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who buys these houses?


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i see quite a few of these in the neighborhood i cut thru sometimes...


i dont know why anyone would build a house with the front door 1/2 way up the house from the ground. who wants to have 8-10 steps to go up, and then a 4x6' porch?



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The house I grew up in on Long Island was setup like that. Big front stoop with steps, garage built into the house. Good thing was the house was so big we built a kitchen and to go along with the full bath on the first floor and made it into a 1 bedroom apt. Doing stuff like this in NY was a very common way of bringing in a little extra tax free income.
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i think even concrete would suck. i can understand 2-3 steps, but 8-10 is nuts. plus, with it split like that, and the door placement, it appears that you would just walk in and have to go up either another flight of steps or down one to ground level


wouldnt the kitchen be upstairs? that would be no fun taking groceries in, even if you went thru the garage

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plus, with it split like that, and the door placement, it appears that you would just walk in and have to go up either another flight of steps or down one to ground level



yea i was thinking the same thing. what is greeting you right when you walk in the door? i mean if you look at the first floor window and the level it is at vrs the front door. there cant be much more then just a landing there. can there?

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My friend just bought a house that looks just like that except the garage is set out a bit to give room for a bigger bedroom on the first floor. I think the inside is fairly nice and seems bigger than it looks from the outside. I do agree that having the front door half way up is strange and takes away a lot of space on the inside front of the house for the landing.
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Good zombie defense home. Board up the lower windows and garage door and hack off the front stairs and no zombies are getting in.


What I really don't like about a lot of houses these days is that the garage is built into the house and there are rooms above them and most of the time those are bedrooms. I have never thought it is a good idea to have all the fumes from a vehicle and all the other chemicals most people keep in there garages and have those float up and go through your floors right into your bedroom. For me that is a big turn off when I have looked at homes.

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no not a true basement the granund level is considered the basement.

That's what I was thinking. So essentially, it's a bi-level home that doesn't go into the ground? Maybe they didn't find that the ground was supportive enough for a basement or maybe it affects pricing if there's no basement?

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Good zombie defense home. Board up the lower windows and garage door and hack off the front stairs and no zombies are getting in.


What I really don't like about a lot of houses these days is that the garage is built into the house and there are rooms above them and most of the time those are bedrooms. I have never thought it is a good idea to have all the fumes from a vehicle and all the other chemicals most people keep in there garages and have those float up and go through your floors right into your bedroom. For me that is a big turn off when I have looked at homes.


my room at my parents was directly over the garage. fumes arent any issue for a couple reasons.


#1, there is a ceiling in the garage, and a floor in my room. lol. its not netting im walking on.


#2, unless youre an idiot and run your car with the garage closed, the fumes wont get stuck in. i cant think of a time a car sat running in the garage for more than a couple minutes


the thing i did hate though was in the winters, my room got cold as fuck. 35$ space heater fixed that!

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They're called split-levels. Never been a fan of them, but there do seem to be an abundance of them in housing developments.


it doesnt even make sense as a split level though. usually the door is on the same horizontal plane as atleast one half of the house. in this picture it looks like the it comes in between two floors on BOTH sides of the door. this is based of the windows.

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