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Guest Elinar Longsight

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They any good ?

Carlita has been wanting to try them. Fruit Freezes dont' strike me as a Taco Bell esq. food....:confused:


A long time ago, when I was 7 or 8 ish, they had these frozen fruit thingys that came in a tube like the ICEE type popsicles. Those were awesome.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
I never over-estimate my importance. I was just stating the fact that nothing changes much around here, even after 2 1/2 years.:slap:
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Her boyfriend kicked her and MY kids out, along with his. Not right in my book, and I love my kids more than anything.


Cute way of proving it :)


BTW your kids are getting so big I've not seen them in a few years. CR COOKOUT TIME!

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Remember when Taco Bell had Choco Tacos? THOSE were the shit :cool:


Fruitista? never heard of it. I'll have to try one


I work at an on-campus burrito place at OSU, and we stock Choco Tacos. It may be one of the few reasons I'm still working there to be honest, I have way too many of those per week.

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