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MW Tux / After hours


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Maybe im deformed somehow. yet When i tried on my tux shirt, i could hold it a good foot from my body to button it. I needed a larger neck in the collar and he told me that, it would also mean the body of the shirt is bigger. vest was too small when put on, tried a larger size and it just came out with a big bunch in the back because it had to be tightened all the way in order for it to fit. Ive delt with them twice and had a bad experience both times.
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Maybe im deformed somehow. yet When i tried on my tux shirt, i could hold it a good foot from my body to button it. I needed a larger neck in the collar and he told me that, it would also mean the body of the shirt is bigger. vest was too small when put on, tried a larger size and it just came out with a big bunch in the back because it had to be tightened all the way in order for it to fit. Ive delt with them twice and had a bad experience both times.


Yeah, every shirt I've gotten from there had been huge in the stomach area and I have an athletic built so it's not like I'm a twig.

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Guest mrhobbz
I know what you mean, my pants never fit right...but I keep telling myself it's because of my large penis. :p



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Hmmm, I need to go tux shopping for my wedding in the next couple of weeks.


I used to work @ President Tuxedo in high school/early college (up until around 1998). I don't think they are around anymore; luckily I know enough about it that I'm less likely to get ripped off.


Any good places around Columbus that DO NOT SUB-RENT their tuxedos from someone else. That's a major sticking point for me.

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I went to S&K on Brice Road and the dude was the most helpful person I have ever encountered.


I went to a couple other places who acted like my ass shouldn't even be in the store. At one place near Easton (forget the name) I told them my price range and every time we changed sizes he came back with one that was $50 more like it was no big deal. Next thing I know, I am $200 over my budget.


I forget the man's name but they were good at the S&K

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Yeah, MW fucked up my brother in law's, and half the other tuxes for his wedding last month. This is why I own my own tux. It also is a bonus I can wear it out clubbing too. Nothing attracts more chicks than a powder blue tux, ruffled shirt, and white bucks on the feets!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Both my brothers' had their wedding parties through MensWarehouse. They sucked the first time and were just 'ok' the second. Im talking about the location in Tuttle mall btw.


First wedding my vest was so tight i couldnt even wear the damn thing and my coat was too big, plus my shoes were too tight. Second times a charm, i still think the coat was a bit too big but everything was perfect.

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Yeah, MW fucked up my brother in law's, and half the other tuxes for his wedding last month. This is why I own my own tux. It also is a bonus I can wear it out clubbing too. Nothing attracts more chicks than a powder blue tux, ruffled shirt, and white bucks on the feets!


Billy Bob got married? :cool: I'm assuming it was the woman he came here with a few times who was cool as shit?

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