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Uhm, yeah........ because Kerry would've been SOOOOOOOO much better.....



You say that because...... ? Lot's of people hide behind that to make themselves feel better about electing the worst President of the modern age..... twice. Truth is, none of you actually listsned to him so you really have no idea how he would have run things. His failure came from running a quiet campaing against a shameless and dirty one.

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You say that because...... ? Lot's of people hide behind that to make themselves feel better about electing the worst President of the modern age..... twice. Truth is, none of you actually listsned to him so you really have no idea how he would have run things. His failure came from running a quiet campaing against a shameless and dirty one.


Kerry...... running on the "green" platform yet wastes so much gas and electricity it isn't even funny. Hell, Bush has a green home. Seriously. Bush is the greenest president we've ever had.





Kerry was a lying pussy, running with his wife's money.


Bush is a war hungry fucktard, but at least he lives what he preaches.


PS: I didn't vote for Bush or Kerry. You should know that by now. I just believe Bush was the lesser of two evils.

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Exactly what was so special about what W did after 9/11? The data that we used to retalliate was all gathered long before his pesidency. All he had to do was say "Bomb them", who the fuck wouldn't do that?


Bush is Green? No, Bush is cheap. He can afford to buy the gadgetry that makes his house efficient. He also happens to live in fuckin texas, where they dont have winters. You saying he is green is COMPLETELY ignoring any of his environmental policy. The Director of the EPA is one of the highest turn-over positions in whitehouse history under Bush. He granted pardons to some of the biggest poluters in contemporary America, and has sought to repeal the laws that have come to protect what little clean shit we have left.

Bush has done nothing but make shitloads of money for defense contractors and oil companies.... oh yeah, and he's gotten lots of people killed.

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ALL of them suck. Our current political system leaves us in a "Damned if we do, Damned if we don't" situation. When it comes time to elect a president we are always left choosing the lesser of two evils. Couple that with the rest of our government and really, one is as good/bad as the other and nothing changes.


And unfortuantely, none of that is going to change any time soon because those who are able to change it are profiting too much on the status quo. It also doesn't help that those who motivate change usually end up shot.

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Bush carried through with what he said he'd do, by striking Afghanistan first off. One of the biggest breading grounds for terrorism was struck, and we toppled the country. You can say ohh well Al-Qaeda is still alive and so are the Taliban. Yes they are, but atleast our boys over there are the ones being attacked, and not innocent American women and children who have no means to fight back. Iraq fit the bill too. Saddam had a huge country, lots of weapons, and known to hate the US. Perfect reason to let Al-Qaeda in and let them call Iraq home. Atleast Bush took the actions that many previous presidents did not do, even when given perfect oportunities.



Name where we've taken any oil from there? Find me one of your vast media sources of us taking oil directly from Iraq. Wouldn't you think our gas prices would be cheaper by now? Environmental concerns, really, who cares? Our world is destined to be fucked up one way or another. We humans ruin and over populate, so we'll be our own worst enemy anyways. Can't do much to stop our own stupidity.


PS- I agree Exxon is getting away with murder for making the $$$$$ they are making. But this is a capatilism here, and gas isn't exactly a need, it's a luxury.

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"He practiced what he preaches"

This is bullshit. He said he'd bomb some mutherfuckers, and he did. He said he opposed abortion, and he did... but nothing came of it. Lets look at the rest of his preaching:

Smaller Government

Fiscal Conservatism

Protecting Americas Freedom


Yes yes, he practiced what he preached. All Bush did was deploy the military and hate fags, nothing more.


Re: Terrorists, were you alive in the 90s? There's too many fuckin people with short memories. Previous Presidents tried to go after them, but the republican congress called "BS" on it and wouldn't approve shit. He was apathetic to the issue right up until it bit him in the ass.

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Exactly what was so special about what W did after 9/11?


Are you kidding me? Bush has scared the world of the United States.


Bush is like the crazy random bitch, you just never know when she's going to lose her cool. That's what I like about him, he doesn't know where he's going he only knows where he's been.....and that's if he ain't been drinking. I mean, who wants to fuck with a guy, who just doesn't give a fuck. I think Spain is worried that if Germany builds a wall again, they'll get bombed. That's how crazy Bush is and that's why I like him. He's a crazy motherfucker...like the American jihadist. I just can't stand his liberal policies like medicare.....goodness gracious that makes me want to scream.

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Hell Hezbollah has been around since Carter and Regan. Again, none of the presidents since the early 80's did a damn thing about terrorism. It grew and grew into a world wide infection. I pray to God another 9/11 doesn't happen, but I know it's about 80% going to happen again. Too quickly Americans forget and go back to normal ways. Lack boarder policies, and shitty security measures caught us with our pants down. Americans only want things that will satisfy them in the present, little do most think in long term good, just short term pleasure. Bush said from the get go, this wasn't going to take 2 days, and reguardless of the next 2 presidents, it won't be over. Plain and simple, we'll be at this for a while. And now most countries know now, we're one hell of a spear that will jab and thrust the second you mess with us. Staying a super power means you need to re-affirm that status.
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You say that because...... ? Lot's of people hide behind that to make themselves feel better about electing the worst President of the modern age..... twice. Truth is, none of you actually listsned to him so you really have no idea how he would have run things. His failure came from running a quiet campaing against a shameless and dirty one.


actully nobody listened to him cuz her would make a stand one day and the next take the total opposite position. "i voted for the war before i voted against it" wtf.

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actully nobody listened to him cuz her would make a stand one day and the next take the total opposite position. "i voted for the war before i voted against it" wtf.

If you're confused by that, you need Jesus. Let me translate: "I was for the war until I learned that they lied to us to get our support". Kinda like "I trusted my wife until I caught the mailman in her punanny, then I didn't trust her".

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If you're confused by that, you need Jesus. Let me translate: "I was for the war until I learned that they lied to us to get our support". Kinda like "I trusted my wife until I caught the mailman in her punanny, then I didn't trust her".


EXACTLY. Theres been so many lies and so much deceit in this cabinet and his 8 years of presidency that I think we'll be hearing stories about it for the next 40 years. Everything from giving pardon's out like candy on halloween to tax breaks to huge corporation's for shipping jobs over seas, to NAFTA, to Defense Contractors, to the EPA, to pointing the finger for Katrina. Its all a fucking sham, its politics at its worst. Its disgusting and I am disgraced to have ever considered myself a Republican. No I take that back, I dont care about being labeled with an R as much as I care about being lumped in with a bunch of criminals like the Bush administration. And for anyone who wants to give me shit for not agreeing with going into an un-needed war to occupy a country that never wanted Democracy forced down their throats... the body count of the men and women serving is officially higher than that of 9/11. Fuck bush. He's killed more American's than any terrorist ever has.


And who says the fighting isnt going on on American soil. Patriot Act anybody? Sure go ahead take my freedom, take my liberty its not like I was using them. I'd LOVE to become a mindless drone to agree's with everything you say for fear you will label me "UNPATRIOTIC".

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And now most countries know now, we're one hell of a spear that will jab and thrust the second you mess with us. Staying a super power means you need to re-affirm that status.


I totally agree with you. "Walk tall and carry a big stick", but would could've found better ways to approach this and get our point across.




Russia and China see our weakness, and its not in our military ranks. Its in our economy.

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EXACTLY. Theres been so many lies and so much deceit in this cabinet and his 8 years of presidency that I think we'll be hearing stories about it for the next 40 years. Everything from giving pardon's out like candy on halloween to tax breaks to huge corporation's for shipping jobs over seas, to NAFTA, to Defense Contractors, to the EPA, to pointing the finger for Katrina. Its all a fucking sham, its politics at its worst. Its disgusting and I am disgraced to have ever considered myself a Republican. No I take that back, I dont care about being labeled with an R as much as I care about being lumped in with a bunch of criminals like the Bush administration. And for anyone who wants to give me shit for not agreeing with going into an un-needed war to occupy a country that never wanted Democracy forced down their throats... the body count of the men and women serving is officially higher than that of 9/11. Fuck bush. He's killed more American's than any terrorist ever has.


And who says the fighting isnt going on on American soil. Patriot Act anybody? Sure go ahead take my freedom, take my liberty its not like I was using them. I'd LOVE to become a mindless drone to agree's with everything you say for fear you will label me "UNPATRIOTIC".


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