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Sleep question

V8 Beast

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When I feel like that I usually nudge the wife and ask her for some sleep medicine :leghump: sometimes she's not always in the mood but even "a little something :jerkit:," I tell her, will help.


I don't always get my prescriptions filled though :o:cry:




It takes me about 2 hours everynight to fall asleep. I hate it. Because when I got to bed late, say midnight, I dont fall asleep until 2. Dont know why. Amy's passed out in about 2 minutes and I just lay there staring at the ceiling.
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Have you ever stayed up for so long that you couldnt go to sleep???


I get tired about 2 times per day. If I miss my window of opportunity its impossible for me to sleep for the next 8 - 12 hours.


I am the exact same way. I get tired, don't sleep, then if I stay up I can never get to sleep.

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2 weeks ago I slept 26 hours straight.. no lie


Whoa. Were you sick?


Brian, sometimes, yeah, I get like that - where I won't be able to sleep if I don't sleep when I should. I've found that, typically, I can go a few days - like three or four - with very little sleep (e.g., two to three hours per night), but, after that, I'm apt to "crash" and need to sleep for like 15 hours straight to catch up.

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I tend to not be able to fall asleep unless medicated. Once I fall asleep, I usually sleep about 10 hours. Right now I should be asleep, I have an interview tomorrow morning. I've actually gotten to the point that over the counter sleep aids no longer work.
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If I can't sleep at night then I'm usually out of luck until the next night. I just can't sleep during the day without waking up and feeling worse than I did when I went to sleep. Usually I don't have a problem getting to sleep at night unless I had a lot of caffeine or sugar right beforehand. Naps are worthless for me, they always end up being 4 or 5 hours long and then I feel like complete crap when I get up.
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You're just getting old :).


I used to stay up in the wee hours. get a few hours and be fine all the next day. Can't do that now. I need probably about 6 hours a night to be functional the next day. Shit.. I gotta get up at 9 am to be at work around 10. Fun.


I've pulled a few all nighters a few years ago. Work from 8 say Friday until 8 am Saturday morning. Went to sleep at 9, woke up at 3 and was fine all night.

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I work third shift, so on my "Friday", I usually just stay up all day (to get back on a normal schedule) or take a short nap. Unfortunately, by the time I try to go to bed at night like a normal person, I am so exhausted I can't fall asleep, and when I finally do I sleep like shit.
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I usually get to bed around 12 or 1 on a weeknight, alarm goes off at 7 but i dont get up till 730-8, at work by 9. I take a 20-30 min nap on my lunch hour in the middle of the day afterwards i feel great. For some reason I cant just wake up at 7 or 8 and go the whole day like a normal person. The weekends are an excuse to sleep in.
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nope... i was working on my bathroom renovation for 2 days straight.. i took a brief hour nap, but thats all i had in 2 days.. next day.. i was out for a solid 26 hours


I sis that the other day. I went to work friday all day got off at 3, slept for an hour went out till 3am. Went to work the next day from 7till 3 got off slept till 9pm got up for an hour ate then slept till 11 today.


probally the body just trying to catch up on sleep.

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