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need opinions...should i move?


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little lengthy...need some opinions


currently, im living in blacklick with my g/f. we both work in westerville, near schrock/cleveland. about a mile away from each other. because of this, i schedule my shifts to where i can ride with her mon-thurs, and i drive friday (this is because i have to work until 7 on mon-thurs, she works til 6, and she cant drive stick to take my car to her work...friday i work til 1, so i go pick her up at 6)...this gives us a ~30 min drive from home to work, daily. 17.5ish miles...with gas prices where theyve been, even over the last couple years, we usually have to fill up her car once a week. this causes me undue headache because she complains about having to pay so much for gas for us to carpool (even though it would only be a couple bucks less if i didnt ride, since shes going there anyways)


we've been considering moving to that area to have a much, much shorter drive to work. other than that, no great reason to move that way. i have nothing in westerville besides work, nor does she. my parents/family are in gahanna, hers are next to easton.


so over the last couple months, ive been looking for places in the same price range as what im at now, or something that would be affordable saving gas money from driving


right now, im paying 575/mo for a 2 bed, 2 bath flat, i think its a hair under 1000 sq/ft...deal we have is i pay rent (575), and she pays utilities (175-225 depending on seasons), and each pay our own car/cell/ins/etc...the only thing i can find thats comparable in decent areas near work are going for 700+$/mo. we'd like to have a 2 bedroom, as we have way to much stuff to keep in a one bed. we use quite a bit of the 2nd bedroom as storage...


so should i a) look for something in the area, spend the extra $, and be closer to work, or b) keep my current apartment, save the money, deal with the drive, and basically point out that she is getting the lower end of the household bills, and that she shouldnt be complaining about having to pay a little bit more for gas?

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Evan, no idea really what to tell you on that but really shell see it as her way or get the hell out. anyways if you do move closer yes you will save money on gas but you will be paying more per month so it will probably equal it out.
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Evan, no idea really what to tell you on that but really shell see it as her way or get the hell out. anyways if you do move closer yes you will save money on gas but you will be paying more per month so it will probably equal it out.


Mer? I dont think its a question of their relationship but of the finance's involved.


Evan, I work right off of Schrock and Cleveland and live off of Sawmill. I might have a 10-15min drive to work on a daily basis and there are a few 2 bedroom/2bathroom flats around my area for 600 and under. You'll still have a short drive everyday but it wont be as long as the drive to blacklick. Since gas has gone up (and will only get more expensive) and I just bought a car thats not exactly a gas miser I've been thinking of moving to this area too. But if I do I'll probably move close enough to bike or walk to work and avoid driving my car all together. The problem is I only pay 200$ per month now so it would be hard to justify moving despite how cheap of an apt I find.

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so should i a) look for something in the area, spend the extra $, and be closer to work, or b) keep my current apartment, save the money, deal with the drive, and basically point out that she is getting the lower end of the household bills, and that she shouldnt be complaining about having to pay a little bit more for gas?


Oh and considering how often you fill up on gas. In driving the Jetta I fill up about once a week. But I drive to grandview on thursday's and friday's so that add's some mileage. If you were to move around here im sure you would only have to fill up once every other week, but dont forget your leisure travel. If your dring to Blacklick every weekend to visit friends and family, then driving around there then you will just negate any saving's you may have made by moving. I usually stick around the Sawmill Rd area on the weekend's so i hardly drive anywhere really.

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just out of curiosity, where do you work up there?


as for post #2, its not a matter of her way or i leave. it was my appt to begin with.


really, I wont be saving more on gas....she will. but if i do move up that way, she will have to pitch in a bit on the rent since shell be saving $

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so its a draw when money is envolved because she has to pay more either way. the only thing you get is a closer drive to work in a shitty part of town vs. where your at now, well maybe since i don't know where your at now and where you were looking at.
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Man , my first apartment was $475 a month for a 1 bedroom in ....... 1990!

Stay where you want. As said in posts before , the amount you would save on gas by moving closer to work would most likely be spent on increased rent.

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people seem to think where im at is crappy, mainly because it used to have section 8 in parts. with new owners, they stopped the section 8 a few months after i moved in, and havent had any problems


the worst 2 things ive had in almost 2 years was my first week here, getting ready for work saw some kids waiting for the bus sitting on my car hood. jumped their ass about it, never happened again. the other thing was new years 07, the neighbors were shooting off fireworks at midnight, and i was watching thru the blinds, and i see one pull a pistol from his belt and shoot a couple shots into the air. i guess there will be idiots where ever you go. other than that, ive had 0 problems


plus, it will save me the time/energy/money of having to move to a new place

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really, I wont be saving more on gas....she will. but if i do move up that way, she will have to pitch in a bit on the rent since shell be saving $


So you wont be benefitting anything out of a move besides maybe a sore back? Next time your girl bitch's about gas remind her what monthly bills she has other than gas and that should stop her complaining. The only reason why people think gas is so horrible is because its a weekly bill, put it into perspective considering everything else and its really not all that bad.


Oh yeah, I work at JPMChase. Aj, just curious why do you think that area is a bad area of town? I would say anything south of the outerbelt gets a little shady but as long as he stay's north its comparable to worthington/dublin/NW side

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Why are you getting such a short end of the stick?


She bitches about an extra, what, $15/month TOPS added on by you car pooling. Yet she is living with household expenses of basically $200/month. Where in the hell could you EVER live that cheaply with even a roomate. You'd be hard pressed to live in a ghetto hell-hole for so little.


How about just make rent/utilites 50/50 and not car pool. :)

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How about just make rent/utilites 50/50 and not car pool. :)


I could see that conversation not going so well...


Evan: "you don't like the extra 15 dollars a month for driving me.... ok, rent is 50/50... have fun with the extra 200 for rent bitch"


G/F: "Go F Yourself... no nookie for a year!"



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carl - i work at alliance data...just on schrock. gf works at the daycare by key bank and mcdonalds


the reason we have the deal is a) i had all the bills before she moved in. it was just some extra cash in my pocket for her to take the utilities (plus, i told her when she moved in we were getting DVR and she was paying the extra 20$/mo...lol) and b) she doesnt make nearly as much as i do, and her car payment/ins are a little higher. i think she makes a whopping 9.15 or so an hour. last year, i think she only claimed 18k, i claimed about 2x that


i really dont want to be at 161/71, even if it is somewhat closer. she has a friend that lives right there on the SW corner of 161/71, and the 2x ive went over, i really wished i had taken my CCW course way before then. if im going to move that way, its going to be gahanna/NE part of westerville/new albany (but pretty expensive)


jake - if you do go up to apply at JC, put me down for a referral and ill throw you some cash your way. i dont know what the referral fee is now. i know a couple years ago it was like 200$. whens the last time you checked with them? it seems the next building down from me doesnt ever have as many cars as ours does...its on RQL

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carl - i work at alliance data...just on schrock. gf works at the daycare by key bank and mcdonalds


I knew it. I pass that place all the time. There's another, similar, company right across the street isnt there? I figured you worked at one of the two. And I agree you really dont want to move anywhere south of 270. There's some apt's off of Cook that are ok, not the best but ok none the less but Im sure they arent cheaper than 700/month. Sounds like you guys are actually saving money by staying where you are.

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the reason we have the deal is a) i had all the bills before she moved in. it was just some extra cash in my pocket for her to take the utilities (plus, i told her when she moved in we were getting DVR and she was paying the extra 20$/mo...lol) and b) she doesnt make nearly as much as i do, and her car payment/ins are a little higher.

Regardless of how bad she is with money, with the deal you are giving her (which is crazy good), she has a lot of nerve to even think about complaining about a few extra bucks in gas driving you to work is costing her.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet going out and doing things is not a 50/50 pay deal overall. I'd bet you pay 80%, at least. I've dated women like that in the past.


I'm sorry, if she can't appreicate what you are doing for her, why are you even with her? $200/month...my god, the only time I've had less living expenses was when I lived with my parents...back when I was 18, and that's because it was free!


She should be thanking her lucky stars you haven't tossed her ass to the curb. I made the mistake before of "justifying" why I paid more in past relationships. In the end, it's just BS.

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Without going into neighborhoods or why you are paying so much more (Joe is all over that part)...

I thought I'd share that I moved closer to my work over the summer. I now pay more for rent, but live in a nicer area and get to work in 8-10 min with no freeway, and there is no comparison. I used to live 30-35 min from work (for 4 years), then 20 min (for 3 years) both all freeway which was a ton more hassle with accidents, construction, traffic, weather, etc without even considering gas savings.

It's so nice being about to get to work w/out having to worry about traffic or bad roads. I can run home on lunch and let dogs out if I want, or just being able to get home so quick. It's nice having all that extra time in the morning and evenings I was wasting in the car sitting in traffic.

Anyways, if you can afford it and if it's a nicer place to live I definitely recommend it.

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sounds good evan. I am on there waiting list. They said they had a one bedroom open but it was on the bottom floor. I think i would rather have a top floor with them. I would think it would be rather noisey if i was on the bottom.


ive actually asked my neighbor below me, and the one that was currently there, if we were bothering them the previous nights when we had parties. the old woman wouldnt have had an issue telling us (she was bitchy like that), and she said she didnt hear us. i think theyre new enough that they built them well enough that 1st floor isnt bad

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