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Autism Speaks (please read) (and video)


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The following was in a newsletter from where my 6 year old goes to school at. Yes, he has Autism. I'm going to copy the newsletter below:


The band, Five for Fighting, is generiously donating $.40 to the AutismSpeaks for each time the video below is viewed. Funding will help research studies to find a cure. Visit the link below to watch the video and feel free to pass it along to your friends and family. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them to surpass this goal.




Thanks. Every little bit helps.

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Having a brother with this same disorder, its hard to explain how destructive this disease is, and how difficult it is to deal with day to day.


Legislation does need passed, insurence companies do not need to get any richer then they already are. It would be nice to see them give back......

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Weird how strongly these things affect me now that I have a child.




No shit.


I'll invite anyone (well.. most of anyone) to come over my house for a day and spend a day with my son. Then I bet everyone here would think twice about having children (I got snipped after I found out he was autistic. I just didn't want to take the chance again). It'll put you in a completely different perspective.


My wife was telling me about an article she saw in People magazine today. This family has SIX (6) autistic children. Different forms of it, but still. It's hard enough to handle one let alone six of them.

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Well the two biggest things are his eating. He won't really eat anything. His diet is pretty much: nutrigrain bars, some cereal, grilled cheese, hot dogs, cheese on peanut butter crackers, chips, rarely will he eat pizza, and a few other things.


The next biggest thing is his speech. He has a VERY VERY limited vocabulary. And if you haven''t been around him long, you won't understand what he's saying. He has issues with certain letters and words. Like.. Blues Clues.. is Boos cues. His attention span is like 10 seconds long.. if that. more like 5 seconds. He's constantly switching the channel on the TV and he'll get pissed off and start going nuts if you change the channel when you want. There is NO reasoning with him. He starts up and it's hard to bring him back down.


He IS getting much better though. He's come a long way since he was 3-4 years old. School is doing wonders for him.


Here's a website that a parent from Oakstone created with some good links.



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