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A guy at work explained it to me. Basically engines are linked togeather on the same throttle and one engine's throttle is out of sync. The train is stopped, but the wheels on one engine slowly turn and grind the rail. If nobody catches it then this happens. It's called rail burn.
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A guy at work explained it to me. Basically engines are linked togeather on the same throttle and one engine's throttle is out of sync. The train is stopped, but the wheels on one engine slowly turn and grind the rail. If nobody catches it then this happens. It's called rail burn.


Youve got it. I friend of mine works for Norfolk Southern. He's one of the guys that gets to go out and replace those sections of track.

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Umm, the other engines can pull it out, but I'm thinking they're gonna uncouple the rest of the train to avoid derailing cars in those...and the wheels on the locomotive had to have been prety well shot...I'm thinking they call in a recovery engine, hoist that bugger and replace those wheels on the spot...
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