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riddle me this, why is my windows vista tripping when i try to open web pages? mensan was over yesterday and was watching as i tired to get on to show him something, and his take was "mine doesnt do that, youre shit is broke". i agree. ive mentioned this before, but i didnt actually ask for help. well, now im asking. can anyone explain to me why i have to refresh pages like 4 times to get them to come up?
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Firefox or homoexplorer?

If the later then switch!


I use Vista now and have off and on since launch SP1 fixed allot of shit. The real issue is your pc man enough to deal with the massive requirements

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Guest mrhobbz
Firefox or homoexplorer?

If the later then switch!


I use Vista now and have off and on since launch SP1 fixed allot of shit. The real issue is your pc man enough to deal with the massive requirements


internet exploder!

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Theres so many possible reasons that could be happening. Memory leak, process conflicts, spyware, virus, unidentified program bug, I could go on and on.


Try what others suggesting and change your browser until you can isolate the issue. Try running some security programs and look for browser hijackers. Or you could save your important info to another drive, or dvd and reinstall the OS if nothing seems to work.


Or use linux.

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ok, specs of the computer...


d805 processor, oc'd to 3.4 ghz

2 gb RAM

8800 gtx 512 video card

p5nd2 motherboard by asus


not sure if any of that is slowing me down, but for christs sake, its just web browsing, and i run age of conan and crysis on here without too much trouble.


i use IE. used to use firefox, back in the day, but i kinda dig the new IE, so i just use it now.


specifically whats happening is this. i dont like typing stuff into my address bar. dont ask me why, i just dont. my homepage is google, and everytime i want to look something up, i just run the search for it. clicking on the link, oftentimes it thinks for a while and gives me the "page cannot be found" blurb. refresh, wait, refresh, wait, and then finally it opens up. it doesnt do this with pages that are in my favorites, just links. now, some of you may suggest that i use my address bar and see if that helps, but I SHOULDNT FUCKING HAVE TO! anyone whod like to actually come see for themselves whats going on is welcome to come over for pizza, pop, and computer nerdliness. hell, bring your rig and well run some games too, once my shit is figured out.


edit: this install has been on my puter just about a month, and ive run avg since i put it on. spyware or virus's really shouldnt be a problem.

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Ok, so I would suggest, first try to open the page your way. If/when it fails try the address bar.


If that works, it could either be a caching issue or a dns issue.


try another site but the other way around, clear your browser cache first, open from the address bar. if it works right away but clicking the link from google doesn't work I would suspect caching and start looking at your cache settings.


if it is some goofy DNS thing, take a look at your DNS server in your IP stack and change it to something else works.

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nexttime this happens try and do a nslookup on aol.com


It sounds like your losing connectivity. It don't happen to be right after coming back from a soft power off (Vista's version) my wifes does this on here intel P35 board and I've yet to figure out why.

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Make sure you have all the updates for Vista, SP1 etc. Also gtype in what it's doing in Google and you will get linked to multiple message boards that should have it figured out, Vista is still far buggier then XP as it's newer and just like any new OS it's gunna be buggy. And for all the FireCrap users, IE IS FTMFW!
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Make sure you have all the updates for Vista, SP1 etc. Also gtype in what it's doing in Google and you will get linked to multiple message boards that should have it figured out, Vista is still far buggier then XP as it's newer and just like any new OS it's gunna be buggy. And for all the FireCrap users, IE IS FTMFW!




Simply because an OS is newer doesn't mean it is better. Look at Windows ME.


Vista isn't bad, no. At this point it isn't better than XP, though.

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kenny, have i mentioned i missed you?


im using a motorola modem, and a netgear router.


and yes, i KNOW i could use firefox, and maybe itll be better. but this is a symptom of a potentially larger problem. just switching over to firefox is like taking painkillers to cope with my stomach cancer.

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kenny, have i mentioned i missed you?


im using a motorola modem, and a netgear router.


and yes, i KNOW i could use firefox, and maybe itll be better. but this is a symptom of a potentially larger problem. just switching over to firefox is like taking painkillers to cope with my stomach cancer.


Unhook your router and run the modem directly into the computer with problems. See if that helps. If it does your router is busted

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