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When you try to do something nice CREW


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oh food posioning is caused by Bacteria, Viruses, or Parasites and typically takes 8 to 12 hr to show its self. Also if it was from the pizza everyone that ate it would have the same affect.


i was puking and had the nastiest drunken shits ever ahhh the "runs" doesnt even explain how bad it was but proobably because i was drunk as shit lol my sphincter (sp?) still hurts lol

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i was puking and had the nastiest drunken shits ever ahhh the "runs" doesnt even explain how bad it was but proobably because i was drunk as shit lol my sphincter (sp?) still hurts lol



he ate the same pizza I did, how shitty did I look when you saw me sunday?

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Granted, shit happens. (Pun intended.) But there could've been more of an effort to speak to him directly about not needing the ticket. You sir, deserve a fanny paddling. Mmm, by Hal. That somehow strikes me as funnier than most anyone else.
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actually I left a message in the thread telling you I got sick saturday night . food poisoning kinda owned me, I did apologize and im sorry bit I didn't receive any phone calls from you. again im sorry, I wanted to go as bad as the next person but it kinda hard to do when your shit sick all day. end of thread.


Here is the thread. Where in the Hell did you say that?




And yes, I did call the phone number you gave me Sunday morning.


EDIT - Here, a pic of my Dialed numbers from Sunday morning.



I certainly understand sickness > car show, man. But, how hard would it have been to let me know...seriously?


EDIT #2, In an effort to have a kinder, gentler thread... I'll delete the harsh shit I had typed here and I will simply ask, "What thread did you say you were sick in?" Because, it really looks you're making shit up at this point.

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Phil I am considering contacting the international F-body association and having your F-body removed from your possesion. I know its only and LT1 but you just dont appear to be what we in the business call F-body owner material.


Looks like that was taken care of :zoom:

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