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Another Campus Shooting...


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my good friends mom is a teacher at that school. She was there when it happened. I guess they put the whole school in lock down for quite a while. That is so fucked up..its scary to raise kids in this world anymore..you cant even send them to school and be safe :(
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because we care too much about our criminals in the US. trials, jails, appeals....fuck that...we should execute way more than we do in a very timely fashion. wouldn't perhaps fix this situation, but it would greatly reduce crime.


My God, why is the world so shitty?
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because we care too much about our criminals in the US. trials, jails, appeals....fuck that...we should execute way more than we do in a very timely fashion. wouldn't perhaps fix this situation, but it would greatly reduce crime.



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I do agree. I think in an instance where the proof leaves 0% doubt the penalties should be a lot more strict. Sending people off to places with cable TV, internet, and school programs doesnt do a lot to stop crime. In some ways prisoners live better lives than some of the people working hard to make ends meet.
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Absolutely. there's no "correction" in correctional facilities so we may as well correct the problem by implimenting the right solution in the first place.


I doubt we'd ever see a man with no balls or tool hold the title of a repeat rapist.

I guarantee we'd never see a convicted sexual predator rise from the dead and living anywhere near a school.

It's very unlikely we'll see a car thief who lost one hand risk the other trying that shit again.

We would never see someone who took a life pull the needle out of their arm as they lay on a stainless steel table.

I'd even go so far as to say drunk drivers should lose a foot. Fuck repeat offenders....those bastards should be dead before they kill someone else.

Drug dealers are a waste of good air too. I say put a real needle in their arm and call it a day.


Sounds brutal, and it's meant to be. However, the liberal hibby fucks who bitch and moan about these tatics can share an island with those they want to save and let them deal with 'em all while the rest of us leave in safety and peace.



I do agree. I think in an instance where the proof leaves 0% doubt the penalties should be a lot more strict. Sending people off to places with cable TV, internet, and school programs doesnt do a lot to stop crime. In some ways prisoners live better lives than some of the people working hard to make ends meet.
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because we care too much about our criminals in the US. trials, jails, appeals....fuck that...we should execute way more than we do in a very timely fashion. wouldn't perhaps fix this situation, but it would greatly reduce crime.

Needs to be guilty to be proven innocent. Too many people with lots of $$$ and good liars (lawyers) seem to be getting off free as a bird. Do all teachers after recieving their teaching certificate need to obtain a CCW now??

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Damn shame! VT opened the door for this to happen again and again.

VT was a police fuck up honestly. More time was spent outside thinking, rather than acting on instinct, which is what their paied for. There's a reason they wear body armor, but I think they were all too scared to go in and act until a SWAT team showed up.

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VT was a police fuck up honestly. More time was spent outside thinking, rather than acting on instinct, which is what their paied for. There's a reason they wear body armor, but I think they were all too scared to go in and act until a SWAT team showed up.


Interesting little tidbit I heard:


Police are under no obligation to protect you. If you're in danger, they don't HAVE to save your ass.



Not sure if that's true or not.

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Interesting little tidbit I heard:


Police are under no obligation to protect you. If you're in danger, they don't HAVE to save your ass.



Not sure if that's true or not.

I'd hope that's not the case. Granted, they're supposed to enforce the law, but in the same right protect the citizens within it's boundaries.

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wait, the guy used a shotgun, what do we blame now? Drugs?


Interesting little tidbit I heard:


Police are under no obligation to protect you. If you're in danger, they don't HAVE to save your ass.



Not sure if that's true or not.



Word. Cops are required to enforce the law, not already be at your house/school/place of business/etc when a crime is happening, so they can swoop in and rescue you from harm's way. With 911 response time so shitty, they usually get there in time to clean up the mess. Now, who in their right mind could possibly be AGAINST legal concealed carry?

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Word. Cops are required to enforce the law, not already be at your house/school/place of business/etc when a crime is happening, so they can swoop in and rescue you from harm's way. With 911 response time so shitty, they usually get there in time to clean up the mess. Now, who in their right mind could possibly be AGAINST legal concealed carry?

The liberals out there would say, "IF WE BANNED ALL GUNS THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!!!". I agree that lots of these situations could be dealt with one trained CCW carrier. I think most are happy with the bad man dying and not a bunch of innocents.

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Some of you guys should do some research before you go post crap you dont know anything about. First off it is proven that the Death penalty does not deter crime. In fact as the use of the death penalty increased so did the amount or violent crime across america. And your guys idea of what prison is like is humorous. Most states dont have funding to supply the stuff you say they have like tv, hell most prisons dont even have weights anymore.The only time you see any sort of so called luxury item is in a pre-release center with non-violent offenders. On a side note I would love for one of you to be wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to death. Then we will see how unfair you think the court system. Granted there are flaws and such but you can blame the politicians for that.
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