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Take it personal???

V8 Beast

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With all of the e-battles and other BS that goes on in here, how many of you actually take it personally? I see the occasional person say if they ever see someone in public they will kick their ass, but most of us tend to not have problems with each other in person.


How many of you when you see someone at a meet say you hate them and then go over a act all buddy buddy? How many of you have actually developed enemies because of something someone posted or did at a meet? I'm still fairly new so I have no clue what happened before I got here. I do know that at every meet we talk and conversate like we didnt call each other douche bags 3 hours before lol!


For the record... I love you all. http://smiliesftw.com/x/mofugger.gif

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There's life outside the interweb?


Not really. We are all hooked up to machines that make us think we are actually communicating and moving, but we are actually in a big matrix. Now I have to ask you... would you like the blue pill or the red one?


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

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With all of the e-battles and other BS that goes on in here, how many of you actually take it personally? I see the occasional person say if they ever see someone in public they will kick their ass, but most of us tend to not have problems with each other in person.


How many of you when you see someone at a meet say you hate them and then go over a act all buddy buddy? How many of you have actually developed enemies because of something someone posted or did at a meet? I'm still fairly new so I have no clue what happened before I got here. I do know that at every meet we talk and conversate like we didnt call each other douche bags 3 hours before lol!


For the record... I love you all. http://smiliesftw.com/x/mofugger.gif


I have never seen anyone take anything more personal than this gentleman. FWIW, anything I ever said to Chris was a joke, and I thought that it was very clear.



Dear Eli,


First, I want you to know that Anthony and I have discussed all of the following in detail. He is in full support of all details included in this message.


Since you refuse to discuss this over the phone and under record, I’m forced to send you this message. This is in regards to the years of written abuse you have inflicted upon me, and specifically recent escalation into veiled personal threats.


1) If you so much as make a mention to or about me on Columbus Racing again, you will be permanently banned from the website. You are to completely ignore my presence, and take any moderation or administrative issues you have concern with directly to Anthony. You are also not permitted to have any member make statements from you or for you related directly or indirectly about me. This rule is subject to my personal discretion of the situation.


2) I will not tolerate anymore veiled threats and harassment from you on Columbus Racing or through any other means. If I receive anymore questionable correspondence I will contact the police and my attorney and press charges and action against you to the fullest extent of the law.


3) Should you choose to ignore the details in item 2 and attempt physical contact with me for any purpose I will make immediate contact with the police, protect and defend myself and my interests within the bounds of the law, and press charges and action against you to the fullest extent of the law.


I formally request that you immediately and permanently cease and desist from all contact with me, whether written, verbal, or physical. Please reply simply that you understand this message and the details I demand. Otherwise, I wish for no contact with you ever again.


If you do not reply, this message will be sent via certified mail to either your place of residence or your place of business or both.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Chris Green


CC Anthony Green

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Internet is rarely personal to me. The way I see it, if we've not met in person several times, then how can it be personal. Text is way different than in person.


I think everyone here has been in a heated discussion at some point, but that's the internet. No big deal.


Honestly, I don't have the bandwidth to keep score on people. In the end, life is too short to do that anyway.

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With all of the e-battles and other BS that goes on in here, how many of you actually take it personally? I see the occasional person say if they ever see someone in public they will kick their ass, but most of us tend to not have problems with each other in person.


How many of you when you see someone at a meet say you hate them and then go over a act all buddy buddy? How many of you have actually developed enemies because of something someone posted or did at a meet? I'm still fairly new so I have no clue what happened before I got here. I do know that at every meet we talk and conversate like we didnt call each other douche bags 3 hours before lol!


For the record... I love you all. http://smiliesftw.com/x/mofugger.gif


Many people seem to hate me on the internet, and like me in person. I prefer it that way. :)


You're a douchebag




Figlio di puttana, sai che tu sei un pezzo di merda?

Pezzo di merda, figlio di puttana.

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I have never seen anyone take anything more personal than this gentleman. FWIW, anything I ever said to Chris was a joke, and I thought that it was very clear.



Is that real? Damn dude how and what did you say?




- There are allot of people on CR then when i talked to I thought were Asses and once you meet them and know them you relize there damn funny people. But I will say I've gotten pretty pissed off at people before on CR.

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the only person i really hate is steve. everyone else is cool to me. but i really hate steve, i actully had to pull out the gun on friday night cause he showed up at qsl, that was after everyone left, then he begged for forgivness and shit so i left.
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Guest 614Streets
the only person i really hate is steve. everyone else is cool to me. but i really hate steve, i actully had to pull out the gun on friday night cause he showed up at qsl, that was after everyone left, then he begged for forgivness and shit so i left.




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