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Cigarette burn

Chad is Dead

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You know the only brand I use is Wet. KY is for losers.

Whatever brand you use, you didn't use on me. :(


Now I can't shit properly.






















I hate my life.

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Go get a razor blade and slice from your wrist up to the elbow and make sure you cut deep. Let it bleed out as to cleanse the wound. Soak in a warm tub and rest while you do this. You should fall asleep within a few minutes. Just remember to walk towards the light.


Heres a pic I took of it with a penny next to it. Kinda shitty pic though because I used my phone.
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Fucking pussies, it's a little cigarette burn.


That was my exact thought. Who cares what you do with it. It's not like you're going to lose an arm or anything.


Had many a burns in my day, before I knew better, I'd pop them. Put some neosporin on them, and a Band-aid. I'm still here.


The nursing student in me should tell you to listen to Kirk, though.

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alright since everyone is talking about how its no so much of a problem I'll come clean. Last night I was drunk and down and when I would smoke I cigg I would always put them out on my arms before going back inside.....so now I have fuckin 6 fuckin bubbles on my arm and realize its gonna be fucked if I have 6 big scars on my arm. The biggest one has popped but most of the other ones look like skittles on my arm. I'm not emo and what not, just drunk and dissapointed in myself because I don't have a job and low on money.
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Guest Melanie
From experience...the people saying to leave it alone are correct. I have a bad scar on my arm from a cigarette burn b/c i popped it. It ended up as a very white and raised "bubble" of a scar that almost looks like the blister i popped. If it does end up like mine for any reason, follow the advise ive recently gotten from professionals. Rub it to get the scar to flatten and use Maderma to help the scar shrink. Above all, dont pop it just keep it clean.
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