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Ohio to Ban Pit Bulls CREW


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The thing about making something illegal or banned, is it only keeps law abiding citizens from owning/possessing that current thing.

So will dog fighters keep fighting pit bulls if they are banned? yes, they will as dog fighting is illegal to begin with and they have no respect for the law.


Will drug dealers put them in abandonbed houses to keep people out stille? yes because drug dealing is illigal and they have no respect for the law.


Will it keep a burglar or someone trying to cause harm to a family and/or their possessions? No, unless that family fights dogs or deals drugs.


Good dogs belong to good owners. If the owner is a bad owner they will have a bad dog regardless of breed. Pitbulls are very loyal dogs that love and will do anything for their owners. Unlike some other breeds.




Courageous, loyal, full of energy; Should be socialized early on with children and other animals.














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My "comments" are my opinions, I'm entitlled to them just like you and Thorne are. I think you need to read them again. I think your "PR" over generalization is stupid, I gave a play by play of an up front bloody dog attack that could have killed a family member or two, and you call that an "unthought out" comment? Thorne and yourself are the only ones who commented on what I said (I think) so who are the people having a problem with my unthought out comments?

BTW the next time you have to ride in an ambulance with blood runing o\o your fathers neck you can talk to me about "prior experience, or personal knowledge" until them STFU!

It looks like you misunderstood, not the other way around. And btw, telling me to shut the fuck up... well, let's just say that won't get you anywhere and I'll chalk it up to "internet speak".


I'll try to explain one more time for you. You CANNOT judge an entire race, species, etc of animal (including humans) based on ONE experience. So, my PR analogy was, contrary to your thoughts, right the fuck on. Nobody said you weren't entitled to your opinion. I, personally, wasn't trying to attack you. Merely open your mind. With your kind of thinking, we will have to destroy every breed of dog that's ever injured a human being. And while we're at it, why stop there? How many other things would be condemned if people judged them based on a single experience? I'm not saying that dog wasn't bad, I'm not saying your father being attacked wasn't bad. Wtf is wrong with you?! It seems to me it's an excuse for you to get bent out of shape. Try reading things with an open mind next time and refrain from ever disrepecting me again.

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It looks like you misunderstood, not the other way around. And btw, telling me to shut the fuck up... well, let's just say that won't get you anywhere and I'll chalk it up to "internet speak".


I'll try to explain one more time for you. You CANNOT judge an entire race, species, etc of animal (including humans) based on ONE experience. So, my PR analogy was, contrary to your thoughts, right the fuck on. Nobody said you weren't entitled to your opinion. I, personally, wasn't trying to attack you. Merely open your mind. With your kind of thinking, we will have to destroy every breed of dog that's ever injured a human being. And while we're at it, why stop there? How many other things would be condemned if people judged them based on a single experience? I'm not saying that dog wasn't bad, I'm not saying your father being attacked wasn't bad. Wtf is wrong with you?! It seems to me it's an excuse for you to get bent out of shape. Try reading things with an open mind next time and refrain from ever disrepecting me again.


Ok one more time , this bill will never pass, once big brother starts here it will never stop, in anything, I said this already. Apparently you did not read this, that would take care of half your previous paragragraph. WTF is wrong with me? I would not give a fuck if every single Pit/Rot, or any other vicious dog was taken away, its my opinion, appparently you don't like it, once again, get over it. I am not bent o\o shape, just trying to get my point across, as are you I guess. And as for disrespecting you, its the internet, get over it.

I'm done w/this.

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Man o man... so many things to respond to. Do I really give a shit about this bill... not really. Have I had bad expierences with a Pit... absolutly. But lets lay out some facts.


1. Its extremely common for traffic'ers to use these dogs to protect abondon houses that have a large drug and money stash in.


2. Its extremely common for a person to buy a pitbull, because its a "tough" dog.


3. The Pitbull is the most common breed used in illegal animal fighting.


4. Pitbulls were breed to be aggressive, and near fearless. This makes them extremely dangerous to ANYONE, not just children. This is like having to deal with the mind of Charles Manson, in the body of Ronnie Coleman, all jacked up on PCP. The amount of damage that the animal can do is astronomical.


5. Like most WILD preditors, a Pitbull doesnt just maul its prey and let it bleed to death, it goes for the throat in order to sufficate its prey on the spot. Other animals that do this include bears, almost all large cats, wolves, jackels, hyena, and even large constrictor snakes.


6. Like all naturally or in this case un-naturally aggressive animals, you cant stop the primal instinct to attack and fight to the death. You see this all the time in domesticated wild animals. That is why its illegal to own them.


Now can a person own a baby pitbull and give it a good home and live a whole life without incident, absolutly. But how often does this really happen? 20% of the time? 30% of the time? 50% of the time? Bottom line is, if its anything less than 99% of the time, and that percentage results in serious injury requiring more than 50 stiches, excessive blood loss, and nightmares for years, than we need to remove them society. They are a breed that has no positive function.


I really dont care if they are banned. Ive only owned pure bred min-schnauzers my whole life... and i have yet to hear about anyone being hospitalized from one of those.


I'm just gonna put this out there if your being serious. Your a fucking idiot. True story.


I was morbidly attacked by a min-schnauzer. ONLY because I had the Air Jesus sandals on. Then I realized how gay I would sound by reporting the attack on my foot. I also realized how gay I looked in thE Air Haysuses. But instead of putting them back in your closet, I threw them on a telephone line above my house. Then put my pit-terrier under them and told him to go for the throat of the homo who comes to find this gay ass foot attire. Plus the sandals hanging and the dog still let my homies know where to go if they wanna get/smoke the drugs.

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I'm just gonna put this out there if your being serious. Your a fucking idiot. True story.


I was morbidly attacked by a min-schnauzer. ONLY because I had the Air Jesus sandals on. Then I realized how gay I would sound by reporting the attack on my foot. I also realized how gay I looked in thE Air Haysuses. But instead of putting them back in your closet, I threw them on a telephone line above my house. Then put my pit-terrier under them and told him to go for the throat of the homo who comes to find this gay ass foot attire. Plus the sandals hanging and the dog still let my homies know where to go if they wanna get/smoke the drugs.


Did you think before you typed this?


I'm going to go ahead and assume you didnt, Im going to reccomend thinking before you type next time so you dont seem like and uneducated douche


If you were trying to be funny you failed :bangbang:

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Ok one more time , this bill will never pass, once big brother starts here it will never stop, in anything, I said this already. Apparently you did not read this, that would take care of half your previous paragragraph. WTF is wrong with me? I would not give a fuck if every single Pit/Rot, or any other vicious dog was taken away, its my opinion, appparently you don't like it, once again, get over it. I am not bent o\o shape, just trying to get my point across, as are you I guess. And as for disrespecting you, its the internet, get over it.

I'm done w/this.

No, I guess I don't understand. It's hard to understand those who don't make sense. You categorize a specific breed as being all vicious. You don't think the bill will pass (this is irrelavant to the debate). You don't care if a breed is treated unfairly and destroyed.


So, what didn't I understand? Feel free to respond or not. I'll save my comments until I'm sure I do understand.

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My buddy Tyler has 3 dogs and the biggest one is 1/4 pit and 3/4 basset hound I believe. He's arguably the most non-violent dog I have ever seen. He's as big as a human and he gets beat up on by the smaller dogs lul. We call him "Horse". Maybe picz later. :)
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