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Ohio to Ban Pit Bulls CREW


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First off, there is no way this dumb*** bill will pass. Secondly i'm a firm believer its all in how the animal is raised. Think about it, you could make ANY breed of dog mean and aggressive, if you abuse them and train them to attack, they'll do it! For god's sake you could probably get a poodle and train it to be mean. I saw on the news the other day that this red haired guy walked into a bank and shot someone. Lets euthanize anyone with red hair! If this bill passes, then there is no telling what kind of BS laws will pass in the future....pathetic :nono:
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Guest mrhobbz
i can't fucking believe totally relevant pictures were put in this thread and were deleted. don't make a fucking pit bull thread if you don't wanna see what they are capable of. bunch of fucking garbage.


You're a bunch of garbage, eat a dick.

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i can't fucking believe totally relevant pictures were put in this thread and were deleted. don't make a fucking pit bull thread if you don't wanna see what they are capable of. bunch of fucking garbage.


Hey, dont take it personally dude! Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion....yours just happens to be the WRONG one! :bangbang:

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Look you fucking dumb ass, Guns kill people can i post pics of people being shot?


Define a mother fucking pit bull then we can talk but I bet you have no fucking clue what your talking about. Until then shut the fuck up.

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Guest mrhobbz
Look you fucking dumb ass, Gun kill people can i post pics of people being shot?


Define a mother fucking pit bull then we can talk but I bet you have no fucking clue what your talking about. Until then shut the fuck up.



I don't know dewd, they have locking jawzz!!! :rolleyes:

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please post some links to golden retrievers that have attacked babies. please. There are PAGES UPON PAGES of Pit Bulls attacking and killing people, just not one or two links.


Google it smart guy (try putting in the name of the breed maybe). Pit bulls get the bad rep and people like you that have probably never been near an agressive or lovable one talk out the side of your mouth. If you type in dog bite 90% of the search results are pit bull related, even though toy dogs bite more people. Do some research before Thorne comes back and makes you look dumber than what you are doing by yourself.

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I asked him to please define PB. Do you also hate black people? Are you racist because usally people that are quick to Lump dogs up are.


I mean come on statics if you google them support that.


What about guns?

What about sport bikes?


You can't define what you hate so I assume your nothing more then a tool and I'm curious how you can afford a RSX because I know I would not hire someone who had such a assinine way of analyzing a situation.


Until you can define what you hate then go back to your hole.

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I asked him to please define PB. Do you also hate black people? Are you racist because usally people that are quick to Lump dogs up are.


I mean come on statics if you google them support that.


What about guns?

What about sport bikes?


You can't define what you hate so I assume your nothing more then a tool and I'm curious how you can afford a RSX because I know I would not hire someone who had such a assinine way of analyzing a situation.


Until you can define what you hate then go back to your hole.



NOBODY said anything about race buddy. are you assuming since I called pit bull owners gangstas they are black? that sounds pretty racist to me.

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i am not sayin you couldn't find a couple story's about other breeds biting people. Sure dogs bite people sometimes. But there is TONSSSS more pit bull incidents. and that's the point.


Tons more in the public eye. When a poodle bites someone its treated and the person leaves. When a pit bites someone it ends up on the news at 11.

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yeah, because when a pit pull bites someone they loose an ear, or face, or their life.


Its like talking to a wall


368,245 victims were treated for dog bite related injuries.


26.4% as "dog bite"


40.2% as "puncture"


24.7% as "laceration"


6.0% as "contusion/abrasion/hematoma


1.5% as "cellulitis/infection"


0.8% as "amputation/avulsion/crush"


0.4% as "fracture/dislocation"

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Guest mrhobbz
NOBODY said anything about race buddy. are you assuming since I called pit bull owners gangstas they are black? that sounds pretty racist to me.


Face the facts, you're an ignorant numb nuts and you fail.



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Google it smart guy (try putting in the name of the breed maybe). Pit bulls get the bad rep and people like you that have probably never been near an agressive or lovable one talk out the side of your mouth. If you type in dog bite 90% of the search results are pit bull related, even though toy dogs bite more people. Do some research before Thorne comes back and makes you look dumber than what you are doing by yourself.


I agree with you but if a toy dog latches on my ankle Ill kick that fucker clean off of me and probably break its neck in the process. Not the same if a pit clamps down on an extremity. That said an all-out ban seems a bit much. The dog-fighters/assholes will just get them illegally or go with a similar breed. My buddy had a pit that was a fucking baby. Sweet as could be. Did it have a more likely chance to be prone to bite ? I'd have to research it first. You wouldn't have known from this animal. That's kind of the mess. People love their pets, when my lab died last year it fucked me up good for a couple days. I couldn't imagine the government taking my pet away. The owners of said vicious animals need t be made example of. If your pit (or poodle) kills a baby you need a life sentence or worse. Maybe a compromise is in order. Background check ? License to own ? Is anything acceptable to the owners of said dogs ?

Also thanks to the admins for removin whatever the fuck was on here. I didn't want to see it.

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Its like talking to a wall


368,245 victims were treated for dog bite related injuries.


26.4% as "dog bite"


40.2% as "puncture"


24.7% as "laceration"


6.0% as "contusion/abrasion/hematoma


1.5% as "cellulitis/infection"


0.8% as "amputation/avulsion/crush"


0.4% as "fracture/dislocation"



way to post some bunk stats without the source...

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maybe this will cut back on all the gangsters around Columbus.


Why is it because you see the sensualized news and see "Gansters" with pits bull's which are 99% of the time not even a APBT.






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