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So my wife is cheating on me...


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Sorry to hear about your divorce. I went throught the same thing back in 2000. I found out my wife was cheating after 4 months of marriage. I got lucky and had a good lawyer and she got some jack off. So we got shared and im custodial parent and all that. My lawyer told me that this happens so often that its not really looked at anymore. If I were you and you want your kids then I would at least file for shared parenting becasue iits hard to get full custody now a days. You have to prove them a drugy and hooker or something that is dangerous to the kids. Just make sure you get a very good lawyer and they should be able to take care of things and let you know what the deal is.
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Guest mrhobbz
fuck that your all the same lol. Just start using the 3 F's in life my man...Find em Fuck em Forget em! It has gotten me through a lot of hard times haha






















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She filed for full custody of my son and filed for divorce, but what she doesn't know yet is I have proof she slept with this guy. And the great part is he's in the military.


So has anyone dealt with this. I know he'll go to jail and be discharged from the military, but for how long will he be inprisoned. I tried to search for the exact part of section 14 that condems this but was unable to find it.



Sweet sweet freedom.



Sorry to hear about this, it's too bad media and everything promotes this type of thing. Good luck.

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I know jon and his now ex-wife... There's no chance of her getting full custody of the child. There are many circumstances that make her unfit to claim the child and I cant wait to see everything go through.
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Might as well try to save as much face as possible and come out of this with as much money as you can because its going to cost you man. I remember when my parents got divoriced that shit got ugly for a while and expensive for both parties. Good luck though


You know something... you really make me sick with this crap. My parents split when I was 5. Lucky for my dad, my mom is civilized. He paid child support and saw us on sundays. But you know what, the whole money part wasnt the important part. It really fucked me up as a child, and even as a man. You know I still dont know details about what happend almost 20yrs later? You know why? Because I have a history of anger management issues... guess where that came from... because my dad did the right thing and taught me with only a few choice words, im finally ready to find out what happened, and you know what would set me off? To find out some stupid ass fuck stick like you, told my dad the same bull shit you just typed. Id fuckin kill him. A total stranger. Just on principle.


Any truely loving father would fight for his kids to the ends of what ever means he had. To tell anyone to do anything other than that makes you piece of shit. People like you, influence dumber, more impressional people, to fuck up the world even more than it already is.

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Exxxxxxactly. These posts just reaffirm my decision to NEVER, EVER get married. And sometime in the near future, I plan to get my nuts chopped off. No accidental kids for me, either. :D




You need to get behind the wheel of a car before you can get into an "accident". ... Same concept....

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Wont ever put me in the position to be cheated on now will it? Besides i'm living quite enjoyable with that attitude thank you



If you never go outside you'll never get hit by a car either. Hell, don't get a job and you'll never get fired!



That sucks, document everything. I had a friend go through somthing similar and came out OK because of the amount of information he had.

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You know something... you really make me sick with this crap. My parents split when I was 5. Lucky for my dad, my mom is civilized. He paid child support and saw us on sundays. But you know what, the whole money part wasnt the important part. It really fucked me up as a child, and even as a man. You know I still dont know details about what happend almost 20yrs later? You know why? Because I have a history of anger management issues... guess where that came from... because my dad did the right thing and taught me with only a few choice words, im finally ready to find out what happened, and you know what would set me off? To find out some stupid ass fuck stick like you, told my dad the same bull shit you just typed. Id fuckin kill him. A total stranger. Just on principle.


Any truely loving father would fight for his kids to the ends of what ever means he had. To tell anyone to do anything other than that makes you piece of shit. People like you, influence dumber, more impressional people, to fuck up the world even more than it already is.



Yeah I really was going to type out some hate towards this guy too but I held off. I though I did enough damage with the 0rwhp guy. My parents divorced very early in my child life. Once a month I would visit my father 2 hours away and then live with my mom the rest of the time. Both of them were nice enough to share visitation rights even though my mom had full rights. We would even drive half way each time to meet each other.


This kid really needs to take a time out by inferring not to fight for custody of your kid(s). FUCK MONEY there is more to life then dollar bills.


I hope to God he doesn't reproduce.

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You need to get behind the wheel of a car before you can get into an "accident". ... Same concept....




i refuse to tip toe threw life just to arrive safely at death.....


austin what ever happened to the blonde chick you were with.


oh and my cousin just went threw this after being merried for 12 years.

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You need to get behind the wheel of a car before you can get into an "accident". ... Same concept....




Gay folk aren't allowed to post in threads about heterosexual relationships. Please proceed to your nearest Nordstrom's, and pick yourself up a new pair of useless, overpriced, and entirely too tight, man pants.



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austin what ever happened to the blonde chick you were with.


Bitch was holding me down with her dumbness, so I had to drop her. To be honest, she started acting up when I took her to the ALMS race last year, thinking she was better than my Z06 or something (http://smiliesftw.com/x/squint.gif), so I basically told her to :gtfo: .



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You know something... you really make me sick with this crap. My parents split when I was 5. Lucky for my dad, my mom is civilized. He paid child support and saw us on sundays. But you know what, the whole money part wasnt the important part. It really fucked me up as a child, and even as a man. You know I still dont know details about what happend almost 20yrs later? You know why? Because I have a history of anger management issues... guess where that came from... because my dad did the right thing and taught me with only a few choice words, im finally ready to find out what happened, and you know what would set me off? To find out some stupid ass fuck stick like you, told my dad the same bull shit you just typed. Id fuckin kill him. A total stranger. Just on principle.


Any truely loving father would fight for his kids to the ends of what ever means he had. To tell anyone to do anything other than that makes you piece of shit. People like you, influence dumber, more impressional people, to fuck up the world even more than it already is.


Wait your hating on me because I told the guy to not drag this through court and run up outrageous court fees? Yeah that makes sense...


Why run up bills and put the kids through a nasty ass break up when you can just agree to get the divorce, try gaining custody and call it a day. That is where I was getting at but again thanks for the pointless attack towards me

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Bitch was holding me down with her dumbness, so I had to drop her. To be honest, she started acting up when I took her to the ALMS race last year, thinking she was better than my Z06 or something (http://smiliesftw.com/x/squint.gif), so I basically told her to :gtfo: .




were you like the rock and told her "bitch! know your role!"



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Gay folk aren't allowed to post in threads about heterosexual relationships. Please proceed to your nearest Nordstrom's, and pick yourself up a new pair of useless, overpriced, and entirely too tight, man pants.



I almost fell out of my chair on that one.

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The money thing and child thing are two seperate subjects.


For the child thing, fight for whatever you want. Shared or full custody.


For the money thing, hide assests. Do research on doing so. If shared custody, fight to pay no child support.


And if you get married again, get a freaking prenup. My fiancée are working on ours now. Only idiots say it is "setting yourself up for failure."

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Wait your hating on me because I told the guy to not drag this through court and run up outrageous court fees? Yeah that makes sense...


Why run up bills and put the kids through a nasty ass break up when you can just agree to get the divorce, try gaining custody and call it a day. That is where I was getting at but again thanks for the pointless attack towards me



Geezus ehitch cryst. Are you for real? Are you not reading the same things that you are typing?


You're suggesting that he shouldnt fight for HIS KIDS! You know something I never knew anything about the court battles of my parents, or even if there were battles. What i do know, is that ANY seperation is DEVISTATING to a child. The divorce made me cry, made me angry, gave me seperation anxiety, and caused me to develope both social and personal relationship problems. The custody I didnt understand, only that my day to see my dad was Sunday. I did find out that the reason for that was simply because he worked 6 days a week every week for 15yrs to earn over-time to cover our child support and to have extra money to buy us nice stuff for our birthdays and christmas. Do i hold it agasnt my dad only seeing us 1 day a week for so long? Absolutly not. He worked harder and sacrificed more to give us what he could.


My little sister doesnt even have a memory of our dad being our dad... she just has to take my and my older sisters word for it. My older sister got dragged into it and I was left in the dark. You obviously were either too young to remember, like my little sister, or too old to really give a shit because you got brought into it so many times.


Either way, you need to keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. Almost EVERY SINGLE post you make, is about as pointless as trying to get a tan in a rain storm. Stop fucking posting.


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