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Trying again quit smoking


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Anyone else trying? This will be my, well I ran out of fingers, time trying. I always make the mistake of just smoking one here and there and then whamo, I am buying another pack. Cold turkey I guess. I am about 15 hrs and counting. I wish you could just buy one. Someone needs to come out witha vending machine which only allows me to buy one at a time. Just to take the edge off. Oh fuck, I am rambling.
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I quit cold turkey but I wasnt a big smoker to begin with, a pack would usually have last me close to 2 weeks.


Whenever I get the urge I try to chew on some gum or sunflower seeds. It worse when you fill up gas and have the urge. When I go in to pay I try to buy some sunflower seeds, slushy, sour patch kids... something that will occupy me for a little bit. Good luck, its tough.

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I am usually a pack a day. At worst 3 packs a day. But that has been a few years ago.


my grandpa smoked 3 packs a day for well over 50 years and watching him slowly die in pain for a year after having a stroke was enough for me not to smoke a ton. But I do like to enjoy one or a cigar when im outside drinkin during the summer.

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i was genetically predisposed to nicotine addiction...


started with camels, then pall malls, then worked my way down to benson & hedges 100's....


was doing at least 2 packs a day w/ minimum of 10 cups of coffee (on full boost all the time)...


first thing in the morning, my hand was reaching for the ciggs & zippo before opening my eyes....


made 6 strong but unsuccessful attempts to quit...


then after 30 years of puffin...my employer offered to go halfie's on a $600 cessation program...


it was called "full-life" smoke enders...


1 week of mental & diet prep...lifestyle & attitude changes....then shock treatment while shotgunning a brand of cigarettes you hate (like menthol)...


results: cold turkey...no cravings....no problems other than the smell of smoke had become so repulsive that my lungs resisted inhaling anywhere i encountered cigarette smoke...


i don't think the "Full Life" program is still in town anymore but if you are psyched up to the max...& find a program with a good prep phase & offers the shock therapy, i believe you'll have a real good chance of success...


i went with a class of about 20 people...we had a 76% success rate....


that was on march 7th 1989 at 7:20 pm....i haven't had a craving since...


good luck dude!



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chantix worked for me. I smoked for 10 years, about a pack a day, you just have to have the will to quit


it worked well for me too... although i have been having urges to smoke again...



i guess i just like to smoke. if it were healthy id smoke 5 packs a day lol.

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I quit cold turkey but I wasnt a big smoker to begin with, a pack would usually have last me close to 2 weeks.


Whenever I get the urge I try to chew on some gum or sunflower seeds. It worse when you fill up gas and have the urge. When I go in to pay I try to buy some sunflower seeds, slushy, sour patch kids... something that will occupy me for a little bit. Good luck, its tough.


Debo ur a liar... we smoked half a pack together yesterday at the bar :rolleyes:

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My biggest vice is when I'm out drinking. I end up smoking way more than I normally do. I've tried to quit a few times cold turkey knowing the end result would be fail, which of course it was.


So here I am today.. Pack of Newport 100s once a day. It's a habit that's robbing me of my hard earned money haha. Doesn't help much that all my friends are smokers as well.


Good luck with quitting man, when you find that huge secret that makes you able to quit the next day fill us in on it.

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I smoked a pack a day for about 8 years. I tried the one cig here and there a bunch of times. Well I started working for the DoD Feb 4th so I quit cold turkey on the 1st. What helped me was the fact that the ol' lady still smoked. So riding her ass made it easier for me to quit. Couldn't be a hipocrit ya know. Haven't smoked since!
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