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Fuck Insurance


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Fuck everything they stand for.

Fuck all there stupid policies.

Fuck deciding who gets covered and what gets covered.

Fuck there made up numbers.


I feel so fucking pissed off about everything they stand for that i seriously want to fucking kill someone.

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Fuck everything they stand for.

Fuck all there stupid policies.

Fuck deciding who gets covered and what gets covered.

Fuck there made up numbers.


I feel so fucking pissed off about everything they stand for that i seriously want to fucking kill someone.


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Fuck everything they stand for.

Fuck all there stupid policies.

Fuck deciding who gets covered and what gets covered.

Fuck there made up numbers.


I feel so fucking pissed off about everything they stand for that i seriously want to fucking kill someone.



Awww, doesn't sound like someone is in good hands :(

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You know what im talking about better then anyone.


I have never been the person who thought they would get rich thru a lawsuit.


But i am so pissed off at insurance companies and the problem i am having trying to get a simple resolution. That I am going after so much money in a lawsuit now that i dont care what they say. I will go after enough money that I can actually fix my wifes injury and hope she never has to work again.


What the fuck is wrong with the system. Should i seriously stop paying for all insurance and just stick the money i would spend on it in the bank. Should i pay for a bond on my car insurance rather then monthly premiums to a company.

Should i stop paying on short term disability and stick that money in the bank. Or even better a fucking safe in my basement cause the government might crumple.


I have spent roughly 600-700 dollars a month on various insurance for about 10 years.(78,000 dollars so you dont have to figure it up)


In that time i have had ONE FUCKING CLAIM. Now something actually happens where i need them and its like im the fucking anti-christ asking them to kill there first born.



What needs to happen with our system to fix this bullshit.




ok better now i vented

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Try 1-800-TITANUP I have Titan auto insurance that is underwritten by Nationwide and it is cheap and easy! Try it....if thats what you're talking about insurance wise...


Ummmm I dont think it is dude. He's not mad at what he has to pay for auto insurance I think he has a claim for his wife's injuries and they wont pay.

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Ummmm I dont think it is dude. He's not mad at what he has to pay for auto insurance I think he has a claim for his wife's injuries and they wont pay.



Exactly im just venting.


To be honest that was probally the worst structured paragraph i have wrote since i joined CR. Im no english major but that shit made my head hurt a lil bit after i read it again.


Wow no more angry typing for me. Its almost as bad as drunken typing.

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Exactly im just venting.


To be honest that was probally the worst structured paragraph i have wrote since i joined CR. Im no english major but that shit made my head hurt a lil bit after i read it again.


Wow no more angry typing for me. Its almost as bad as drunken typing.


Its cool man, Im sure a grammer lesson is the last thing on your mind. I pray to god I never have to go through something similar.

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WTF happened in detail ?


I will give basics. I have all documents with actual dates and times as well.


Wife was in car accident. Other person at fault.

She suffered back problems because of the accident.

This happened February 18th 2007. So almost a year ago.


She had been in treatment until late Novermber (ish) i would have to look at dates at home. December 7 of 2007 her work sent her home cause the doctor put her on Light duty (she could no longer do her job physically).

At that time she was put on short term disability. Doctor had stated she still has ligament damage in her upper back and recommended different treatments nothing has helped. Finally they recommended a cortozone (sp) shot. The appointment for that is not until later this month.


Now to my problems with insurance companies.


First guy at faults accident: Agreed to pay but has not made payments to anyone for any treatment since time of accident. So we are now starting to get alot of calls in regards to these.


2nd Insurance Her work Metlife for short term disability

Is now wanting to refuse any further payment cause there nurse reviewed the case and thinks she should be healthy enough to return to work. She has never met my wife or done any tests. I have seen all the information that the doctor has sent them there is nothing stating she is anywhere near healthy enough to return to work.


Thru this whole process i have had to argue to get any thing accomplished. I had to argue to get a rental car. Then to tell them that she is not better and that she would be seeking more treatment.


After a year i guess i am just finally tired and angry. I would say if i were to add up all the time i have spent talking to one person or another i would say i have at least 80 hours in talking to different insurance people.

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I could spend another 5 hours stating more facts and details but Im just mentally tired.


For the record i have 5 sets of keys from cars buyers that owe me money. (I run a buy here pay here) I will repo all 5 of these cars by the end of the night.


Oh yeah innocent people will suffer cause i had a bad day.

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Aetna for the win here. I've had them for years with Panasonic and now my new job. They have dispute resoltuion teams to handle the below for you and it really works awesome.


We had a claim with some type of snag like this with the birth of each of our kids. One phone call by me, several updates from the resolution team and viola....both issues were solved and put to rest in less than two weeks.


I know you have no control over this, but if you have a chance to go Aetna, they have my vote for being true to their word on keeping insurance their business, not mine.


I will give basics. I have all documents with actual dates and times as well.


Wife was in car accident. Other person at fault.

She suffered back problems because of the accident.

This happened February 18th 2007. So almost a year ago.


She had been in treatment until late Novermber (ish) i would have to look at dates at home. December 7 of 2007 her work sent her home cause the doctor put her on Light duty (she could no longer do her job physically).

At that time she was put on short term disability. Doctor had stated she still has ligament damage in her upper back and recommended different treatments nothing has helped. Finally they recommended a cortozone (sp) shot. The appointment for that is not until later this month.


Now to my problems with insurance companies.


First guy at faults accident: Agreed to pay but has not made payments to anyone for any treatment since time of accident. So we are now starting to get alot of calls in regards to these.


2nd Insurance Her work Metlife for short term disability

Is now wanting to refuse any further payment cause there nurse reviewed the case and thinks she should be healthy enough to return to work. She has never met my wife or done any tests. I have seen all the information that the doctor has sent them there is nothing stating she is anywhere near healthy enough to return to work.


Thru this whole process i have had to argue to get any thing accomplished. I had to argue to get a rental car. Then to tell them that she is not better and that she would be seeking more treatment.


After a year i guess i am just finally tired and angry. I would say if i were to add up all the time i have spent talking to one person or another i would say i have at least 80 hours in talking to different insurance people.

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ok dude I went through something similiar except the disability part...anyway it took 2 years almost dont give up..keep up on it...it would be better to get a lawyer...at least threaten the other people with getting one to get them going..At the very least your own car insurance med pay portion should pay whatever your policy limit is and they will go over the other company for reimbursement. Dont worry about your policy going up either. I didnt submit anything to my insurance and they raised it up even though they told me the opposite.
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... i am assuming your 6-700 a month was for full coverage....



try 1000 down and minimum of 550 a month ...for liability... ive bene paying that since i turned 17... that sux


HOLY SHIT. I thought my 50/per paycheck was expensive.


EDIT: Sorry I thought you were talking about health insurance not auto. But still. If your paying that for auto insurance.... maybe you should buy a bicycle?

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well his ins wont pay bills because you have Bodliy injury claim. BI's only pay out when your done treating, they pay in one lump settlement. if you want your bills paid for, open a medpay claim with your own ins. MP will pay for incoming bills.


I know the feeling. my wife was in a accident 5 years ago. we are still in lawsuit with allstate. she lives with daily headaches and has a spir on her spine in her neck area. has lost the curve in her neck. allstate offered $2600 that didn't even cover med bills..

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well his ins wont pay bills because you have Bodliy injury claim. BI's only pay out when your done treating, they pay in one lump settlement. if you want your bills paid for, open a medpay claim with your own ins. MP will pay for incoming bills.


I know the feeling. my wife was in a accident 5 years ago. we are still in lawsuit with allstate. she lives with daily headaches and has a spir on her spine in her neck area. has lost the curve in her neck. allstate offered $2600 that didn't even cover med bills..

Allstate has taken the stance in the past few years to fight every case no matter what. They will start out by offering a low ball offer sometime as low as 25% of the medical bills. They know that if you take it to court it will cost the attorney a lot of money to fight it. The best thing for people to do is not to by Allstate, or Grange, they are the two worst. Also file complaints with that Ohio Department of Insurance, they govern most insurance companies (they may not govern you auto policy though).



Part 1

Part 2

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Jesus WTF?


the state of ohio is a push over when it comes to points.... we have one of the most feared state patrols of all the states.. yet the weakest back bone for punishing speeders.... your only really screwed if you have a dui on you license.


since like two weeks after my 17 birthday... i ahve been in a court room at least once a month fighting a ticket....but when your insurance looks on your record and sees one like mine.. then tend to hate you... most of the time i call for possible options or a statement for another car...they either laugh before they give me the number or tell me i am un-insurable.



it sux.....dont do it.... i am gng to try and go a full year without a ticket.. so far i am lucky.

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