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Turbo Buick Elitist Prick is back in action.


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zomg my brakes don't work



wtf is this? it fell off



and a pic of my bike for Mazda guy - feel free to bring any of your jailbait friends over, I'll put the rear seat back on for them ;)


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Holy shit, it is about time man!! What kinda plans do you have for that beast?


BTW for exhaust...http://www.gbodyparts.com/product_info.php?cPath=46_21_33&products_id=573&osCsid=2f09ec3e39968fc7c78b0d66bc569c4b

Got it on my car and it is quiet for how big it is with a very nice rumble! You wont be disappointed, they even sell a single shot as well.

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No real plans, it was cheap so just picked it up as a fun weekend driver, possibly some daily action on nice days. It would make a nice car if I had it painted, but I don't know if I want to do all that. Could also make a good donor for an El Camino but I don't really want to part it out so who knows.


Still looking for a nice white or gunmetal one. Hopefully that will happen over winter or next summer.

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Not to bring up bad memories, but what did your old one look like before it was stolen?


(pics in old threads don't work)


First one,



Second one,


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