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Alpinestar dealers in ohio


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If it is a current suit, why buy online vs. buying at the Pony? Dealers cannot advertise or sell online CURRENT AStar cheaper than retail. If so, not more than 10%. I think Pony has a few AStar suits on sale. Maybe Nick can chime in and say for sure...

Edited by Desmo-Brian
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I have been past the store some time back , wasnt able to stop at the time. I was looking to maybe pick up some newer gear or used off one of the other forums But with out knowing the size i hate to buy not knowing for sure .

Yes Lizard that is correct on 10% below retail ,I got a hook up if i want new lol

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If it is a current suit, why buy online vs. buying at the Pony? Dealers cannot advertise or sell online CURRENT AStar cheaper than retail. If so, not more than 10%. I think Pony has a few AStar suits on sale. Maybe Nick can chime in and say for sure...

what about the MAP? the guys who say they are selling for lower but can't advertise because of the MAP policy with the manufacturer.

i usually find that online purchases are cheaper than going to the store and buying.

unless thats what your saying all along and im just reading it wrong.

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Ok, here's the drill. You can save up to 10% off retail on AStar current product. Otherwise, they violate Retail Standards that are set by the company. Meaning, they advertise or do a bait and switch by email or something and a competing dealer finds out, they can get their ability to sell pulled for a smal amount of time.

So, if the OP can get a good deal elsewhere, why is he even bothering to find a place to try on first and buy elsewhere? If he's got a good deal, buy what size you "think" you are and buy it. If it doesn't fit, ship it back and try again. Afterall, you have a "hook up".

I think using Pony as a fitting room is bullshit...

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i usually find that online purchases are cheaper than going to the store and buying.

On current popular items, that is false. You might save 10%, but getting today and wearing it right now instead of waiting and hoping it is right, etc. is worth something. To me, at least...

Now, sure, saving $120 on a $1200 suit is killer and I understand. However, on most items like a $400 helmet and saving $40 to wait and have it shipped is pointless when I can go to a shop like Pony and get it today.

If they say they need you to call or email to get a better deal, that will last only for a while until their competitors blow the whistle and they have to get it fixed. Bob's is like that and they get slapped all the time.

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RC1 jacket and a new set of gloves for street is what i am looking at possibly a one piece suit .

Lizard I dont feel like ordering and haveing to send back and then possibly sending it back again just to get the right size. And your opinion is just that your opinion...... if i can save over $200 by ordering online what does it matter to you . U seriously need to cut back on your caffeine .

Edited by roosterracing68
needed to add to
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On current popular items, that is false. You might save 10%, but getting today and wearing it right now instead of waiting and hoping it is right, etc. is worth something. To me, at least...

Now, sure, saving $120 on a $1200 suit is killer and I understand. However, on most items like a $400 helmet and saving $40 to wait and have it shipped is pointless when I can go to a shop like Pony and get it today.

If they say they need you to call or email to get a better deal, that will last only for a while until their competitors blow the whistle and they have to get it fixed. Bob's is like that and they get slapped all the time.

ok i understand that, but what about this:

not sure if this can still be considered "new" but i got the gp pro gloves for 130, and the smx-plus boots for 220 from parts411. i then price matched over to stg and got free shipping to my door the next day.

parts411 wasn't a call or email deal, it was a coupon code thats listed within their part#.

now i already know the sizes i wear in most if not all gear from the neck down so i knew it would fit, so it was worth the wait of a day.

i dont know if we are talking down two completely different paths here or not...just curious how the online stores can get away with this while pony is still selling at retail.

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RC1 jacket and a new set of gloves for street is what i am looking at possibly a one piece suit .

Lizard I dont feel like ordering and haveing to send back and then possibly sending it back again just to get the right size. And your opinion is just that your opinion...... if i can save over $200 by ordering online what does it matter to you . U seriously need to cut back on your caffeine .

easy there dude.

i think he knows a little more than the average "joe" his opinion holds a little more weight than a lot of peeps here.

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If it is a current suit, why buy online vs. buying at the Pony? Dealers cannot advertise or sell online CURRENT AStar cheaper than retail. If so, not more than 10%. I think Pony has a few AStar suits on sale. Maybe Nick can chime in and say for sure...

Yes we do have some suits on sale. Depends on what you are looking for. I know we have the octanes on sale and a couple other ones. We also have a Race Replica on sale.

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Yes we do have some suits on sale. Depends on what you are looking for. I know we have the octanes on sale and a couple other ones. We also have a Race Replica on sale.

Oh cool. You work at the Pony APCguy?

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easy there dude.

i think he knows a little more than the average "joe" his opinion holds a little more weight than a lot of peeps here.


dude go use iron pony as a fitting room I do it and every time I end up buying some other shit anyways. I have an entire wardrobe of their shirts from using them as a "fitting room"

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I don't think there is any issue with buying online at all. In fact, I support it. The problem I have is that people go into a shop and try stuff on and then they go online and order "thinking" they save $200. That means if it is a CURRENT (nobody seems to know what that means) AStar suit, it would have to be a $2k suit marked down 10%. That's not going to happen unless you are buying a top of the line AStar suit they have... Which most companies other than Moto Liberty and STG would carry in stock - you'd have to wait...

I also have no problems going and supporting your local shop once in a while and trying stuff one you want. Now, if you surf the net and find NON CURRENT items or those that do not get much attention (levers, exhausts, rearsets, etc., etc.) then yes, buy where it is cheaper.

I just don't get the fact that a guy looking for a $500 jacket that IS NOT ADVERTISED ANY LOWER THAN RETAIL. If you have a "hook up" then that means you know someone - not having to email for a promo code for a discount or buying at bulk off a website that is doing a group buy type of thing.

What I am refering to here is that AStar I believe states that you cannot advertise lower than retail for their product. Again, I will find out 100% today and see. That means, you aren't going to find it cheaper. But, if you want to wait, save 7.25% tax and get it after you could from Pony or call and talk to someone there and make friends with them and get a discount AFTER SUPPORTING the shop more than once, you might save more and get it today.

The guys at Pony know it happens and I know it happens (fitting room and then buying on the net). The thing is, distributors and manufacturers know this, as well and have set standards in place to keep it as equal as they can...

'Nuff said. Buy what you want and where you want. Just realize that internet isn't always the best deal - even though you think it is. Take Ebay. They sell stuff higher than retail once fees, shipping and such are mixed in. Why? People think they get a deal and buy all day long...

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Guys, I know you think I'm a hard ass at times. I just try and make sure people who may come to a site and want to find out info become informed as to what really happens. There are a lot of people that "think" they know what goes on out there in this industry. I KNOW what goes on for the most part. The reason for such a bold comment? I've worked in this industry for over 15 years. Not just as a dealership guy, either. Everything from shop sales and management to Sports Marketing for some top athletes in our sports...

The info sometimes gets all out of whack because one person says one thing and another person means another. You can find better deals on the internet. You can take a price from one site and call another and get a better price. Calling, traveling to, asking a dealer, etc is NOT advertising a price. That's legwork that can net you better pricing.

Hell, I can get dealer cost to below dealer cost on about anything. I can also hook up buddies I know looking for something for 10% over dealer cost if I feel it is worth the effort and that they will be grateful.

The thing is that I am referring to here is that advertised prices are controlled. Sites and companies telling you to call is a grey area. At that point, it is as if you are actually in their store and asking for a price. That makes it tough to police.

Dealers can literally sell something at $1 that has a Retail Standards Agreement claiming only retail pricing may be advertised (Magazines, radio, newspapers, internet, etc). What occurs INSIDE the shop is not controllable at all. Emails for better pricing is a bad thing and can be controlled and policed (happens quite often).

So, in the end, what I try and convey is that while I support places like STG and others, they follow the rules a lot and have a stake of their business on the line should they try and go against the companies they sell. There are shops and companies that advertise lower prices and know it will result in getting in trouble, but do it anyways in an effort to sell a grouping of product quickly. But, local shops - Cincy, CBus, Indianapolis, Tampa, wherever you live - need support to stay alive. In the current economic state we as a country are in, these dealerships are getting shit on quite a bit. Shops like HNW, Pony, Clinton COunty, etc that are playing by the rules, have a decent staff, carry decent amounts of accessories NEED our support. If you don't support them, they will go away and then the ability to get things right now will be gone. The little shit like levers, bulbs, plugs, batteries, etc that you don't typically wait and buy online will have to be bought elsewhere and you will have to miss that dirt ride or that trip because of a few broken parts that need to be ordered or that you need to drive and hour one way to pick up...

Sorry for the rant - buy what and where you want. Just try and support local shops where you live or where you frequent your business. Buy online for whatever you want, but still try and support the locals.

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For what its worth, I find myself traveling to the Pony, trying stuff on, then buying it online or via the phone from them later when my budget allows. Even if I can get it cheaper elsewhere, I try to support the local (or semilocal in the pony's case) shops because I value being able to try on/fondle the gear first.

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