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How do we fight the gas companies


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If you really want to drop prices, kill a broker. Speculation on oil futures is the biggest contributor to rising oil prices. If the oil market collapsed tomorrow, we could easily see a reduction back to $30-$40 a barrel.




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I understand that as long as we continue to buy gas at what ever price it is then the gas price isn't going to change. I feel the biggest problem isn’t going to be the price per gallon (PPG) but more of how the PPG will affect our lives. Even if you drive just to work and back you are going to send a fair amount of money on gas a week. On the low end $50.00 and the higher end $75.00.( And that’s super conservative) That’s about $250.00 a month for gas. That’s my car payment! Now I have to spend more money, I don’t go out as much because 1. I don’t have the money to begin with and 2 I would spend what little extra I had on getting to wherever I was going. So now people are spending less money on the economy. I really fear that the only way this is going to changes is once our economy really starts to fall apart. It has to get worse before it gets better and I’m afraid the worst is yet to come.
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5 million a mile?? What source is this coming from? Anybody bidding road work that high isn't building jack shit. Koko doesn't bid shit that high... I could prove it to you but I'd probably get fired.


Straight from the city of columbus...


Like I said this is not a repave this is the whole nine yards. Underlayment all the way to the sealcoat.

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Along with maintaining roadways the gas tax also gets funds for 501C3's and special interest groups. I'm very informed about some multi million dollar "donations" that clubs that I work with are working to get. Also that bike trail between dresden and zanesville was many millions of dollars to build and its only use obviously is bikes and 80% of the money came from the state and federal grants groups can apply for and its funded by the gas tax. Look it up if you want.


Bottom line, we can't do shit. I will pay what ever price I have to for gas. At least in my case my company pays me back at a really good rate and I make money.



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Nothing will happen until the gov steps in... if we don't buy gas today, we'll buy it tomorrow, the companies know this and will charge what they want.


Besides why would the Gov stop this when they are making so much profit on the taxing (read 77 cents a gallon)







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since my work let me make my own schedule, i have been riding to work with my g/f mon-thurs, since we work within a mile of each other, and live 17-18 miles away, and i drive my car fri-sun. its still affecting us quite a bit.


its to the point now im trying to find a place within 2-3 miles of work thats no more than 100$ more than im paying now, and i will be getting a bicycle to ride thru the week on the clear days

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Build a safe nuclear power plant in New England so people can stop burning Heating Oil.

That isn't as easy as it sounds, and not because of that union BS other people were on about. There is only one foundry in the entire world (Japan Steel Works) that is able to cast the steel containment vessels necessary for a reactor core. Last I looked, their max capacity was roughly 15-20 per year, and we're not the only ones buying. You want energy independence? Vote people in who understand that the only way out of this mess is a Manhattan project for solar, fusion, or both. Drilling Alaska oil and mining West Virginia coal won't do shit for except prolong the inevitable.

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since my work let me make my own schedule, i have been riding to work with my g/f mon-thurs, since we work within a mile of each other, and live 17-18 miles away, and i drive my car fri-sun. its still affecting us quite a bit.


its to the point now im trying to find a place within 2-3 miles of work thats no more than 100$ more than im paying now, and i will be getting a bicycle to ride thru the week on the clear days


See, this is clearly an issue. You should not be living soo dangerously close to the edge so that if a small gas hike occurs you have to drastically alter your habits or life. Don't blame the gas company...:D

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I can't believe no one else has followed the work of this local hero. Well, I call him a hero.


Build a vehicle that will run on water. One guy did so already... but he's dead now. So, do so at your own risk.
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