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How do we fight the gas companies


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Here's a thought. Become Energy Independent?? Vote people in office who think that quality of American lives is more important than some endangered owl up in Alaska. Get our own oil! Is oil evil? Nope. Should we look at alternatives? Yep. I realize it will eventually be gone, but there is still a ton left. Combine oil with alternative research so we can still live our lives.


Cut the "Summer Blend" BS when it comes to refining gas! Why do we have so many blends? Stick with one and it becomes easier to refine.


Build a safe nuclear power plant in New England so people can stop burning Heating Oil. (Become more efficient)


Check out oil shale! Basically, it's oil trapped in rock out in Wyoming and Utah. Invest in refining capacity.


Eventually, we can tell those Middle Eastern countries to go pound sand.


Quit blaming capitalist business. Oil companies profit based on the selling price of oil. They do NOT set the price.


The weak dollar as was mentioned is killing us. If a broker in Europe can buy oil on the cheap because his Euro is worth twice as much as our dollar, he's going to push up the price of oil.


Is there a problem with the way oil is traded?? Absolutely. Why should some Wall Street jackass dictate how Americans live their every day lives?

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Here's a thought. Become Energy Independent?? Vote people in office who think that quality of American lives is more important than some endangered owl up in Alaska. Get our own oil! Is oil evil? Nope. Should we look at alternatives? Yep. I realize it will eventually be gone, but there is still a ton left. Combine oil with alternative research so we can still live our lives.


Cut the "Summer Blend" BS when it comes to refining gas! Why do we have so many blends? Stick with one and it becomes easier to refine.


Build a safe nuclear power plant in New England so people can stop burning Heating Oil. (Become more efficient)


Check out oil shale! Basically, it's oil trapped in rock out in Wyoming and Utah. Invest in refining capacity.


Eventually, we can tell those Middle Eastern countries to go pound sand.


Quit blaming capitalist business. Oil companies profit based on the selling price of oil. They do NOT set the price.


The weak dollar as was mentioned is killing us. If a broker in Europe can buy oil on the cheap because his Euro is worth twice as much as our dollar, he's going to push up the price of oil.


Is there a problem with the way oil is traded?? Absolutely. Why should some Wall Street jackass dictate how Americans live their every day lives?




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Every 8 days, China opens a coal power plant. We aren't building shit here in America... I bet they would build a nuclear power plant in the northeast if the unions didn't drive up the cost of construction. Why isn't anything produced in the 'ol USA anymore? Why are jobs/factories being shipped overseas?? Unions have helped to destroy factory work, the american automotive industry, and inflates your airline tickes, but is FINALLY starting to be kicked out of most construction work. I think there are very few union construction companies left in Columbus... that's why we have a more developed city that may continue to boom.
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Goverment could reduce the tax on gas. In ohio its 77cents on avg. They could also enforce that gas company stop fixing the prices, Look RECORD PROFITS. Thats BS, Record profits while those of us stuck in the middle fuck record anal rapage.


I dont know forcertain but most if not all of that tax money on gas goes into our road/bridge system. Our roads are decent compared to most cities and I'd like to keep it that way.


Giving the federal government that power and control would create large risks for the economy. There is not a single government agency or division that runs efficiently; do we really want an organization that developed the U.S. Tax Code handling something as complex as oil and gas prices? I know most of you esp Throne has an issue the taxes. I find the top 1% paying 43% of all taxes pretty fair, but I still think there is room for improvement. Thats a whole different argument.


Lets go back to the basics of business and "hands off" government control, I mean this is America. Profit motives, competition, and individual ingenuity have always led to greater cost control and effectiveness.


-I am a firm believer in free market enterprise, again this is America.

-Having the gov't control gas would be against all beliefs and the law of economics (basic supply and demand).

-There would be no incentive for suppliers to continue producing gasoline.


the only way to lower prices is to use less as a whole country


This is a good read about the "gas crisis in 73" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_oil_crisis


the article shows how all the targeted countries including the US handled the situation. even though we are not really in crisis mode now, the article still gives you an idea of how government controlled oil would look like to us the consumers. I for one want to chose when, where, and how much gas I get.

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Please explain to us where the President controls gas prices.


While I dont agree with his broad perception of the problem this presidency is at the very least partially responsible for the weakening dollar which really just add's to the price of oil going up. It almost seem's like the more things cost (ie, war) the more money we print. Its pathetic.


I'll go back to my original statement. Politician's (this includes the presidency) cannot and should not be held solely responsible for high price's of oil. There are a ton of mitigating factor's to consider when making this argument.

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I should have phrased that differently. I know where the taxes go...


But check this out. Ohio is one of the largest consumers of petroleum. So lets just say we used 10mill gallons a year. Thats still 7,700,000 in tax collected a year. Now I also know that a freeway cost around 5 million a mile to build. So the tax based off my made up number would produced 1.54 new miles a year.


Like I stated the 10 mill gallons is something i just pulled out of my ass. But even at that we should have some road in nice condition. We all know that when the city goes out the just do a quick repave and not all of the layers that go into a freeway. So where is the rest of the money? Why is the tax so high?

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Every 8 days, China opens a coal power plant. We aren't building shit here in America... I bet they would build a nuclear power plant in the northeast if the unions didn't drive up the cost of construction. Why isn't anything produced in the 'ol USA anymore? Why are jobs/factories being shipped overseas?? Unions have helped to destroy factory work, the american automotive industry, and inflates your airline tickes, but is FINALLY starting to be kicked out of most construction work. I think there are very few union construction companies left in Columbus... that's why we have a more developed city that may continue to boom.


I hate to break it to you but the union construction companies arent doing it. Union and non union construction companies bid on the same jobs around the city. The bid goes to the lowest bidder. If a union company gets the job does that mean they are raping the public, I dont think so, I would guess they bid lower than the other companies. They just pay their employees better. Is that a bad thing? And not too many non union companies have the resources of calling up other locals to get enough skilled employees to build a power plant. I wouldnt go blaming everything on the unions. The case may be different in the auto industry but in the construction industry the unions are competing against the non union companies for the same projects. It all comes down to the lowest bidder.

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I should have phrased that differently. I know where the taxes go...


But check this out. Ohio is one of the largest consumers of petroleum. So lets just say we used 10mill gallons a year. Thats still 7,700,000 in tax collected a year. Now I also know that a freeway cost around 5 million a mile to build. So the tax based off my made up number would produced 1.54 new miles a year.


Like I stated the 10 mill gallons is something i just pulled out of my ass. But even at that we should have some road in nice condition. We all know that when the city goes out the just do a quick repave and not all of the layers that go into a freeway. So where is the rest of the money? Why is the tax so high?


5 million a mile?? What source is this coming from? Anybody bidding road work that high isn't building jack shit. Koko doesn't bid shit that high... I could prove it to you but I'd probably get fired.

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I hate to break it to you but the union construction companies arent doing it. Union and non union construction companies bid on the same jobs around the city. The bid goes to the lowest bidder. If a union company gets the job does that mean they are raping the public, I dont think so, I would guess they bid lower than the other companies. They just pay their employees better. Is that a bad thing? And not too many non union companies have the resources of calling up other locals to get enough skilled employees to build a power plant. I wouldnt go blaming everything on the unions. The case may be different in the auto industry but in the construction industry the unions are competing against the non union companies for the same projects. It all comes down to the lowest bidder.


This may be what 10TV has tought you, but my experience has taught me otherwise. An example close to home of unions "strongarming", not competing, would be the Huntington Park Stadium project. There were quite a few articles on this...


The currrent project (non union) I'm working on has only ONE union contractor that has been awarded a subcontract. It is private work so they have no one to strongarm

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Build a safe nuclear power plant in New England so people can stop burning Heating Oil. (Become more efficient)


Already is; Pilgrim Power Plant.


It used to be 4th WORST in the coutry, but after a very critical review and being shut down for a few years, it was overhauled and is one of the safest now.


Electricity prices out there are still terrible. My family in MA can't believe how little my electric bill is when I have electric heat/cooking/etc.


yeah why not make less money i mean shit they tax us on our income on everything we buy I bet we pay ~50% of our income to taxes.

I once heard that a study was done to figure out what our TOTAL taxes are; including gas, sales, income, cigarettes, etc. It came to roughly 40% regardless of tax bracket.


Kinda sucks that for every 5-day week of work, TWO whole days are just working without pay in order to fund our government.

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