Prelude club that came up and had some sort of pre-arranged deal with Nelson. I didn't see them exclude anyone outside of the club but they definately knew the club was coming.


The GIANT upside to Nelson is that it's easy and CHEAP, you won't find anything cheaper than that....EVER.


The biggest downside is that it's pretty relaxed and there's not any instruction which can be pretty intimidating to drivers that have never been to a HPDE before. I guess if we could get some of the more experienced drivers here to team up with someone as a sort of "instructor" (calling all amature racers [AI Coupe]) it might be a little less intimidating for the newer guys.

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Good call...and the Prelude club got a discounted rate too. I think their club members only had to pay $100 for entry fee since they organized a group outing.


I bet if we got 10-20 people together and wrote Kerrie that she'd do the same deal for us for any random funday.


Even though I"m not a "certified" instructor I'd be more than comfortable helping out new people if they felt they wanted me to ride along. Instructing is more about keeping people within their own potential or the car's potential prior to showing them how to go faster in the car....provided they at leas know the basics.



Last year at one of the Fundays there was a Prelude club that came up and had some sort of pre-arranged deal with Nelson. I didn't see them exclude anyone outside of the club but they definately knew the club was coming.


The GIANT upside to Nelson is that it's easy and CHEAP, you won't find anything cheaper than that....EVER.


The biggest downside is that it's pretty relaxed and there's not any instruction which can be pretty intimidating to drivers that have never been to a HPDE before. I guess if we could get some of the more experienced drivers here to team up with someone as a sort of "instructor" (calling all amature racers [AI Coupe]) it might be a little less intimidating for the newer guys.

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^^ Agreed. Although I'd be a little more comfortable taking people out in my own car to show them the lines.


edit: also when the Prelude group was up there they split into 3 run groups and most of the novice people got to all be in a group together which I think helped ease some tensions.

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Though I have no road course experience yet I have years of autocross experience which I'm told helps a ton and could help in any capacity possible. From the people I talked to at Nelson before they are very friendly and probably would help with the first timers anyway so we don't have anyone driving into a tire wall their first time, and they do group people together by experience and various speed of cars.


I agree that Nelson Ledges would be our best bet as it's inexpensive. When I was there the guy rented the track for himself on the 4th of July as the track had nothing scheduled and he got it for far less then $1000(or so he told me), though he was friends with some of the track people but I bet we could get it for no more than a grand or 2 on an off day or a group rate for even less on a fun day.


Gray, if your going to blow up your car you might as well have a good reason for it!! :burn:

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^^ yes, Nelson is the best bet for us to actually get something setup for a reasonable enough price to bring out more than 3 people.


When they have the bigger groups of new people they'll run a "sighting session" for experienced people to take the new people around and show them the track and where to pass and what not. Except last time that involved a e30 M3 blowing up and delaying the first session for about an hour.... :(


Like I said before, they don't offer any in-car instruction. I'll be happy to help someone out as long as they realize that i'm in no way passing myself off as an instructor.


yes, Auto-x experience will help you out a lot.

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