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Need a guard dog?


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Guest 614Streets
About 8 years ago a friend of mine's grandfather bought one of these. It was only a puppy and the dog was ruthless, it tore both of my arms up trying to wrestle and nothing would stop its desire to be aggressive.
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Never take in a dog which you are not prepared to maintain Alpha status against.

Yes, against. Every dog has it's day, meaning every dog will get the urge to vie for the A spot. When it does, you have to be prepared to defend your spot, this means inflicting pain (not neccesarily damage).

You have never met my lab/shepard mix. He has never growled at a person (excluding play growls doing tug of war and such). In his 17 and a half years, he has never once tried to be an alpha over a human. He is the alpha male over dogs, however.

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that is not a dog

that is a bear


I was just about to say, a 180lb dog is a small bear. I've seen English Mastiff's, which are huge, but for the most part they were docile. Though maybe it was just that particular dog.


I wouldnt be ok with socializing this kind of dog. Its obviously what needs to be done to make it socially acceptable but it would just seem like such a gamble everytime you take it out.

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I hope you guys got your money ready for me to take. My friend just came over and petted my pitt and she pissed on the floor. I am goin to be rich...


In all seriousness that dog > any dog for that matter, but I will say that I have seen small dogs take out big dogs very easily just cause they are smaller and are able to grab ahold of the bigger dogs neck alot faster. Once they get ahold of the neck, they wont let go and the big dog just bleeds to death.

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You have never met my lab/shepard mix. He has never growled at a person (excluding play growls doing tug of war and such). In his 17 and a half years, he has never once tried to be an alpha over a human. He is the alpha male over dogs, however.

That doesn't mean he hasn't thought about it. They consider it, "Can I take control?" goes through the walnut brain. If the answer is "Fk no", then no, they don't try. These are good dogs. :)

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That dog has so much hair, you better give your dog some scissors :D


I hope you guys got your money ready for me to take. My friend just came over and petted my pitt and she pissed on the floor. I am goin to be rich...


In all seriousness that dog > any dog for that matter, but I will say that I have seen small dogs take out big dogs very easily just cause they are smaller and are able to grab ahold of the bigger dogs neck alot faster. Once they get ahold of the neck, they wont let go and the big dog just bleeds to death.

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  • 4 months later...

If I wanted a small bear I'd get a badger.







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