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new abu ghraib photos

cptn janks

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Many of the images are explicit and gruesome, depicting nudity, degradation, simulated sex acts and guards posing with decaying corpses. Viewer discretion is advised.




this can only help the worlds view of the US

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this can only help the worlds view of the US

Yeah, they like to side with people against us. People that torture, dismember, and don't follow any ROE's. It's nice that the world is so hypocritical.

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To hell with the rest of the world. :finger:


"Let him that is without sin among you first cast the stone"


It's war and that shit ain't pretty and there are no rules unless everyone obeys them. I'm sorry, I don't buy that the things done were so bad. Not the ones I've seen or heard. Especially when compared to the things that so many in the middle east have done to their own people.


It's sad really. Iraq and Iran and all the middle eastern region countries are sitting on such wealth of oil and riches and yet they all live like shit and do nothing but fight.


If it was owned by us, we'd make it the next Vegas strip, people would be having fun beyond belief and getting laid like crazy. Fuck blowing yourself up to get to the 40 virgins....make it a giant club resort getaway and screw until you blow sand. :cool:


They are all dumb.


this can only help the worlds view of the US
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so two wrongs make a right?

Yes. In a situation like war, two wrong can make a right.


I mean, is it ok with you if insurgents kill and dismember 4 Blackwater operatives, even though they were under contract to do nothing but protect a kitchen company? Kill the men, burn their corpses, dismember them, and finally hang them from a bridge. That's definitely as wrong as making someone stand there naked.

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Yes. In a situation like war, two wrong can make a right.


I mean, is it ok with you if insurgents kill and dismember 4 Blackwater operatives, even though they were under contract to do nothing but protect a kitchen company? Kill the men, burn their corpses, dismember them, and finally hang them from a bridge. That's definitely as wrong as making someone stand there naked.

and dont forget have al-jazeera or what not brag/support it

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ya know, i understand that war is war, and terrible shit happens... its just that i think we should have some kind of moral superiority and not need to stoop to their levels...



then again, part of me says its human nature. reminds me of a study they did at stanford regarding prisoners and guards. they took student volunteers and placed them in a prison environment, half as guards and half as inmates.


by the second day there was a real riot, "guards" were attacking them with fire extinguishers and staying past their scheduled shift to participate, and "guards" stripped "prisoners" of their clothes and sexually humiliate them.


within 4 days, about 1/3 of the "guards" were exhibiting genuinely sadistic tendencies and behavior. the whole thing had to be shut down 6 days into a planned 14 day experiment.


so maybe its just human nature to abuse power? an "absolute power corrupts absolutely" kind of thing...

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To hell with the rest of the world. :finger:


"Let him that is without sin among you first cast the stone"


It's war and that shit ain't pretty and there are no rules unless everyone obeys them. I'm sorry, I don't buy that the things done were so bad. Not the ones I've seen or heard. Especially when compared to the things that so many in the middle east have done to their own people.


It's sad really. Iraq and Iran and all the middle eastern region countries are sitting on such wealth of oil and riches and yet they all live like shit and do nothing but fight.


If it was owned by us, we'd make it the next Vegas strip, people would be having fun beyond belief and getting laid like crazy. Fuck blowing yourself up to get to the 40 virgins....make it a giant club resort getaway and screw until you blow sand. :cool: :cool:


They are all dumb.



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All of you people who support torture need to pack up your shit and get the fuck out.


I'll make this real clear: THESE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We do not do that shit! How can we call ourselves "the best in the world" if we're constantly lowing ourselves to the level of all the other cunt dictators in the world because "we'll they did it, why cant we?"

Because you're fucking Americans, that's why. If you want to torture people, move to Mexico.


It's war and that shit ain't pretty and there are no rules unless everyone obeys them.

Spoken like someone with no honor. If you have principles, it doesn't fucking matter what everyone else is doing. You live by them and die by them. If you don't, you're no better than the cunts that "started it".

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All of you people who support torture need to pack up your shit and get the fuck out.

So you are now the decider of who gets to stay and who doesn't? Simply because you believe you are above torture means nothing. Guess what, I disagree with lots of things you say, so, is it up to me to tell you to get the fuck out? What about the people in the military that support torture. They're brave enough to fight for our country, so, because of their beliefs, they should gtfo. Get off your pedestal.


I'll make this real clear: THESE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We do not do that shit!

Yes, it looks like we do. You are wrong. Clear enough bloke?


How can we call ourselves "the best in the world" if we're constantly lowing ourselves to the level of all the other cunt dictators in the world because "we'll they did it, why cant we?"

Because you're fucking Americans, that's why. If you want to torture people, move to Mexico.

I didn't know that Mexico was the new home of all those who believe in torture. I guess ya learn something new every day. You are the one claiming that torture makes it so you can't be the best. Read some history. Those who were the best did torture people. They knew what torture meant then, the same as we do now. You are not the be all end all God of what is right for Americans.



If you have principles, it doesn't fucking matter what everyone else is doing. You live by them and die by them. If you don't, you're no better than the cunts that "started it".

So we are to abide by your principles? You are telling us to live and die by our principles, but, you get to decide what they are? So, if I give in to your principles, I am no better than the terrorists that started it? By that logic, you are a terrorist leader.


You are attempting to bend us to your principles. If we don't stick to them, we are terrorists. If we follow your lead, we become terrorists who do what you say. I'm sorry That Osama Bloke, you are not the deciding factor. You will not bend me to your terrorist will.

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1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.


I would guess these pictures were never supposed to go public. Do you enjoy failing in most of your opinionated posts?

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ya know, i understand that war is war, and terrible shit happens... its just that i think we should have some kind of moral superiority and not need to stoop to their levels...



then again, part of me says its human nature. reminds me of a study they did at stanford regarding prisoners and guards. they took student volunteers and placed them in a prison environment, half as guards and half as inmates.


by the second day there was a real riot, "guards" were attacking them with fire extinguishers and staying past their scheduled shift to participate, and "guards" stripped "prisoners" of their clothes and sexually humiliate them.


within 4 days, about 1/3 of the "guards" were exhibiting genuinely sadistic tendencies and behavior. the whole thing had to be shut down 6 days into a planned 14 day experiment.


so maybe its just human nature to abuse power? an "absolute power corrupts absolutely" kind of thing...


You're referring to the Stanford Prison Experiment. Keep in mind these aren't kids, these are trained soldiers - but those in power seek to use it, I fully agree with your sentiments. The actions in these photos are detestable and unbecoming of the basic principles of a soldier, but that doesn't warrant them non understandable.


War is a terrible thing, but on the bright non emotional side, some pretty cools stuff comes out of war (e.g.: turbos)

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Dude, did you sleep through History class? Those are not my principles, they are the principles that founded the nation.

Actually yes, 7th grade history is the first class I fell asleep in. They are your principles. The country is really cool in that it evolves. Principles that founded the nation included slavery, a form of torture.


This debate can go on forever, I will not change your mind and you will not change mine. Unfortunately, I have 8 weeks of psych to catch up on, so I will not be able to amuse myself any further.

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I have principles and beliefs that I stand by when it comes to the war going on now....eye for an eye is one of them. Fuck the enemy terrorists :finger: ....do you really think what happened at Abu Ghraib was that bad? :doh:


Have you hugged a enemy terrorist that has killed a US Soldier or a terrorist that beheaded a journalist lately? Maybe you should.....then you too can die with your principles in good standing. Not me, I'd rather take out the enemy and live....and if that involves making a grown man kneel down nude on some sharp rocks in order to cough up some evidence or stand naked and humiliated in front of females soldiers then so be it.


At least I'll give them the courtesy of not chopping off their head or gassing them and their entire village......but hey, at least we're following the Geneva Conventions and are at least respected by the enemy who is out to kill us all. :rolleyes:


"Dear Mom, sorry I had to die today, but I was over in Iraq fighting and the enemy terrorist, a 13 year old boy, I was facing ran out of ammo so instead of killing him and breaking the principles I live my life by, I attempted to take him into custody to perhaps one day save his soul. However, I didn't see that he had a bomb strapped to his chest. Maybe if I come back and live to fight again in another life, I'll just shoot him in the head so that I can come home and actually contribute to society and the world. Love you always. Your son."


If you have principles, it doesn't fucking matter what everyone else is doing. You live by them and die by them. If you don't, you're no better than the cunts that "started it".
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Yep...and pretty Ironic that Thomas Jefferson was banging one of his slaves, and fathered what.....five kids with her? IIRC they were the only slaves he ever freed from slavery in his whole life. Great principles to live by :( But hey...I'm sure Abu Ghraib will go down in history as being much worse than that :rolleyes:


Principles that founded the nation included slavery, a form of torture.
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