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How to get revenge?


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I heard this one on Bubba and thought it was great. Next birthday, holiday whatever buy him a gift card but instead of being the full amount use it until it has a couple bucks left. Make sure the gift envelope says $50 or $100 or whatever.
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If he's married, work it out to get him caught with another women. That will do all of the below you mentioned to them and it will be their own doing. It's a very low blow, especially if kids are involved but it's the best and something I would absolutely strike with if I pretty pissed.


An old boss I had did that to someone in our industry he had a huge beef with while we were at a conference in Vegas. The target cost my boss big money and some job related issues that were never forgotten. Dude thought he was just scoring on the side while on a business trip. He never had a clue anyone was watching him the entire night.


Said girl was average to good looking and attended the conference that night on a guest badge blending right in. Once in the hotel room the girl excused herself, unlocked the door for the final phase which involved a video camera and a helper.


There was video and photos sent to his wife along with flowers. The video was also distributed to his co-workers and family. Total cost was $1k but the results were priceless.


True story and end of my friends anger over the matter. We talk about it to this day and spoke nothing of it to anyone, however, it was out on the streets to the entire industry within weeks of the event.


Married man on video doing 69 with a hooker = Perfect revenge.


A friend of a friend brought this topic up today... if someone had screwed you over so badly in the past that it caused mental, physical, and monetary harm to your family, what is the best way to pay the fuckers back?


This person knows the prick's full name, address, phone number, place of employment, age, family members, etc. This person wants to drag out the pay back for as long as possible, and would prefer that said prick never has a clue as to why bad things are happening to him.


So, what are some good payback stories you have heard? Gay personal ads in Craigslist? Bathroom stall "for a good time" scribbles? Throw the ideas out there. The more detailed, the better.


Disclaimer. This is all in fun, and is strictly for entertainment value.

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One of the easiest ways to get revenge... Get a valve stem remover and remove the valves on opposite sides of the car, I.E... The driver side front and passenger side back tires. He will have to get the car towed and once the stems are replaced wait a week or two and do the opposite tires. Not extremely costly to fix but very time consuming.
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Well as revenge is never a good thing, if I had a girl ever fuck me over I would invite her over to my house one night when it was cold and raining heavily just to talk. Once she got here i would sit her down and then tell her I would be right back. I then would go outside and toss a brick through her driver side front window, then tell her to get the fuck out and leave. Then when she leaves, tell her to have fun driving home.

hmmmm...done this before? LoL!!

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my only rule is dont mess with the car. Other pranks are good. but please not the car.


No way. While we're all fans of cars you have to keep it in perspective. Cars and simply tools of life. Relationships are much more important. If someone fucked up my car, oh well thats what insurance is for. If someone tried fucking up the relationship between my family and I or my friends and I... That would be fucked up.


Tim, I seriously hope that guy deserved what he got. It sounds like alot of planning went into that.

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