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How do we fight the gas companies


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I know there is another thread today about gas but I want to know how we stand up and fight the gas companies. True, one person not driving for a day or even a week can make a difference. So how do we make a stand on how outrageous prices have become? Would a mass amount of people deciding to not drive for a day actually change anything and if so how many people would it take? Looking for real solutions here. Whats it going to take?
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You want a real solution? Stop buying gas. As long as people will pay whatever price for it, the price will not go down. It's a commodity. You either pay for it, or you don't and the price will subsequently reduce until you pay for it again and the cycle continues.
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Honestly I doubt we can change anything. The public will bitch until they can no longer speak, but at the end of that day, we all buy the gas at whatever price it is. I would love for us to be able to come together and protest/boycott in some way. I doubt that will happen though.
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It dosent matter what you do, there is a need for gas. We use gas on a daily basis. Dont buy it one day and watch the price soar because they didnt make their projected profits for the week/month. Its a battle we will never win, just tuck your tail and deal with it because there is nothing we can do.
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There is no 'fighting' the oil companies. They are neither good nor evil. They are just business entities doing exactly what their made to do. Make a profit. Making a profit is neither inherently good or bad, it is what it is. The only thing that can possibly effect change is government regulation on such businesses. Im not saying that will be the cure all, im simply saying it might level the playing field. Of course we're not going to see such government regulation's for at least a few more years.


EDIT: Please dont take my comments to mean that politicians can fix everything. In a modern capitalistic society politician's really hold little power, but never the less can provoke change should they use that power strategically.

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There is no 'fighting' the oil companies. They are neither good nor evil. They are just business entities doing exactly what their made to do. Make a profit. Making a profit is neither inherently good or bad, it is what it is. The only thing that can possibly effect change is government regulation on such businesses. Im not saying that will be the cure all, im simply saying it might level the playing field. Of course we're not going to see such government regulation's for at least a few more years.


EDIT: Please dont take my comments to mean that politicians can fix everything. In a modern capitalistic society politician's really hold little power, but never the less can provoke change should they use that power strategically.





Goverment could reduce the tax on gas. In ohio its 77cents on avg. They could also enforce that gas company stop fixing the prices, Look RECORD PROFITS. Thats BS, Record profits while those of us stuck in the middle fuck record anal rapage.

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Nothing will happen until the gov steps in... if we don't buy gas today, we'll buy it tomorrow, the companies know this and will charge what they want.


Besides why would the Gov stop this when they are making so much profit on the taxing (read 77 cents a gallon)

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Goverment could reduce the tax on gas. In ohio its 77cents on avg. They could also enforce that gas company stop fixing the prices, Look RECORD PROFITS. Thats BS, Record profits while those of us stuck in the middle fuck record anal rapage.

Jesus Mind-fucking Christ, I can't believe I actually agree with you.

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Nothing will happen until the gov steps in... if we don't buy gas today, we'll buy it tomorrow, the companies know this and will charge what they want.


Besides why would the Gov stop this when they are making so much profit on the taxing (read 77 cents a gallon)


last thing we want is the gov't to step in. the only way to contain prices is to use less of it as a country and find alternative sources of energy/fuel.

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We dont even need oil, it is made up by the goverment. Cars could run on cheap renewable sources, but there is no scare in that. I blame the media and the hippies. It is not one mans fault.


But really, ways to help;


1. Buy food that is produced locally, so we dont have trucks running al accross the united states.

2. Drive less. i.e. combine trips.

3. kick a soccer mom in the cunt. I hate soccer moms.

4. Car pool

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We dont even need oil, it is made up by the goverment. Cars could run on cheap renewable sources, but there is no scare in that. I blame the media and the hippies. It is not one mans fault.


But really, ways to help;


1. Buy food that is produced locally, so we dont have trucks running al accross the united states.

2. Drive less. i.e. combine trips.

3. kick a soccer mom in the cunt. I hate soccer moms.

4. Car pool


I think in someways your right in others your dead wrong. 100 people driving less won't change anything. I love goverment conspiracy theorists. Please tell me how it could be working right now. Hydrogen is currently being worked on.


No matter what you have to produce energy.

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Maybe CR should buy its own oil co? Ha ha I think you're all correct, too much money in profits taxes etc. Most of the CEO's of these oil co's are Americans even though the product mostly comes from the middle east, so our govt protects these guys and they get political donations etc.

Bottom line, bitch all you want, it won't do any good. Probably best to spend our time & energy in getting good jobs so we can continue to pay for it -

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If I felt safe riding one on the freeway I would, but since it isn't safe or legal for that matter, I can't....


Maybe there should be a dedicated lane on the freeway for bicycles. That would let some of us not be fat and reduce oil consumption. 2 birds 1 stone.

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Don't worry the government will do some things to help, like cutting intrest rates and printing more money to cause inflation, so your commodities cost more.


Step 1 in creating a Fascist state: Destroy the currency.


Don't think so? Read a history book.

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I remember reading somewhere that the oil industry has made a bigger profit in the last 3 years alone than they did all together from 1990-2001. They just try to find excuses as to why they need to raise gas prices (i.e. Hurricane Katrina) and it's bullshit. I understand the concept of trying to make a profit, but at some point it's just unethical and hurting the country IMO. Price gauging at it's finest
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