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Why is this even a big deal? If you wanna be patriotic and all that and make your own flags in your own country, then who cares?! It'll ruin foreign relations... :bs: ...with China?! Wtf, lol. I'm sure they were real concerned when they were sending over deadly fuckin toys.
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I was at a McDonalds today and it had a painting/picture of an american flag. I was waiting on my boy so I figured I would just count the stripes, make sure there was 13. Then looked over at the stars and noticed that they weren't staggered. Sure enough 6 rows of 8 stars... Making 48


Now I know the flag was recently updated to have 50 stars, oh like 40 years ago, but looking at the art/picture it was made recently.


I just thought it was very poor taste. I 100% support american made amercian flags. The kicker was someone had taken a pen and wrote on the glass of the picture Made in China, which is why I looked at it in more detail in the first place... Wonder if they saw the same thing?

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Why is this such a big deal? Regardless of where it's made it's still the same fucking flag...

I’m kind of on the fence about this too. I see where they are coming from; it is an oxymoron to have an American flag made in china. But the sad part is that I doubt that even some of the flag makers here in the US would know any better (without proper training that is). I don’t really feel that if I have an American flag made in china that I’m less patriotic then a flag made here in the US. As long as the person flying our flag understands what it means. The one good thing though is that it could bring more work back here to the US.

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But that is the thing, I am 100% for sure that when an American flag is made in another country, that worker does not understand what that means and what people have done for that flag. That is the main problem I have with our flag being made in another country. I agree with this law and it should be made national law. It does 2 great things at one time, it gets Americans making the symbol of our country and creates more jobs.
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why don't you see us make other countrys flags?


Because it would be very expensive for us to do it. I don't really care what country creates the flags for mine, what it represents never changes.


In the case of the restaurant flag though, thats just plain stupid.

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They should make it illegal to run any business that doesnt make thier products within the US...


Perfect example... Nike. Only 1 pair of shoes has ever been made inside the US... and Micheal Moore owns them.

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