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Stupid LAW. Cops taking blood tests!


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As a criminal, you don't have rights. Repeat offenders should have theirs taken away, because obviously they can't seem to figure out how to function in normal society.


If a known child rapist does it over and over, they should be castrated. They should lose their rights as the child lost their right to say no.


Take the blood. Take their rights.


In Anthonyland you're right... No rights to criminals........(got room for me in Anthonyland?) Unfortunately not the way it is in real life.


So why not go straight for the root cause of the problem, Booze. Another prohibition? Yea yea I know it will never happen, but if there is no booze then people can't drink and drive. problem solved. maybe? doubt it....


Unfortunately this problem will NEVER go away.

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So why not go straight for the root cause of the problem, Booze. Another prohibition? Yea yea I know it will never happen, but if there is no booze then people can't drink and drive. problem solved. maybe? doubt it....


Unfortunately this problem will NEVER go away.


Prohibition caused more problems then it was worth. I think alot of it is that alcohol is a taboo. Look at the DUI rates in countries like Germany. You can get beer ANYWHERE at ANY AGE and they don't have near the problem we do. I also think another part of the problem is American's ego/attitude. It is a constant enviroment of one up-manship and the consequences are not my fault. It leads to many of America's problems however, that is for another thread. Treat Drunk Drivers as what they are, attempted murder. I don't mean negligent homicide either.

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As noted in several articals, this doesn't violate Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizures when authorities have probable cause to believe a suspect has been drinking. Besides, we'll all have the opportunity to not renew our drivers licenses that gives us the privilege to drive if we don't want to be exposed to this.


I have no sympathy for multiple offenders.



This guy should have been locked up long before the above happened.



Unfortunately this problem will NEVER go away.

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Prohibition caused more problems then it was worth. I think alot of it is that alcohol is a taboo. Look at the DUI rates in countries like Germany. You can get beer ANYWHERE at ANY AGE and they don't have near the problem we do. I also think another part of the problem is American's ego/attitude. It is a constant enviroment of one up-manship and the consequences are not my fault. It leads to many of America's problems however, that is for another thread. Treat Drunk Drivers as what they are, attempted murder. I don't mean negligent homicide either.



I can agree with everything but you're last two sentences.....


WHO ARE THEY ATTEMPTING TO MURDER? everyone? so again how many counts is that?




How about drag racing.... Doing it on public roads can kill people too... So should everyone caught drag racing be charged with attempted murder?




Also I would like to reiterate that I am AGAINST driving impaired.

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Guest 78novaman

There are too many laws and government actions that are assuming guilt and requiring the individual to prove his/her innocence.



I hope you folks that applaud this legislation get pulled over after taking some cough medicine.

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There are too many laws and government actions that are assuming guilt and requiring the individual to prove his/her innocence.


for all you applauding this bill, remember this is what it is all about not drinking and driving


If you are a cop and have trouble catching drunk drivers, then you are a bad cop.


Don't punish those on the other side of the law, punish those that are blatantly caught and punish the fuck out of them, that is what will work, no more pay a few grand to a lawyer and get out of it, or slap repeats offenders on the wrists and send them on the way. The rest of the world doesn't have problems with drunk driving like us cause there are severe punishments for it.


Punish the guilty leave the innocent the fuck alone, it is good and all to be adamantly against something but to lose sight of what is right and wrong in order to achieve a goal isn't worth it.

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I hope you folks that applaud this legislation get pulled over after taking some cough medicine.





I wish everyone thought this way. Oh what about those Rx pills you took after surgery? Yeah they stay in your bloodstream for a wile...

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Two teaspoons of cough medicine? I lol at the ignorance of that post.


I can not go to erowid.org at work as it is a big drug reference webpage. If you search on there I will bet money you will find that DXM shows up on a drug test if you happen to have cough syrup in your system. If you search harder you can also find out how long it takes DXM to be removed naturally by your body.

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I can not go to erowid.org at work as it is a big drug reference webpage. If you search on there I will bet money you will find that DXM shows up on a drug test if you happen to have cough syrup in your system. If you search harder you can also find out how long it takes DXM to be removed naturally by your body.



Even more so there are a lot of over the counter drugs that show false positives on a drug test.


Do some research before making a response to me please.

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I no longer drink so don't have to worry about it and still think this is NOT the answer. And you can goddamn better well believe you try to stick me with something and I'll be in jail for assaulting an officer. Those fuckers WILL work for it.
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I see this is split 3 ways.


Those who approve.

Those who are strongly apposed

Those who are going to assault a cop for trying. <--E Thuggin



I <3 CR


But don't you already have enough brownie points?

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