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Damn lucky almost ticketed


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I was coming back from a trip today and just going along with traffic when all of a sudden the lane opened up and I seen my whole shot. Passed a cop outside his car radaring doing 115mph in the center berm and I was in the closest lane to him. I looked in my rear view as I passed him not to make eye contact. I hammered down to about 120 and had the wife put abunch of shit on the rear dash and hang a blanket in the window like I had a baby in the car. I caught him motioning me to pull over out of the corner of my eye and in the rearview after passing him. About 5 miles down the road he finally caught up to me. I had shifted lanes and merged myself back into regular traffic by this time. We pulled over, and he sat in his car for about 10 seconds then I seen him turn his lights off and wave me on. Damn lucky today.
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Seat belt + Cruise Control = No Tickets.


Now why in gods name would you be doing 115 on a holiday weekend anyway? Traffic may have been moving, but not THAT fast. And then to speed up after you passed him as if to try and run? Yeah…I’d say you got lucky. :nono:

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Seat belt + Cruise Control = No Tickets.


Now why in gods name would you be doing 115 on a holiday weekend anyway? Traffic may have been moving, but not THAT fast. And then to speed up after you passed him as if to try and run? Yeah…I’d say you got lucky. :nono:


You have never seen traffic going through Kentucky after a holiday.

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