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Ticket Question


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A buddy of mine got pulled over the other day for a license plate light out, and got a ticket for that as well as a loud muffler ticket. Those I can understand but I was really surprised when I heard that he also got two tickets for an illegal turn and illegally passing like two weeks earlier. The officer said that he saw my friend make the turn or whatever but didn't pull him over at the time because he wasn't in his patrol car.

I was just really surprised to hear this because I've never heard of someone getting a ticket for something that happened any number of days before. My friend honestly can't remember what happened yesterday let alone two weeks ago. How can the officer be so sure that it wasn't just a car that looked the same as his or even who was driving at the time? I know the police can pretty much do whatever they want but the officer literally could have said that he was guilty of any offense he wanted to and it took place on any date that he wanted and it would have been the officer's word angainst my friends. How much power do city police officers really have?

I don't understand how this is a legitimate citation. I was always under the impression that if you get a traffic ticket it has to be given to you at the time the offense was commited, but maybe this isn't the case? Enlighten me and share any similar experiences you guys may have had. Thanks!

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i feel your freind isnt telling the whole story or didnt get it right, or the cop needs to be fired.. one of the three.. there is no power outside of the cruiser for traffic stops.. i cant see you make a illegal turn in my personal car then a day later pull you over when im on duty and give you a ticket for it.. just isnt possible.
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i cant see you make a illegal turn in my personal car then a day later pull you over when im on duty and give you a ticket for it.. just isnt possible.


That's what I thought but it's exactly what happened. Nothing is being left out. The date the ticket was issued is marked, then the date the offense was committed (which happened to be twelve days earlier) is marked.


I know there are a few officers of the law on here and was hoping one would chime in on what they think is going on. Will this hold up in court or was he hoping he would just pay it? What should his defense be? He literally can't even confirm whether or not he was on the road when this officer said he was.

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I'd fight it in court. I'd find the prosecutor, say something to the effect of, "Hey, these two equipment violations are legit, but these moving violations he tacked on from two weeks prior are bogus and I'm prepared to fight them. I've got witnesses that'll put me somewhere not even close to where he said I was. The cop's wrong about them, and I won't have a hard time showing it. So, let's compromise, you agree to drop the bogus charges, and I'll agree to pay the fines for the equipment violations, and everyone's happy." If the prosecutor balks, then I'd enter a plea of not guilty, request a few weeks from the judge to prepare your case, and set about finding witnesses to vouch for your whereabouts on the day in question.
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if its in Franklin county and by CPD go to the courthouse early and talk to the CPD court liason (SP) and he will more then be happy to settle with you..


i would never attempt anything like that.. even thought some idiots deserve it

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HHmmm i would really like to see the ticket.. this just dosent add up at all.. post the ticket maybe thatll clear some stuff up..id really like to see what he wrote and what sections of orc..
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Thanks for all the replies, everyone's feedback is much appreciated! The court date is coming up next week so opinions from policeman really help. Let me know what you think about this.



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plead not guilty to all of the ticket.. with the dates shown on the ticket as 12 days apart it pretty much sums up the case. all four of the citations are written on the same ticket even though they are seperate offense they are all from the same day, as seen by the ticket.. fight the ticket you win
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plead not guilty to all of the ticket.. with the dates shown on the ticket as 12 days apart it pretty much sums up the case. all four of the citations are written on the same ticket even though they are seperate offense they are all from the same day, as seen by the ticket.. fight the ticket you win


What he said. I'm pretty sure that if the officer fills out the ticket incorrectly, it will not hold up in court. One of my friends got out of a speeding ticket for doing 70 in a 55 because the officer forgot to put the "55" part on the ticket. Even though there is no 70mph limit in OH, the court has no way of knowing if it is a 35mph zone or 65mph zone so it was dismissed.

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and he checked "almost caused" under "crash"??? wow. what a royal dick. was this in the newark/heath/hebron/buckeye lake region? we seem to have a boat load of asshole cops here. if anyone on here is a cop from around here, no offense, but thats from my encounters, my families encounters, and my friends encounters.
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