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Mid-Ohio Rental Anyone?


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I have no problem with anyone from anywhere coming to the event with us, "the more the cheaper"!!


Thorne, suspension not needed just run what you brung.


If my old roommate Ray comes he's in HPDE 4 and could help a lot if he's willing as he's been on Nelson before and spent a lot of time on the tracks last year and won NASA HPDE driver of the year.

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Gotcha, Monday i will start making phone calls. I don't want to get into an overlap with the Norwalk days. What day of the week should i be aiming for? Also what Time frame (week/month)? I think toward August/September would be fun but let me know what you think.
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Late summer would be good, give us plenty of time to get it scheduled and get ourselves prepared for it. Weekday is when were most likely going to be able to get a day and likely cheaper as well. I would aim for a holiday or something that most people might have the day off anyway like "Labor Day" as they tend to not have those days scheduled and we could possible get it cheaper.


http://www.Nelsonledges.com Their site still has days on weekends available in August and September and not anywhere all the weekdays are full as well. Some kind of BMW club maybe has Sep.19,20,21 scheduled and maybe we could get a day with them or something also. Andy, just let me know if you need help with working with them on scheduling and we can find out what the expected cost will be.

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It's probably best to just call her.


As for the dates, probably the only way it'll work would be to piggy-back on one of their currently scheduled Fundays (usually Fridays). If we try to rent the whole track for ourselves it'd require more people than I think we can produce unfortunately.


I was hoping for possibly June, but let me know what you come up with.

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Good luck. I've done bike days with sportbike track time and Mid-O. This is the only bike group she let in for years and to my knowledge still the only one. I think (not sure) but it's $10,000+ per day and they will cap the numbers. Putnam Park in lower Indiana, or Gratten in western Michigan could be options too. I believe you will have to provide a major insurance policy too in order to get in, which most "forums" don't have.


Myself, I've been looking for a 2-3 miles straight for land speed racing. I go to Maxton, but it's a long haul for 1-2 runs. I've tried several airstrips and the TRC North of Columbus but have been shot down for a lack of insurance.

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Rob, though HPDE is the better way to go about it it's a lot more expensive and the number of slots available fills months in advance at times hence why were talking about going to Nelson for a day.


I plan on doing several HPDE events this summer and I know Ray will likely be there and I figured you would too, you should come to this day were talking about as well as it will be a ton cheaper and your experience would be helpful to any noobs for sure.

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I think the Idea is to go on a track with reliable equipment, not "worn" equipment to use the rest of, it is a race track.......


Forsure, all my stuff is in great shape. I just ride so hard on my car at the track/autox that by the end of the day it will be considered worn enough to warrant an upgrade.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My suggestion... don't even think about a private rental at Mid Ohio. You (we) can't aford it, you (we) don't have insurance, you (we) don't have the manpower or safety vehicles and most important of all is this is NOT an easy event to run. People can get killed.


IF we want to go to Mid Ohio I suggest the NASA route. Their 08 schedule is 3 - 3 day weekends. April 11-13 w/ a 3 hour enduro, July 11-13 and August 15-17. See NASA at http://www.nasaproracing.com


I ran HPDE 1 & 2 in a AI Mustang all three weekends last year and all I can say is this is the most organized, stay on schedule, SAFE events I have attended. On track will blow your mind!!!


Actual costs might change for 08 but I found my July receipts. (In addition you have to join NASA for another $45.00)


You can register for just Friday or just Saturday and Sunday or all 3. You can not register for just Saturday OR Sunday. I guess you could but the price is the same.

Friday only - $150.00, Saturday and Sunday - additional $319.00. NO group rates.


You get 4 20 minute sessions and a critique meeting for about 30 minutes after each session. You will learn ALOT. Friday has 1/2 the traffic of Sat/Sun.


4 20 minute sessions is only 1:20 on track per day... but the experience is unreal. You might think 1:20 isn't enough but believe me... your car will take a beating if you try to drive it hard for that amount of time. If you just want to go out and drive at 70 or 80 and not really learn how to drive Mid Ohio the right way then it might not be enough time for you. Either way You WILL want to come back for more.


What you need for HPDE 1... (yes you WILL have an instructor with you but believe me... you NEED him and he's not going to slow you down at all!!!) decent tires, new hi temp brake fluid, new and extra set pads and NO leaking fluid. If you stay for more then Friday, register your second day as HPDE 2. A bit more agressive then 1.


Thats it. I'll help if I can.




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