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Woman killed in lancaster by street racer


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Ok, I see where you are coming from. People on a board full of racers are quick to say someone is racing just because they drive "rice". Its kind of one of those pots calling the kettle black type of situations. I'm with you on this one.
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right, had he been driving a LS1 powered car or a Mustang I really dont think there would be this much hate. But since he was a "ricer" and we all know that only ricers street race he's getting the shit bashed out of him. I can understand people talking shit because he ran, honestly that was my first impulse too, but then i started thinking like damn what if i was in that position. I'd like to think that i'd stop instantly and take whats coming to me, but at the same time i thought, damn I just hit a lady wtf do I do.


Btw im not trying to upset anyone or call anyone out just trying to inform everybody that theres more to the story then whats being told by the media

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Fuck you, I would stop, throw up, and want to off myself because I just took someone's life. He fled, you don't flee when someone steps out in front of you and you the driver, know you were doing nothing wrong. You stop and hope they live. Again he didn't, fuck him. I'm not bashing him for racing or road rage, but for fleeing yes.


Ok let me clarify some shit in this thread and on this topic. I know Ryan personaly and he is a good guy honestly. That being said this is what was posted on OhioHondas by a very good friend of his about the accident:


i talked to Ryan last night. he told me that there was 2 cars between him and the blue car, he was behind all of them. the woman came from the ralleys side of the street and was almost hit on the north bound laneby a mustang heading north. Then the blue acura slammed on the brakes and ryan went to go around all three of them not seeing the lady clipped her as he was heading south bound in the right lane. i guess if you can get a race off on memorial dr at 830 your god. there is also witnesses saying there where not racing.


Ryan said he wasnt racing he is my friend ill belive him. for all of you guys saying run him down you will get yours. he wasnt driving down memorial dr and just start looking to hit a lady running across the street.


That is coming from Larry who works at Jegs and post on here cant think of his username on here.


It was also mentioned that Ryan spazzed thus the reason for taking off, he later turned himself in to the Lancaster PD. I know everyone says "what a bitch for taking off" but until your ever in that position dont judge. What the hell would you do after just clipping a lady? Some people would sit there with their hands glued to the wheel not doing a fucking thing, others would try to help and yes some would even act the same way he did. I guess he hasnt aten since the accident because his nerves are on end. So please dont be so quick to judge, I remember a certain Blubyeu on here that was kinda in the same boat due to the media and everyone was pissed at the media. So dont be so quick to judge without knowing all the facts.

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He may or may not have been street racing I wasn't there, but he had to know he hit someone or something. Leaving was wrong. Now he looks really bad. F*cked up situation, prayers to the family of that woman.
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This thread has some of the WORST English that I ever seen.



There's only on reason to leave the scene of an accident: Self preservation. "He spazzed" means "he knew he fucked up and would get the hammer dropped on him." He turned himself in because he realized there were enough witnesses and pieces to put him at the scene.

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Ok I know this person very well there are so many stories going around I really dont know what to believe. I was told the night it happened that they were racing from a friend that was behind them when it happened. Then I here the day after that they wernt and thats when I found out she died. I talked to a friend today that talked to his girlfriend that they were trying to drop it that he was doing 35 instead of doing 5omph like the Lancaster paper said. I know its wrong that he hit and ran If he would have stopped the charges would be alot less then whatever they are now. I guess the lady was told earlier in the day by cops to stop Jaywalking and she kept doing it so Yes she was at fault for Jaywalking but it makes it worse that he didnt stop. But Like I said there are so many stories going around this town who knows what to believe. I do know this ever since this happened the cops are out like crazy I was parked at a friends house talking on main st last night and within hour we had 6 cops pass and just stair us down and on the main drag I passed another 5 just going back and forth.
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Yeah, the past 12 months or so has been really bad for the car scene in general. I hope everyone plays it safe out there. I would hate to see a CR member be made the example when they get cought for "street racing".

We all know they will nail the next person to the cross. :(

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Wether he was racing or not is no longer important, the word "racing" has been used and that's what everyone is going to believe wether he did or not. If it was an accident I would feel sorry for the guy but he fled the scene....end of story.


Though I've been out to the "scene" once this year this is the kind of stuff why I've given up on it, it's just stupid anymore. How many more people have to die before the stupidity stops??


Take it to the track.

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Back in April, my wife was hit by a 20 yr old on 70 at Brice; he hit her Prelude changing lanes and sent her into a semi trailer. Her car was wedged under the trailer and drug down the the freeway. Amazingly, she survived. He drove off, went directly to a party, and was telling people there that he just hit another car into a semi and "I know she is dead." Someone at the party had some sense of right and wrong and turned him in.


I have no sympathy for anyone who drives off.



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^^thats a really fucked up story man. I dont have sympathy for him fleeing either, but I do have sympathy for any person that will spend years behind bars for an accident. He was going to get the hammer wether he fleed or not honestly. And for the witness that heard the fart can thats funny honestly. Its not like you cant hear an exhaust even when you are driving slow. I cant wait til we have another story and we see this "I heard the loud roar from the v8 driver acting a fool" then we'll see how much shit is talked. People on the internet crack me up honestly.


I pray for both families!

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I don't think he would get the hammer if it was completely an accident where an alleged jaywalker was killed by a car. We've seen such things in Cbus before. Most recently a bicyclist at Morse/Karl who was killed. Driver stopped and was found to have done no wrong. Bike crossed into his path late and night. He still has to live with the result but was not hammered down by the courts.


In this case, we don't really know what happened, other than he killed someone and left he scene. I'm with Ben, stop, puke, deal with the situation, puke again and go the course, but don't run.


If it's true that the swerved around some cars and then clipped her, had he stopped, that would likely have come out. Now instead he has to deal with the greater wrong that may be overshadowing his actions....at least in the news anyway.


V8 wise, I disagree....if it were a Mustang or an F-body, same results would be posted. Here you may see a Ricer comment, flip side you might here a redneck / mullet comment....who knows. Trying to reference what happened to T.Blue earlier isn't right. I didn't know him, but he was well liked and had a good rep here thus you're going to see a stand for him. This guy wasn't and thus you're going to see the opposite to no stand for him here....regardless of his car.


Just my thoughts.


He was going to get the hammer wether he fleed or not honestly. And for the witness that heard the fart can thats funny honestly. Its not like you cant hear an exhaust even when you are driving slow. I cant wait til we have another story and we see this "I heard the loud roar from the v8 driver acting a fool" then we'll see how much shit is talked. People on the internet crack me up honestly.
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I'm not comparing Ryan to George, just comparing the media that surrounded both incidents that is all. I liked Ryan so did many others, some didnt. Couldnt the same be said for just about everyone on this site? Im not making excuses but just trying to get people to see the other side of the situation. That is all
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racing or not, the fleeing is basically admiting guilt. one of my old high school buddies was leaving a high school baseball game (he graduated college with me, and became a high school teacher as well as football/baseball coach), to go to get ice cream, and hit a 2-3 year old who ran out into the street. he was going the speed limit, paying attention, just nothing he could do. he stopped, tried to help, but the child died. he received no charges, but that will be on his conscience forever--he lost about 30 pounds after the accident, and still is not the same even 4 years later.
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I don't know the details and I don't know the guy that did it, but scared or not, you don't flee the scene - ever. Even if it was a totally innocent accident, it's going to be hard as hell to for him to fight this rap.


I have hit a pedestrian. Damn near killed him.

I immediately thought "there's no way I'm not going to be in trouble for this", but I didn't drive off. At fault or not, that's jacked up.

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Back when i was 18 i hit a woman trying to cross the street. I was just driving along Sandusky st here in delaware and next thing i know a woman is in my lane, no crosswalk, nothing. I hit her, she flies up and over my car and into the next lane of traffic, other lane slams on their brakes as to not run over her head. I pull over immediatley and go to check and make sure she is ok. Come to find out she is from Pakistan and is goign to college at OWU and this was her first weekend on campus. She was with her Boyfriend and Mother, and apparently didn't realize that traffic will not stop for you in the US. By the time I park my car and get over to her, she is laying on the sidewalk and there is a group of people around her. Someone asks "did the guy that hit you even stop?", I of course responded with "Yea that was me". Man did I feel like a jackass at that moment. I end up driving them all to the ER in my firebird.....


Moral of the story, I was 18 and retarded but I still knew I had to stop and check to make sure she was ok.

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